Search Results for: the one left behind


The One Left Behind

Today our precious “Kayden” met his adoptive family. That means...

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All About Vladik: One Year Free

Two days ago we celebrated one year of freedom for our sweet Vladik.  Our miracle...

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Fighting for The Little Ones

I remember the day we met. Jed and I heard the news that there were a couple of...

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Our Work


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On Going Home

Why would refugees decide to return home to a war zone? It’s a good...

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Today I’m writing from a church in Kaufbeuren, Germany. We are in the...

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As Promised, Resources for Reevaluating Tech Use :)

Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day… Did anyone else sing that...

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2019: A Year of Learning and Miracles

Well this year sure flew by in a flurry! I was just looking through the 2019 blog...

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The Best Kind of Story+ A Birthday Wish

It’s story time. And this is the best kind of story. This is the kind of...

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Deinstitutionalization is no Joke.

It’s been about a month since I last wrote here. We’ve been a family...

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