Yesterday we received some FANTASTIC news!
Three more of our precious boys were confirmed AVAILABLE for adoption!!!!
I can’t even wait to introduce them to you. Please help us find their families!
So without further ado…
*The boys have been given alias names to protect their identity*
Meet Ben!
Do you recognize this little munchkin? Yes! He is one of our “Littles”! Both of our Littles are officially available for adoption! Ben is the littlest of the littles and needs a family urgently. He is failing to thrive, and truthfully he will never thrive in an institutional environment (actually, I don’t know of anyone who could). His health is very fragile and he just can’t seem to gain weight.

The Littles together, shortly after their transfer to the institution
Ben is 5 years old and he came to the institution in July of 2014. We quickly saw that he would not live long if something didn’t change. There are just not enough staff to manage all the other boys in the Isolation Hall AND to give Ben the careful attention he needs. He started withering away soon after his arrival. He must be fed slowly because he refluxes so badly, and the nannies just didn’t have the time he required. We hired a nanny to care for the two Littles in a room just for them. A great ministry here in town hired another nanny to alternate days with our nanny, so now every day of the week, from 7am-7pm the Little ones have great care from nannies who truly love them. Those nannies have literally saved their lives! (Not an exaggeration) We are so incredibly thankful for them.
Ben is no longer losing weight, but he still doesn’t gain. He is nonverbal and we have never seen him smile. BUT in the past month or two there has been one major improvement! Ben now cries when his nanny leaves his room! When she comes back in and calls his name, he turns to her and is almost instantly quiet. He also cries when he wants to be held. These are miraculous developments! He can sit up on his own, bear weight, and stand while holding on to the crib railing, and he can take steps when holding on to someone’s finger. This little guy is teeeeeny tiny. Oh, how he needs a mama to scoop him up and cuddle him as long as his little heart desires. Would you consider Ben?
Meet Isaiah!
Isaiah is pure sunshine. He is also 5 years old, and this boy’s smile lights up the room! He is the other of our “Littles” and shares a room with Ben. Isaiah has cerebral palsy and is nonverbal. He is learning to hold his head up and has gotten much stronger over the past few months. He has never had any kind of therapy, so just imagine all the potential hidden in there!
Isaiah loves his special nannies and reserves his best smiles and laughs for them. It’s actually really beautiful to see how they have bonded. What a gift.
This amazing boy will bring such joy to a family. He giggles and smiles so easily, but he will never reach his potential in an institution. Of course, he will require a lot of time and attention, therapy and doctor’s appointments, but oh man it will be worth it. He is just amazing. Please help us find a family for Isaiah!

Addy and Isaiah, back in July. Our kids adore Isaiah!
Meet Aaron!
Aaron is 11 and he came to the institution at the age of 7. We just have to smile when we think of Aaron because he keeps those nannies hopping! He is absolutely exploding with energy. He’s really unsteady on his feet so he’s constantly roaming the halls half-running/half-falling. When he has the opportunity he will literally try to climb up your body! Ha! Aaron loves touch and he craves physical contact. Sometimes we can get a glorious moment of quiet when Aaron will just let us hold him and wrap our arms around him. He really does love that and it does wonders for his brain development. It’s just a matter of getting him still enough to realize he likes it. 🙂
Aaron loves any kind of sensory play, like feeling the dirt outside and holding his hand under a running faucet. He likes to sit in a wheelchair and be pushed around, even though he doesn’t need a wheelchair! The best thing we can do for Aaron is take him on walks. He likes to be outside so sometimes we just get him outside and follow wherever he leads. Aaron doesn’t have any words, but when he gets excited he gives his signature shriek to let us know how he feels.
It’s hard for me to write about Aaron because I want to be completely honest, yet I am desperate for him to have a family. I want to tell you that Aaron needs a family that can provide him with plenty of love, plenty of time, plenty of patience, and plenty of structure. Right now he gets no attention and he has no sensory input at all. He is constantly striving to meet his sensory needs in an impossible environment. This puts him in a hyper-arousal state where he wanders from place to place climbing and reaching and falling and shrieking. We have no doubt that he will absolutely blossom with a family. Our peaceful moments with him give us that hope. I just want to tell you honestly that right at this moment an adoptive family will have quite a road ahead of them. BUT Aaron is worth it. He is as worth it as my own sons.
Please, please share our boy. We are praying that his family sees him quickly and that nothing holds them back from their baby.

A rare moment of rest on Maks’ lap 🙂
There you have it! And don’t forget about our other sweeties who are also available! Two of them will become unadoptable at the end of this year, so time is of the essence.
I can’t share the details, but Alex urgently needs a family. We have until December to find him a family (already not a lot of time), but due to other circumstances, we are praying for a family to step up even sooner. Several people have inquired about him, but no one has taken any steps toward him.
Thank you so much for praying for, loving, supporting, and sharing our Boys. They have no voice. They have no choices. We MUST be their voice. They have been hidden away for far too long. This is their year!
Your compassion is God sent. Praying for families for all these guys! How is our
Seth, he just had the birthday of his adoption. Thank you so much for giving him a wonderful life full of God’s love and making him a part of your wonderful family. I just turned 80 last week, I feel no different so so blessed to have good health. Praise God! My kids gave me a big surprise party! Love you all! Great Grandma Pat