I’m here! I’m here! Oh.My.Gooooooodness. It’s been such a long time.
I had this whole introspective, from-the-gut-post in the works, but, while trying to finish it up I realized I just don’t have the energy for that right now. So, you get a not-from-the-gut informative post instead.
There are a whole lot of emotions goin’ on around here, that’s for sure. We are gearing up for our first visit back to the States, as a family. We leave on Tuesday. WHAT???? Pure craziness I tell ya. Our life is never boring. All my introspective writing was on our feelings about leaving our Boys and it was UGLY. The thought of being so far away from our Boys for several months brings on an instantaneous sob-fest, so I’d rather not delve too deep into that topic. Let’s just say that we don’t want to leave them, but we are excited to be with family and friends. It’s confusing, and not black and white. So, there.
Here’s the skinny on what is happening in our life. Deep breath, here goes:
ADOPTION. We are in the home stretch of the adoption process! In fact, we were supposed to have court today, but it was rescheduled for August 31st. There were no jurors available today and yeah, it’s frustrating, I cried a lot, but we know that God’s timing is perfect. After court on August 31st, there will be a 10-day mandatory waiting period and then we will get to take our boy out of Romaniv forever!!!! I can’t wait to introduce him to you!
TRAVEL TO THE US. We had already planned, before our move to Ukraine that we would head to the US as a family for our first visit in August 2015. Many, many months ago my parents planned that when we arrived, in August 2015, they would take all of their kids and grandkids to Disneyland. Well, the time is upon us! Woohoo! The timing is a little stinky, with our adoption court rescheduling, but oh well. We are just thanking God for this last big hurrah before we have another son and our lives change forever. Don’t people call that like a “babymoon” or something crazy like that? Let’s call Disneyland our “babymoon”, never mind that our baby is 15 years old. Hehe. (details, details)
So our family will leave Ukraine on Tuesday and fly straight to California. We will have a few days to catch our breath before my family joins us for Disney. Jed will leave Disney early (on the 20th) to fly back to Ukraine. He was supposed to be picking up our son at that point, but then court was rescheduled, and yada yada yada. We couldn’t change his ticket. Whatevs. The kids and I will head to Oregon after Disneyland and start to get settled a bit, get ready for school to start. I will fly back to Ukraine for court on the 29th. I’ll leave the kids with family and friends in Oregon.
After court, I will come back to Oregon and Jed will stay in Ukraine to finish up all the documents for our new son. Then he and our newest Johnson will fly and meet us in Oregon. Together at last!!!
HOUSING. We decided right after we got home from camp that it would be best to move out of the house we rent in Ukraine and put our stuff in storage. We really can’t afford to pay for a house that’s not being used here, and a house that we’ll be using in Oregon. So, we’ve been busy packing up and moving out. FUN.
While in Oregon we will be renting a house from some crazy-generous friends who are giving us a screaming deal. Praise God!!! Friends and family are letting us borrow stuff to set up a temporary Oregon home. Thanks! We don’t know where we’ll live when we come back from America, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I can’t think about it now or my head will explode.
SCHOOL. Our kids (minus the new arrival) will be attending school in Oregon! This will be a first for them. Addy and Ez have been to school in Ukraine, but we homeschooled in the US before, so this will be a new adventure for us. We know our new son will need a TON of medical care and there is just no way I can meet his needs and homeschool 4 kids, so this feels like the most peaceful decision. I’m a little nervous about it though! Eeeek!
TIMING. We aren’t exactly sure how long we will be in the US. The working plan is that Jed will stay for about 2 months, and then return to Ukraine. There is a TON of work that needs to be done here (always) and he just can’t be gone for a long time. The kids and I will stay behind in Oregon until our new son gets the medical care that he urgently needs. We don’t know how long that will take. We anticipate more than one major surgery with specialist surgeons. Things like that just don’t happen fast. I’m prepping myself to be gone from Ukraine for at least 6 months. I can’t think about it too much though or I turn into a basket case. Oh, my friends at Romaniv! But, our top priority is getting our new son healthy, so we will do what it takes to make that happen.
WIDE AWAKE. Are you signed up for our newsletters? If you aren’t, you should. You can do it here. I’ll confess that we have not been stellar about sending them out super regularly this year. But it’s in our hearts to do better with that. Anywayssss in our last newsletter we talked about Wide Awake’s partnership with a local church here in Zhytomyr. Christian Youth Church is the church our family attends here in Z-town and we love our friends there. The vast majority of Wide Awake’s volunteers are from Youth Church, and they are our fam here in Ukraine.
Wide Awake gave a grant to Youth Church to be used to carry on the work with our Boys while we are in the US. The grant pays for the work of volunteer recruitment and management and will pay for the drivers and gas to get the teams to Romaniv while we are away. Vika, our friend and volunteer, is in charge of the Romaniv work for Youth Church and she has already done an amazing job of growing the work while we were away at camp. She has recruited many new volunteers and we have now added a Saturday team! So now the boys get teams coming AT LEAST three days a week, and many weeks they get even more visits than that. Praise God for Youth Church and their love for the Boys! We are leaving the work in good hands and we know that our teams will continue to be faithful, even though we will be so far away. What a huge relief!
That’s the skinny! It’s a lot. I know. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks for coming along on this wild ride. We could never do it alone.
I know that you may not be able to answer this, but do you have anymore info on the boy in the blue shirt. The one at the end of this post. I have seen several pictures with him in it and his eyes just stop me in his tracks. Anything I could specifically pray for him. Thanks,
Hi Beth!
I can tell you about him for sure. He is a very sweet boy who is not cared about much by the nannies. He is desperately in need of an adoptive family. Oh man, he has so so much potential!! Please pray that a family would step up for him very soon. Thank you
Well, this takes my breath away! Praying that all goes well and our Heavenly Father provides all you needs, each and every day. Love you all and look forward to seeing you!
Love ~ Grandma Pat