Pardon the stream of consciousness blogging, but the main purpose of this blog is to document the journey, and sometimes I just have to spit out my thoughts as they come so I can look back and remember.
So, back in September, we sold most of our worldly possessions. Then in October, we moved in with Luke. Then came the Holidays. Then came emergency surgery for me. Then came now.
With the emergency surgery came loss. We lost our little baby that day. I wasn’t going to blog about it, but it’s all part of the journey, and I know someday we’ll look back and see God’s hand in it, so I guess I feel like it’s important to say a little something about it here. God’s grace and His hand have covered us so completely the last couple of weeks as we’ve grieved the loss of our baby. We still grieve, and I know that road may be long, but I don’t doubt His great love for us. I don’t doubt His plans for our family- every member of our family- even the precious one in heaven. I don’t doubt the promises He made and I know He will complete the work He started.
Wonderful friends brought us meals the past week and a half as I recovered from the surgery. One friend from church shared pizza and some beautiful words of encouragement. She said that God is going to fill the empty space in our hearts with a dream.
It’s already happening. I’m dreaming about Ukraine. My heart is broken anew for the little ones who waste away. I grieve for their lost childhoods. I ask Jesus to linger at their bedside and speak tenderly to them as they sleep. I pray for great change to come in Ukraine- hearts to soften, more believers to rise up, greater faith. My heart is broken for my baby, but in that brokenness, God is reminding me of what else breaks His heart. He’s filling up the empty space with His dreams.
I know the enemy would have loved to use our great loss to derail us. No way. Not happening. My heart aches for my baby, but my spirit aches for Jesus. Wherever He is going- that’s where I want to be. In my human mind, I don’t see how anything good could come from our loss, but in my spirit, I know better. I have to trust that He sees and He knows. I see how He has perfectly orchestrated His plans to bring us to this place. He has prepared Jed and I for this since we were children. Our baby has never been beyond His grasp.
Passion is rising, hope is rising. The pain is there- sometimes so strong it feels suffocating, but hope still rises. I refuse to be derailed. I choose to be changed by this and my heart to be molded by this. As one friend encouraged, I’m “riding the wave”. I’m not muscling my way through the grief, but riding the wave. Trying to rest my soul and mind, doing my best to let God minister to me in the way He knows I need it.
I’m looking forward to the day when I can look back at this and see how He carried us through.
He truly is good. He truly is loving.
He’s got our baby, and heaven looks brighter to me because of it.
I am so sorry. I didn't know. Hugs!
Love you, friend. I have been praying that He would draw closer than ever to you. ((hug))
Oh, I am so sorry. I may have missed if you posted that there was a baby coming! Take things one day at a time and be kind to yourself.Sue H.
So sorry for you :((( the hurt is so hard and so unfair. But one thing is I can see and feel Jesus through your writing… Praying for you …,
Prayers being sent right now!
This was a beautiful post..thank you for sharing it with us. I am so sorry about the loss of your baby. There is so much beauty and hope in what you wrote.
Thanks for the hug Joanna
Thank you Deanna!! Your encouragement has helped more than you know
Thanks Sue. We hadn't announced it was kind of a shocker! One day at a time…you are so right.
Oh thank you Naomi! I know you know how to pray
Thank you Sarah, so much!
Oh Gloria, thank you for that. You made me smile this morning.
It's amazing to see how far He's brought you through all of this in the last week. It's not only a testimony to His faithfulness, but to yours. It's been an honor to witness. Love you.
Oh my dear… i'm so very sorry… i haven't been keeping up with reading & i didn't know… my heart aches for you & your loss… i'm amazed at your great faith & your insight into how God has it all in His Hands… i pray that God bring you comfort each day & peace in your heart… i pray that God fill your heart with what fills His Heart & He will show you how faithful He is to fulfill all His Promises… hugs…
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