Happy Sunday my friends!
Lately I’ve been getting some requests to show more of our daily life here on the blog. Thank you for asking! It’s hard for me to know what people like/want to see here in this space, so I love suggestions and requests! Keep them coming please!
Due to popular demand (hehe) I decided to try something new here. Every Sunday I will unload the pictures from my phone on to the blog. That way you can see what seems noteworthy on a daily basis. You can see what we’re up to and just the daily living that goes on around here. If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram (@kimandjed) some of these pictures won’t be new to you, but I know a lot of you only follow us here on the blog. So, here ya go!

This is the amazing team from Chudniv (a town not far from us). They work at Romaniv with us on Tuesdays and Fridays. Amazing people.

Our home church in Oregon sent us a Christmas box and it arrived on Thursday!!! We are so spoiled and loved. Thank you Salem Vineyard!!! We love you!

On Friday we had a party to thank the nannies for all their hard work. Their job is not easy and they need to be seen and honored. We had a team of 16 volunteers from 3 different churches who came to serve the boys and serve the nannies. It was BEAUTIFUL.

This is Misha. On Friday Misha walked into our gathering ON HIS OWN. He chose people over isolation. He chose chaos and noise over rocking back and forth in his bed. This has never happened before. He is changing. Miracles are happening. Praise God.
PS: If you want to see something specific here on the blog, please tell me! What’s become normal to us might be interesting to you. Special requests are welcome!
I live in Kansas and Love seeing your pictures. My family lived in Naples, Italy for two years. Those were Two of the best years of our lives. There, we served in a church with many languages. It was wonderful to get to know people who were bonded by one faith. I love seeing your world and the boys you serve. I know very little about you and what all your ministry, and enjoying seeing anything that involves your life. (food,pictures of you and family, home, buildings, landscapes etc…)
Thank you for all you do.
So Good to see your week via photos. I enjoy seeing the family included.
Love and God bless you ! Grandma Pat
Just keep the photos coming! You are all just beautiful. I hope you feel encouraged and see progress in the work you are doing. The look on that nannie’s face was beautiful! She is feeling loved, it’s clear!