About three weeks ago two new little loves arrived at our institution. We had been anticipating their arrival, wondering what they would be like. Our Ben had recently vacated his crib (YAY!), and while our hearts were broken, knowing his crib would soon be filled again, our hearts were also expectant, knowing two new lives would enter ours, and knowing we would love them instantly.
We were right. Love at first sight.
Sweet Baby A has been hospitalized almost continually since the transfer. We haven’t been able to get to know him yet, but we love him nonetheless, and right now we are just thankful that he is alive and on the mend.
Our other little love has us all smitten. We are goners, and I can guarantee you’ll be one too by the end of this post.
Meet baby “Kayden“.
COME.ON. How can cuteness like this exist? Especially in a mental institution out in the boonies???? He is out of control perfection. COME.TO.MAMA.
I introduced him to you on FB yesterday and so many people were instantly in love. We had let our kids name him “Sam”, after our friend Sam who just visited us last week. Boy was I surprised when I found out that he had already been listed on an orphan advocacy site, and there were already people who had been trying to find a family for him! They had named him “Kayden“, so we’ll just run with that. Sam=Kayden=bundle of love.
If you click on his profile on the advocacy site you will find a loooooong list of diagnoses. Many of them sound very scary and many of them sound just plain confusing. I get that. But for just one minute, forget that list and look at the child.
He is perfectly amazing. He is beautiful. He is pure sunshine. He is giggles and smiles and hilarious expressions. He is light in a dark place and HE DOES NOT BELONG THERE. No child belongs there, it’s true. But seriously, we have got to get this baby out, and we’ve got to do it quick.
The thing is, our institution ruins children. It is all sensory deprivation and neglect and ugliness. Little Kayden has a spark. He has life and light in his eyes and he doesn’t yet know that he has been sent to die. Did you know that when baby houses transfer boys to our institution that they expect them to be dead within 6 months? It’s true. I’ve heard it from directors’ mouths. Everyone knows that a mental institution is no place for a fragile piece of sunshine like this. How can a child thrive in a place like this? He can’t. A mental institution is a death sentence. It’s the end of the road.
Unless one brave family looks at the child, and considers the diagnoses and decides to take a leap for the sake of a life.
Kayden is available for adoption, and adoption is what will save his life.
We have him in a room with our Isaiah where he will get good nanny attention, and that is good. That is necessary. He would most surely die if it weren’t for those special nannies. But even the best nanny can not provide what a mommy and daddy can give. Consider our little Ben! He is home with his family and is gaining weight like crazy! Our nannies could never get him to gain no matter how hard they tried. His mommy reports that he is starting to find his voice. With us he was practically silent. I’ve seen video of him smiling and laughing- that is not the boy we knew. Now he is known. Now he is loved. Now he has light in his eyes. Children were not made for institutions. Children were made for families. Our Vladik and little Ben are living proof of that.
Kayden still has light and hope. My heart longs for a family to scoop him up before we have to watch that light fade.
Kayden is five years old and weighs 19lbs. Right now he only drinks from a bottle, but our team is trying to teach him to eat from a spoon. He can sit up, but he does not crawl or walk. Would you please consider our boy? Would you please pause and ask God how He would like you to respond to this face? Would you please share Kayden’s face far and wide so that his mommy and daddy might see him as quickly as possible and come to him? Sharing works. That is how our boys are being found. We simply have to get their faces out there and then God does the rest. Let’s get this baby out while the light still remains. Ready, set, go!
If you would like more info about Kayden, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can comment here, or you can email me at kjohnson@wideawakeinternational.org. You can find more photos of him and info about the adoption process in his country here.