Wide Awake Podcast

Happenings and About-to-be-Happenings

Next week we fly away!

Next week the new adventure begins!

Seven days to go and we’re feeling gooooood.

Today we went to Portland and finished up the last of our shopping. Oh man, we rocked it! Jed got shoes, Addy got shoes, I got jeans, Jed got jeans…we were knocking things off the checklist like beasts. It was awesome. I think the only things left to buy are a brown belt for Jed and some good walking shoes for me. We won’t have a car in Ukraine, so our current shoes won’t really cut it. We’ll be walking A LOT. I finally resigned myself to the fact that I’ll need to spend more than $20 on a pair of shoes for them to last in U. πŸ™‚

We had the best weekend. Our dear, dear friend Cody came to visit us this weekend from Florida. Cody and I were friends in college, and then after we graduated she moved to Oregon to live with me. Cody was there when Jed and Kim became Jed and Kim. πŸ™‚ In fact, it’s a little-known fact that Cody was the catalyst in the whole making of Jed and Kim. Back in those days, Jed was in love with me and I wasn’t so sure…hehe. Then Cody came along and helped me realize what a catch I had right in front of me. So…I guess we owe a whole lot to our Cody. Cody was the first one I screamed with after Jed proposed, she was in our wedding, and she was there when Addy was born…it only makes sense that Cody would have to be a part of this ginormous life event we’re in the middle of right now!

Boy did we need some Cody in our lives this weekend!! Jed and I were feeling rather burned out on packing/item-deliberating/stuff-decision-making. We’re so sick of looking and relooking at our stuff! Cody came along and gave us just the right amount of bossiness and energy to get ‘er done! πŸ™‚ On Sunday my friend Angie, Cody and I played out ALL OUR STUFF and ALL OUR SUITCASES and packed, packed, packed. It.was.awesome. Not only was this weekend super productive, but it was super refreshing and life-giving. I didn’t realize how much I was missing my friend. Having Cody here was like a weekend-long hug/bowl of ice cream. Comforting to the extreme. Great, now I’m making myself cry. Grrrr. Anyway, thank you Cody for being such a sister to me. I love you and I miss you already. Come baaaaaaaaack!!!!!

Welp, now I got all emotional and lost my train of thought.

As we tackle the next few days left here in Oregon I just want to savor friends and family. I want to drink in everyone. I want to make sure we get to say goodbye to as many people as we can, so if you’re reading this and you want to make sure you get in a goodbye just give us a call! You aren’t a bother. We have a lot to do, but nothing is more important than making time for the ones we love.

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These Last Days

18 Days. I can’t even begin to digest what that really means. Life is moving by too fast, and moving in slow motion at the same time. Some days I’m dying to get there and “get this show on the road”, and some days I feel like leaving will tear my heart in two. I’m split in half. Wanting to be there- and wanting to stay here.

We email our Ukrainian friends in Kiev and ask them to meet us at the airport to help us manage our obscene amount of luggage. They respond and I feel giddy to see them again.

My dear friends give me a goodbye party and write me notes of love and make all my favorite tasty treats and give me way too many hugs and I feel like my heart is full, yet breaking. I am one blessed-beyond- measure-gal.

All our dreams are coming true. We’ve been preparing for this for 2 years. I’ve been preparing for “this” my whole life. From the time my little 9-year-old self named my guinea pig “Hudson Taylor” it was pretty apparent this day would come. I’ve longed for this. I’ve worked toward this. I’ve dreamed of this.

God has given us big, huge, outlandish desires- and now He’s fulfilling them. I feel like I’m bursting with thankfulness, yet constantly on the verge of tears.

When I think about my life I know I’ve won the jackpot. How is my life this awesome? How is it possible? Yet there are moments when I really count the cost and wish the cost was a little less costly.

I don’t wanna go. But I can’t wait to get there. Make sense? Yeah, I’m confused too. πŸ˜‰

Here’s glimpses of how we’ve been spending these last days…(what isn’t pictured is the chaos of suitcases moving at our house…I’ll spare you those gory details)

We’ve been…

Running in the park with cousins…

Making sleepover memories…

Pumpkin patching with friends…

Making silly faces…

Being absolutely adorbs…

Visiting the dentist one last time…

We’ve been attempting to make the most of each day, attempting to not wish them away in anticipation of the future, but attempting to do this “leaving thing” well.

If you see us, give us lots of grace, and a hug (yes, I said it), because Lord knows we need both!

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On Bravery

My kids have a strange phobia of escalators.

When presented with an escalator their eyes grow huge, they back away slowly…hanging on to Mommy for dear life. They would choose an elevator over an escalator any day.

These kids- the same ones who will happily take on Space Mountain and California Screamin’ with a smile on their faces are totally, illogically scared out of their minds when it comes to escalators.

That would be fine and I wouldn’t care at all, except the teeny weeny fact that we’re moving to Ukraine next month. Ummmm have you seen how you get down to the subway in Ukraine???

Ummm…yeah…our little fear of escalators just isn’t gonna cut it.

So, today we practiced!

We faced our fears

We helped each other when they were afraid

And we conquered!

We are so brave!!!

Bam! Take that escalator!
Brace yourself, Kiev Metro. We’re comin’ for ya.

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45 Days

We leave on a jet plane in 45 days. Holy moly. How in the world? I can’t believe it. Did I mention one-way tickets? Anywaysssss….

In honor of 45 days remaining here in the good ol’ US of A, here are 45 thoughts.

1. It’s pretty cold here in Montana. When we left for this road trip on September 13th it was kind of hard to guesstimate how the weather would change before our return to Oregon on October 6th. Let’s just say that by not packing any long-sleeved shirts for my family I was less than successful at guesstimating correctly.

2. Staying with Jed’s fam is so fun. The kids and I get 10 whole days with Jed’s sis Jessy and her family. I love my sister. I am happy. πŸ™‚

3. Last Thanksgiving we brought 6 boxes of books and keepsakes to Montana to store in a garage. Today we found the boxes and went through them and I found a box full of books I’ve been looking for!!! It was like Christmas! Those books were never supposed to come to MT. Oh happy day!!

4. We’ve eaten a whole heckofalotta ice cream on this trip. (and by “we”, I mostly mean “me”) My body is very, very angry with me. So are my jeans.


When we left Great Falls we had to say goodbye to Jed’s wonderful grandma. She is the biggest prayer warrior I know. She prays for us every.single.day. We are so blessed to be her kids. Sniff sniff…
6. I’m still curious how our visa situation is going to work out. I know God’s got it, but it’s a tad hard not to worry. If you want to pray about that it would be really awesome of you.
7. If you haven’t seen the movie “The Way, Way Back” you are missing out. I think it might be one of my all-time faves. I keep telling everyone about it. Go watch it, okay?
8. There’s a vintage clothing store here in Billings that I adore. So many skirts, too little time.
9. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it will be like to raise our kids overseas. We’ve always wanted to raise our kids out of the US for at least part of their childhoods. I wonder what it will be like? I wonder how it will shape them? Exciting stuff!
My kids are in cousin heaven right now. Just so ya know.
11. Jed leaves tomorrow for Colorado Springs to a Vineyard Missional Leaders Summit. He is so excited to build more relationships with missions peeps in the Vineyard. We are blessed he gets to go. Super coooool.
12. Yay for Fall!!! Yay for pumpkin goodness! Yay for afternoon coffee! Yay for gray skies and drizzling clouds! Yay for less sunshine beating down on my too-white skin!
13. Another thing on my brain a lot lately is our family’s evolving philosophy of education. I’m liking it A LOT.
14. I think I feel a home school post brewing!
We miss our boys at Romaniv. Our hearts ache to get back to them.
16. The friends and supporters of Wide Awake are amazing. Thank you all for sharing the word, praying for us, loving us, and loving the children of Ukraine. We truly don’t feel alone on this mission and are so giddy to be partnering with you.
17. Yesterday alone, three different friends from home texted me and included a conversation about Dairy Queen in the texts. Does that mean I have a problem???
18. Only 45 days of Dairy Queen left. Hold me.
19. Twitter baffles me. I don’t understand it, yet I feel like I’m a fairly bright person. Thank goodness for my dearest Sarah who can tackle the twitter beast for me. I owe Sarah a blizzard.
20. Today Seth and I had our first real (for a 3-year -old) convo about adoption. We were looking at pics of when Havalah was born and when I put Seth down for his nap he said “Remember when I come out your tummy too Mommy?” I told him about when I came to the hospital and asked if he could be my baby. Precious, precious moments. We are so blessed to have our baby.
21. I love adoption. Beautiful.
My mom’s class sent us a Flat Stanley to take on the rest of our road trip. The kids are pretty excited!!
23. Running
24. Out
25. Of
26. Things
27. To
28. Say
29. Tonight we get to share Wide Awake at City Church of Billings. A group of people who love Jed and his sis are coming to hear what all the fuss is about. Yay for bringing Wide Awake into Montana territory!
30. Another thing mulling around in my brain: I wonder which friendships will survive and thrive when we move away, and which ones will kind of fall off the map? I wonder if we’ll be surprised at which ones keep on keepin’ on? I wonder if I’ll do a good job at loving my friends from far away? I hope I do well.
31. I never really knew what all the fuss was about concerning CS Lewis. I never thought I was smart enough or “deep” enough to read his works. I’m just now really discovering him for the first time and I get it.
I got to go on a date with this guy today. I’m the luckiest wife eva.
34. As of today I’m officially unemployed.
35. Jed’s last day at work was the day before we left on this trip.
36. That means we’re both unemployed. Scary. Weird. Relieving. Scary. Faith-building. Eek!
37. Salem Hospital was good to me. I worked there for all of the 12 years I’ve been an RN, minus a brief 9-month stint in Corvallis. My boss for the past several years was the BEST.
38. The girls in this family need serious hair-trimming attention. Good thing Jessy can do it for us.
39. I’m not sure Havalah’s hair is capable of growing any longer than it is right now.
40. I’m not sure Havalah’s body is capable of growing any bigger than it is right now. πŸ˜‰
41. Speaking of hair. We just took a jaunt down memory lane, recalling the time when Addy got a mullet. Hahahahahaha! That’s what you get when you go to Great Clips in Montana. Kidding, kidding! (sorta)
42. My view right now:
43. And now…
44. And now!
45. I’m surrounded by cuteness and life is gooooooood. πŸ™‚

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Wide Awake Podcast

Questions and Answers!

Hi friends!

So, our house is a mess- just in case you were wondering. You probably weren’t wondering, but since I’m literally surrounded by the mess, I can’t help but think everyone else is thinking about it as much as I am.

Why so messy? Well, we’re packing away! We leave on Friday for our big ‘ol Wide Awake road trip and we have to ship off some boxes to Ukraine before we hit the road. It will take about 6-8 weeks for the boxes to arrive in Zhitomir, and we won’t be back from our road trip till October, so we figured we better send those babies on their way. I think it will be really reassuring for our kids if some of there stuff is there to greet them when we arrive in our new home. πŸ™‚

How do you decide what to pack?

Ummmm….well, that decision has been months in the making. We decided to only bring our books, toys (the good ones), and clothes. Books are an obvious choice since we homeschool and it’s not like we’ll have easy access to a library like we have in the past! We have 6 boxes of books we’re sending off tomorrow. Whew! You wouldn’t believe how many books we let go to get it down to only 6. Wowzers.

We decided to pack along toys because I know they will bring some comfort to the kiddos. We pared it down to the good toys that really get played with- (trains, legos, playmobiles, Polly Pockets…you know the sort).

Clothing isn’t really optional, so clothes made the cut too. πŸ™‚

As it stands right now, and some of this is me estimating because we still need some books, toys, and clothes between now and November, this is what is coming along to Ukraine:

Shipped Boxes: 8 boxes of books, homeschool supplies, and other random (yet important) stuff like that

Suitcases/Checked Baggage: 3 for clothes, 4 for toys/kid stuff, 1 guitar, 1 for Christmas decorations/ornaments, and 2 or 3 for shoes, special blankets, and books we’re using till November

We get 12 checked pieces of luggage that can each weigh up to 50 pounds when we fly in November, so that gives us lots of wiggle room in our packing. Don’t ask me how we plan to get 11 suitcases, 1 guitar, 4 carry-ons, 5 backpacks, and 4 children from the airport in Kiev to our house in Zhitomir. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet and the thought of it makes me kind of fidgety and sweaty. I’m deliberately ignoring that detail at this moment in time. (Kiev Vineyard- Please plan to bring a small army to the airport to assist with our what-is-sure-to-be-eye-catching ensemble of children and luggage. Thanks in advance!) πŸ˜‰

Where are you going on your road trip?

The Mother of all Roadtrips begins Friday and will encompass 5 states. We’ll start out heading to Yakima, WA where we’ll share with some medical professionals at Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Yakima. Then down and over to Hermiston, OR where we’ll spend time with Oasis Vineyard. Jed will be doing a workshop for their worship team and we’ll share Wide Awake on Sunday morning. After Hermiston we’ll head over to Boise, ID and spend several days checking out some awesome justice and mercy ministries of Vineyard, called Isaiah 61 Ministries. We’ll get to participate in the Vineyard College of Missions a bit as well. Sweeet. Then, it’s up to Montana to spend some quality time with Jed’s fam. We’ll be in Great Falls and Billings. Yippee!!! While we’re in Billings Jed will fly to Colorado Springs, CO to attend a Missional Leaders Summit for Vineyard Missions. The kids and I will chill with the fam while he’s gone. πŸ™‚ After Montana it’s down to Seattle, WA to share Wide Awake with Shoreline Vineyard.

If you’ll be near any of those places between now and October 6th, let us know and we can share our schedule with you. We’d love to meet any of you along the way!

Seth came to you through fostering. Do you think you may adopt on the journey you are now?

I’d be lying if I said the thought hasn’t crossed my mind! Back in 2010 this journey began with the intent to adopt a little one from Ukraine. We are definitely open to whatever the Father has for our family. We won’t be intending to adopt anytime soon, but really feel like we are to focus heavily on the dream of medical homes and the vision God has given us for Wide Awake. But, if God puts the right kiddo in our lap at the right time…how could we say no? We are open to whatever He asks of us. πŸ™‚

Can any of the children in the baby houses be sponsored? Many people can’t adopt but would love to do other things if they can.

Thank you for asking! Part of the dream of the medical homes is that the children in the homes would be available for sponsorship. That’s obviously a ways off, but stay tuned for that down the road! Some of the boys at Romaniv (where we’ll be volunteering with Mission to Ukraine) are available for sponsorship here. Cool, right? I love those faces too much.

Generic prayer is good, but how can we pray specifically for you?

THANK YOU FOR ASKING! We could really use specific prayer for our hearts. We are definitely in a grieving process right now and sometimes it’s downright ugly. My Addy just cried herself to sleep tonight because she is so sad to move and miss her baby cousin’s first steps and first birthday. The two older kids are struggling right now. They can’t really anticipate the joy we know is set before us. All they can see right now is what we are leaving behind. I honestly feel quite a bit of that right now as well. The reality of all the people we are leaving behind can be overwhelming, and the grief can be suffocating. BUT we know He is good. Our kids have yet to really grasp His goodness for themselves. So, prayer for their tender hearts would be greatly appreciated. We want them to be able to grieve, but also to find comfort in Jesus. Tough stuff.

How are finances shaping up and have you learned a basic understanding of the language?

Finances are shaping up really well! The generosity of our supporters has been humbling, encouraging, faith-building, and jumping-up-and-down inducing. πŸ™‚

All our generous supporters have given $18,100 toward our one-time moving cost goal of $20,000.

At this time we have monthly giving commitments totaling $2,635.

Our cost of living goal is $3,000 per month and our total program goal is $10,000 per month.

The extra $7,000 will go toward funding the first Therapeutic Center.

If you are still deciding the perfect time to start giving, it’s now!

As far as language learning goes…well, slowly but surely we’re making progress! We can officially ask for directions, order food, find out if people want anything to eat…and basic things like that. Oy. We’ve got years to go when it comes to the Russian language. But, we’re trying our best! We have a Ukrainian friend who is searching for a tutor for us in Zhitomir as we speak.

That’s it for now! We’ll keep you posted along the way. Thank you SO MUCH for your love and support. Here we goooooooo!

Go here to donate to Wide Awake.Β  Thanks!

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