Guess What We Just Did?
Today. Today is a very big day.

Today. Today is a very big day.
“Then he isn’t safe?” said Lucy.
Say Yes. Give it all. Step out. He is good. He is worth it.
Home again! The National Vineyard Leaders Conference was basically amazing awesomeness wrapped up in wonderfulness.
Best.Time.Ever. I loved every second of it.
Something’s stirring.
We only have one chance at this thing called life.
We have one chance to live- truly LIVE.
The things of this world will pass away.
What if we gave our lives away? What if we stopped grasping for what our society, our neighbors, our friends, or even our family tells us is important?
What if we gave our lives away- all the way?
What if we spent our lives completely on Him?
It’s His breath in our lungs- there for purpose- to live this life for Him alone.
There’s something new stirring in me. Something more radical than before. What do I hold on to that doesn’t really matter? What do I worry about for my kids that is of no eternal importance?
I want to live radically for Him. I want to give my whole life away- holding nothing back.
Why would we not? That’s what we were created for!
My world is turning upside down again and I’m not sure what that means, but I’m pretty sure it needed to happen.
He is worth it. He is worth giving our lives away. He is why we were created. He is why.
By Jed:
Have you ever tried to move a piano?
As I looked out at the amazing sunrise this morning, I was reflecting on what we are gearing up for this coming year, in light of Easter. This is the day God’s Kingdom made a definitive beachhead into what we call the ultimate or final experience… death.
In N.T. Wright’s Lenten reading today, he highlights the issue with how Christ revealed his risen self. The gospel accounts have him first appearing to Mary and Mary Magdalene. He explains that women were considered an unreliable source of information in that culture, at that time. They were considered weak. But this was something new and God was turning our systems of thought and best ideas on their ear.
Paul reiterates this point in 1 Corinthians 1:25, “For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”
Wright said, “That is part of what Easter is all about. God is doing a new thing, and, as Jesus said earlier in the story, the first shall be last and the last first. Easter is a day to put everything upside down and inside out.”
This morning I am filled with faith. I know, again, in my heart and mind that God has called us to serve these beautifully weak and poor disabled orphans. We get to be a part of His Kingdom-Coming-to-Earth story, His Death-is-Not-Final story, and His Wrong-Things-Made-Right story. (See Matthew 5, blessed are the poor…)
I know that as we serve these precious children, God will continue to move on the hearts of the hopeless; Hope has come, Love has come and He came for all of us. Our work of saying “yes” is a tiny sign. Your work of saying “yes” is a sign too.
As we celebrate the Risen King today, pray for those without hope to hope again, because Love has come for us all.
(He is Risen Indeed)
Images from The Jesus Storybook Bible, a big family fave.
We have some amazing news to share!!
After many months of prayer and discussion, emails and letters, we have been invited to come volunteer at Mission to Ukraine in Zhitomir, Ukraine!!!
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Zhitomir, (Zhytomyr) is just west of Kiev, the capital |
This is our dream come true. Mission to Ukraine (MTU) is an amazing place where healing happens. Hope is given. Jesus is glorified. What better place for us to learn how to serve the disabled in Ukraine, than from the ones who are already doing it, and doing it with excellence? We are excited to serve the vision of MTU and help them in whatever area they need it most.
From MTU’s website:
“Mission to Ukraine is an indigenously run ministry that serves the Zhitomir region ofUkraine. It ministers to the most marginalized of Ukraine – the unborn and the disabled.
Children with special needs and their families live in a culture that is just beginning to emerge from the Soviet legacy of denying their existence. With limited access to state schooling, poor medical care and inaccessible buildings and transportation, the child with special needs is neglected and isolated by society. Mission to Ukraine offers much-needed educational and medical therapies, practical assistance, and community.”
After we visited MTU last April we said to each other “We have to be a part of this.” Now God has made a way and we are standing in awe.
We are starting with a commitment to volunteer for at least one year while learning and observing what the Father has in store. MTU may be a launching place for other things or a partner for the long term. We don’t know, and we won’t try to figure it out (remind us of that a year from now...okay?). We are going to serve and give out of our overflow. God is the one doing this work and we say yes, one step at a time, trusting Him to show us what we need to know when we need to know it. Scary? Yes. Peaceful? Yes. Exciting? YES!!!! Thank you all for praying for us and for God to reveal His next steps. He is so good.
Praise God for His amazing way-making.
Praise God for His plans unfolding for the fatherless in Ukraine. Praise God for His love that never, ever fails.
Zhitomir Ukraine, here we come!
To read more about MTU you can visit their website here.
Read about our visit to MTU last April here and here.
Other awesome accounts of MTU’s work can be found here.