One Step Closer!
Yesterday we got some adoption news! We hadn’t heard any news in months. I was starting to imagine our paperwork was actually lost in the abyss of the state offices. We got word that we have an Adoption Coordinator assigned to our case now. I have no idea what an Adoption Coordinator does, but hey, it’s more news than I had last week…so I’ll take it! Supposedly once they process those forms everything moves really quickly. I really really hope so!
Here’s a sneak peek of the cuteness. He loves all things chicken. The Little Red Hen, the real hens in our backyard, toy chickens, and yes- chicken as food. 🙂
He decided his toys needed to take a swim…
We also have good news about our April trip! We were finally able to make contact with a couple that we most wanted to meet with in Ukraine. This is the couple whose work initially drew us to want to save up all our pennies to fly across the world. From what I know about them it seems they are doing exactly the type of work that we are passionate about. Even if we couldn’t make contact with them we were still making plans to go and meet with others, and we were happy about that, but the blessing of being able to meet with these specific people just about triples our excitement about this trip. WAHOOOOOOO!!
I’m slowly and steadily making a bit of progress on language learning. OH MY WORD. Why can’t they speak Spanish where we’re going???? My brain feels a bit foggy with doing Spanish studies with the kids in the morning for their class, and then doing my language study in the afternoon…I just know when we get there I’m going to be thinking in Spanish…or Albanian. Ha! My in-laws live in Kosova, so they speak Albanian there. It’s not like I’m fabulous at Albanian (not even semi-fab), but you know how international travel goes, your brain reverts to the last non-English language you learned. But, it’s not like we have a translator meeting us at the airport, so I better get my rear in gear!! I’ve been pretty faithful in my studies since the new year started, so Lord, please bless my efforts…HELP!!!!
On a less scary note, here’s some cuteness to sum up January.
Ez and Mommy had a date night
Our most awesome bunny was accidentally locked outside for the night. Oh the drama!!
We found him the next day, alive and well. Now that was a miracle!
Mommy put the kids to work.
Ezra took this picture of Havalah. She’s going to love this one when she’s older!!