Beginning…beginning of what? That’s a good question. The beginning of this blog, yes, but I had hoped today I would be starting this blog out with talking about the beginning of our adoption journey to kiddo #5. Although things won’t look how I thought they would, I guess technically this is still about the beginning of our adoption journey. Nice rambling start eh? 🙂
I’ll back up. Who are we?
I’m Kim: wife, Mommy, foster mom, home-school teacher, friend, pediatric nurse, coffee snob, lover of all things missions/orphans/helpless/least of these. I’m passionate about the plight of the orphan, both here, and abroad. My husband tells me my passion is “to mother the world”. He may not be that far off!
Then there’s Jed: husband, Daddy, foster dad, friend, social worker, guitar-playin worshippin’ Jesus Freak. He is my best friend and an amazing person. He is selfless and totally committed to pursuing God’s plans and purposes.
Adelina: our oldest daughter, our amazing firstborn. She loves to read and read and read. She is mildly obsessed with Ancient Egypt. Ha! Addie is kind, loves and lives life to the fullest with a perpetual smile on her face.
Ezra: our first son, our “helper”. Ezra loves to color, cuddle mommy, and jump on the trampoline. He adores his older sister (though he would never admit that to anyone). He is loving and tender, always the one to rush to kiss the babies.
Havalah: our joy. The name Havalah means “life”, and she is perfectly suited for her name. Havalah is a bubbly ball of sweetness that you just can’t help but squeeze. She knows what she wants and will let you know it! She is our Polly Pocket and Strawberry Shortcake girl.
Baby “S”: our unexpected miracle. S is our foster baby boy that we have had since his birth. We didn’t expect to keep him when we took him in, but now we can’t imagine our lives without him. He will be one year old on Saturday and what a celebration that will be! I’ll share another time the miracle that is our baby. We are in the process of adopting him through our state. He is happy, beautiful, and absolutely adored.
We created this blog because we recently committed to a little boy through Reeces Rainbow. They suggest you start a blog for your adoption journey. I actually found out about Reeces Rainbow through another blog. I read on that blog about the plight of special needs orphans and was compelled to act. After much prayer we knew God was calling us to pursue a certain boy. I dreamed about him, prayed for him, God spoke, words were given, Scriptures were given, money was given! It was very very clear to us that God was saying “Move!” So we moved. We sent in our committment papers and then today we found out that another family who was in country already had decided to adopt our boy. It was a rare occurence and everyone involved was surprised at the turn of events. We were shocked! What do you do when you know beyond a shadow of doubt what God told you to do, but then things change so radically? What do we make of it? It’s confusing and heartbreaking. When we committed to that boy I felt the feelings you feel when you find out your pregnant, and now I’m not sure what to feel since my “baby” is no longer mine. I know legally he never was mine, but in my heart he was. 🙂
So, now we wait on the Lord. He told us to move, so we will continue to move forward. We will continue our home study paperwork and see where He leads. I decided to start the blog anyhow, because even though the course of our journey has changed, I know it has not ended. It is still the story of our adoptions of #4 and #5. Your guess is as good as mine on how things will turn out! God knows though, may His kingdom come and His will be done. So be it!