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  1. July 18, 2011

    I love to read your posts! 🙂 I have adopted 4 from foster care and am soon to be adopting my fifth child who I was blessed to be able to get from the hospital as a newborn. Although I don't blog much about my own foster/adoption journey I love to read others stories. I'm not convinced that I won't eventually adopt overseas but for now I'm working through social services. I know God will bless you on this journey as you follow His leading!

  2. July 18, 2011

    You're right, our God is the One who makes possible the impossible! I am excited for you guys as you journey into the unknown and look forward to reading about how/where God will lead you!

  3. oh my! your words could be my own! i love your heart! excited to see your journey unfold and send hugs from another mum planning to visit eastern Europe next year to try to find a path to help xxxxxplease please do come over and join in the forget me not friday linkup every week over at flight platform living it would be so lovely to have you onboard xxxxx

  4. July 30, 2011

    Oh ladies, thanks for commenting! It is so great to hear from others with the same heart. God is truly waking His church. I believe it. He loves the orphan even more than we do.

  5. amen to that and thanks so much for visiting the flight platform and adding the forget me not button! i squealed with delight when i saw it xxxx

  6. August 21, 2011

    What a beautiful post, and Praise God for turning our hearts to what matters to Him!!Wow. We will be praying for you….that you will be able to discern the call He has put on your lives and that you will have the courage to obey. We can't wait to see where He leads you!

  7. September 23, 2011

    That's so exciting Kim! I am so excited to keep following along on your journey and see where it will lead… Will keep praying!

  8. September 25, 2011

    Thanks for the encouragement Andrea! It's pretty exciting and a little nerve-wracking. Thanks for praying!

  9. November 14, 2011

    wow Kim i know those feelings! I love November as well…it's also SMS awareness month with the world smith magenis day on 17th november. keep doing what you do, you are amazing xxx

  10. December 1, 2011

    God has such a beautiful way of working doesn't he? Just heard an analogy of the backide of a woven carpet, all knotted, chaotic, and nothing special, and then you flip it over to see the BEAUTIFUL pattern that those imperfections created. Thought it was a beautiful analogy to how God weaves our lives into something miraculous even when we just see knots! I am so happy to know there is another family in town!!! 🙂 YAY!!

  11. December 31, 2011

    oh i adore this post!i am now following my blogs in google reader so hopefully i will be more organised in commenting and reading. thankyou for your blog over the year and have a blessed new year. lots of love from jane at the flight platform xxxx

  12. January 14, 2012

    So very exciting! I love your heart for Jesus and your willingness to just say "YES" even without knowing the details! Will be praying and watching to see how HE will guide your steps!!!

  13. January 15, 2012

    Ahhh! So excited!!

  14. February 11, 2012

    Amazing. I would honestly love to see your itinerary… Where are you going… what parts of the country?? What orphanages?? etc etc…

  15. February 15, 2012

    Thank you for this series. I am interested in fostering. I would appreciate any further information you share in future updates. Do you think fostering is possible for a single lady? Or would that not be in the kid's best interest?

  16. February 15, 2012

    I love you…..You guys are amazing….Papi.

  17. February 15, 2012

    I don't have any particular questions right now, but I'm looking forward to the series!

  18. February 15, 2012

    You know, I think anyone who can be a loving, consistent presence in a child's life is DEFINITELY in the child's best interest. 🙂 I worked with a single lady who fostered infants and her mom helped with childcare. She was an awesome foster mommy!

  19. February 15, 2012

    Thanks Katie 🙂

  20. February 16, 2012

    LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! What a grande adventure our God has prepared for you! 🙂 Can't wait to hear what happens next! 🙂

  21. February 16, 2012

    Kim- Thank you for sharing this! I'm excited to read more about your experiences and heart for foster care. Randee

  22. February 18, 2012

    I'm so glad you are doing this series! Thank you for sharing your lives with these children and your hearts with these readers. Any chance you'd be okay with me posting this on our website Billy

  23. February 18, 2012

    Oh Kim I am so glad yu are writing this all out. Everything you are writhing is exactly how we feel… Everything you write feels like someone telling the story of my heart aches and happiness of fostering. I am goad that at this point we have our forever kids and I love love love knowing they won't just disappear after a phone call… The stray sock comment pretty much sums up the loss of a little moving on…

  24. February 18, 2012

    Wow. That was very moving. So real and well expressed. You are angels to these little ones. God has equipped you in a way that only He could.

  25. February 18, 2012

    Thanks for sharing your heart with us! But most of all for allowing yourselves to LOVE those babies so much, as if they were your own…without hesitation. Especially knowing you have to give them back. So many people aren't willing to take that kind of risk with the heart…but the fact that you are willing to give of yourselves (and I know you and Jed don't hold back) KNOWING that part of your heart leaves with that child each time all because you know that child needs/deserves that love…that kind of selflessness is indescribably beautiful. And I adore the fact that precious Addie, Ezra and Havalah are just as willing to love the children that come into the family. I praise God for what he is doing through you all!!

  26. February 18, 2012

    Sure Billy, go for it! Thanks for all you do to encourage and support. We really really appreciate you.

  27. February 18, 2012

    Love ya Keira. You da besssssssst.

  28. February 18, 2012

    oh im so glad ur posting this..i have wanted to be a foster parent forever..ive been starting to look into it more recently..So i would love to here any suggestions or just anything about ur journey in being foster a single mom of 3 kids so ive been praying if god wants me to wait or press on..but its my hearts desire to fodter..i have such a special place in my heart for children in foster care system..Rachel

  29. February 20, 2012

    Thank you for this series. Keep them coming!

  30. March 1, 2012

    Great post!

  31. March 1, 2012

    Kimmie (I can't help but call you that!)- this is beautiful beyond words! I'm teary eyed reading it and it's difficult to decribe how impacting it is to my heart. I have 3 adopted sisters- and 2 of them (twins) were removed from thier birthparents when they were 11 mos old. Thier story is heartbreaking. As Trace and I have been anticipating adoption for 2 years now, many paths have been considered and prayed about, and at one time I thought I could "never do" foster care. Although we know this is not God's plan for our first child, we are open to it down the road. Voices like yours- filled with love, compassion, and grace NEED to be present to help others better understand the need, and the heart of the Lord in this issue. Thank you again for being willing to share!

  32. March 1, 2012

    Thanks for sharing Randee, and for the encouragement. I'm really am praying for you and Trace. God loves how open-handed you are and willing to say "yes" to Him. His perfect plan for your family is beyond your wildest dreams. I believe it! Go God go!!!

  33. March 1, 2012

    This is a great blog!!! Your kids are so sweet….. Your brother Micheal is my teacher this year at school and mrs. Kimberly I have had your mom as my teacher for 4 years 🙂 Havala is supper cute!! I have meet you and your kids before 🙂 Kate

  34. March 4, 2012


  35. March 28, 2012

    What a wonderful feeling! I do recall that same feeling of loving-in-safety after our three were finally declared ours forever. Relish it; it's a shadow of the Lord's love for us!

  36. March 29, 2012

    Congratulations! I'm so glad to see that he's finally yours!

  37. March 29, 2012

    Congratulations!!! I have experienced that happy day for 2 little ones last year and waiting on another one sometime soon.

  38. March 29, 2012

    Okay, Now i am just dying to know who goes to Little Beavers and who your mom is!! This is Naomi by the way, you left a comment on my blog!

  39. March 30, 2012

    Oh my goodness Kim, he is beautiful! And the picture of him in the mud… priceless :)Congratulations – the son of your heart is now officially yours!

  40. March 30, 2012

    Oh I love that. It is the best feeling ever.

  41. March 30, 2012

    Thanks friends!!!!

  42. April 15, 2012

    Loved this post! Keep them coming as you can! :o)

  43. April 15, 2012

    Hopefully you found Jed's snoring soothing or at least inspiring!!

  44. April 16, 2012

    Ahhhh… Im laughing, and crying!!! So Happy… So totally AWESOME!!!And were did you find such supermarkets??? We never found anything that wasn`t rinky dink… Praying for you my friends… Praying!!! Thank You King Jesus! I`m so emotional as I watch this journey you are on… I know how very tired you are but THANK YOU THANK YOU for blogging!!!!!!

  45. April 16, 2012

    Ok One more thing… You are carrying our hearts in your back packs…. Just sitting here soooo EMO!!!! LOL!!!!

  46. April 16, 2012

    So glad to read that you got there safly! Hope you get some rest and have some awesome God appointments tomorrow! Be encouraged we are praying! Spread the light, share the love, Jenny

  47. April 16, 2012


  48. April 17, 2012

    You has a great blog. I'm very interesting to stopping here and leaves you a comment. Good work.Lets keep writing and share to us and other.Nb: Dont forget to leave your comment back for us.

  49. April 17, 2012

    Tears… Sitting on this side of the globe EMO right along with you!!!! Praying. Thank you for sharing your heart! I Get it… I really do! It can be so hard to wait on the Lord.

  50. April 17, 2012

    I am so eager to see if you will visit the institution where Aaron and Judd came from — in particular to see if you will see Heath or Hanson and get more pictures of them. I have been following them over the last year and really want to see how they are doing. Please keep an eye out for them, give them a hug, and get pictures of them if possible!Sue H.

  51. April 17, 2012

    Love you….Praying, moved, praying…Papi

  52. April 17, 2012

    Sue, we are hoping and praying for that too! It is our deepest desire to see the Boys. If we get to go we will definitely be on the lookout! You can count on it. Pray with us for favor from the Director to let us in. Thank you!!

  53. April 17, 2012


  54. April 17, 2012

    Just watch. Just pray. Just listen. Oh yeah, and I love the building with all the beasts! I can't remember the story behind it! I LOVE UKRAINE! And I love that you love Ukraine!

  55. April 18, 2012

    I am taken right now with how God has created such an incredible partnership between the two of you. Your hearts truly overflow with love and compassion. Though at times you may feel or experience things differently (ok, sometimes completely opposite of one another) it still blends into something perfect and beautiful that blesses others. I KNOW you are uplifting and encouraging those serving over there. Even though you may not be able to see it, you are God's love – made tangible. Be encouraged!! It's ok, Kim, that you feel sad…it means you feel deeply. But know that God's hope is still full in your belly in all situations. I love you guys!

  56. April 18, 2012

    We love the father's heart you two share with the World. Thanks for putting words to it here. Blessings to you both! May God open doors for you and give you an opportunity to "do" His love from time to time just for fun!Drew

  57. April 18, 2012

    LOVE IT!! PRAYING OFTEN FOR YOU! LOOKING FORWARD TO SPENDING THE MORNING WITH ADDIE AND Ezra. Amayli is looking forward to spending the morning with her "friend Cindi" and Havalah!!! Much love to you! Keep posting everyday so we dont miss a thing. Your perspectives are right on.

  58. April 18, 2012

    I love that city!! May God richly bless your time and lead you step by step.Joy McClain

  59. April 19, 2012

    Awwww stop it! But, thanks. 🙂

  60. April 19, 2012

    Hello,in case you are looking for an international church in Kiev to attend service on Sunday – this one is pretty unusual:HILLSONG KIEV CHURCH times are 10:00 and 12:30 and you go to the desk in the lobby to ask for them to translate for you. How to get there:On the BLUE metro line, you'll go to the stop Petrivka. Head toward McDonald's (walking down the left side of the road) going North on Tul's'ka sq. and away from the railroad (actual trains). At McDonald's, turn left onto Moskovs'kyi ave. It's a MAIN road, and you'll need to also cross to the other side of it (generally underground). You'll pass a few large shopping centers and an Ashan (looks like AWAH in Cyrillic) which is a HUGE grocery store. Sort of behind the Ashan, just past it on the side road is a huge orange/yellow "tent" dome. It's down a side street just a little bit but is visible from the road.

  61. April 20, 2012

    Laughing so hard i am crying….isaac loves Hot Pockets….i bought costco size box for quick dinner before games….he told me on Tues….that it is better to eat them afterwards because after he eats them he has to go to the bathroom! Lol! Hot pockets!We need to have a debrief when you get back….so you giys can share everything that you are seeing, hearing, and tasting of the Lord's kingdom in Ukraine. We can serve chocolate, coffee!

  62. April 20, 2012

    hey you two, just want to let you know you were and are on the radar screen of the saints praying for you today.noontime prayer had some good insight going on re releasing the love of the Father there.Kim, some of that grieving youre experiencing is intercession for the broken…go with it and let God's Spirit lead you into agreement for "as it is in Heaven make it so on earth".love the pics,dudes. they are soooooo you!!! thanks for keeping us posted. love ya landonsure do miss you guys ,

  63. April 20, 2012

    Kim, thanks so much pulling the curtains to help us see and understand the world these precious little guys exist in; very moving to us from a distance so I can't fathom what you are experiencing first hand. "… how much more valuable are you then the birds… Do not be afraid little flock ,it is the Fathers pleasure to give you the Kingdom." Luke 12: 24,32. Love to you and them, Landon

  64. April 20, 2012

    Oh My Dear sweet Friends… Just plain tears… Ahhhhh, this is so hard to read and watch but so terrific too. Praying and sending you both big ol happy hartman hugs!!!

  65. April 20, 2012

    Tears in my eyes and a heart that is broken, Kim Johnson! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your obedience and courage. Because of you, NONE OF US will ever be the same. We are praying non-stop for you guys! Keep the updates coming! Love, Alexis

  66. April 20, 2012

    I know it seems like so little against such great odds but it is good and holy and right. I am so grateful you were able to see what they are doing. I can only imagine what that little bit would do for our Lost Boys in the dreariness of their lives.

  67. April 21, 2012

    Thank you for sharing. I am thinking some of the same things you mentioned in the blog. I, too, want my Father to tell me to tell me what to do about this situation. Thank you for your honesty.

  68. April 24, 2012

    You move my heart Jedge. I love you two and am so blessed by your hearts.Pop

  69. April 24, 2012

    LOL;;; Judds little friend that has Autism calls him Judge :)!!!!! Praying! How Wonderful to see pictures of those sweet girls!

  70. April 24, 2012

    Amazing! Love, love, love your hearts to do what GOD has called you to do!!! Emily

  71. April 25, 2012

    Hey you two…it's been so great to follow your Ukrainian adventure! I've experienced most of what you talk about! I think you will agree that one of the main things that is so amazing there is that people do so much with so little, and often, here, we do so little with so much. Ukraine is an amazing place!Praying!

  72. April 25, 2012

    We keep praying for all the callings, scripture and questions to align for God's glory as He reveals how He wants to co-labor with you in Ukraine. And we keep praying for your babies back here as God protects their hearts while you are briefly away. God's love through Grammy! Praying, Millyellen

  73. April 25, 2012

    I love your blog! I have a 4 year old son with Down syndrome and have been actively working to raise awareness for orphans with Down syndrome. Is there any chance I could get an email address to contact you?

  74. April 25, 2012

    So excited and amazed by all God is doing! He is SO GOOD! And, not to ignore all the incredible spritual stuff, but, SERIOUSLY, you posting a picture FOR ME of Baskin and Robbins may just be my favorite part of your trip (totally just kidding … kind of!). You did treat yourself to the best ice cream on the planet in my honor, right? 🙂 Miss you so, so, so much! Can't wait to see how God works in all of this! Love, Alexis

  75. April 27, 2012

    Praising God for this answer to our prayers! Yes, they are precious in His sight. Trusting Him with many more breakthroughs to come. Да благословит вас Господь, Jed и Ким!

  76. April 27, 2012

    Wow! You both were made for this. God Bless and will pray for you.Simon

  77. April 27, 2012

    Thank you for the update! Can you say if you saw Heath or Hanson?Sue

  78. April 27, 2012

    wow this is fab! loving the chocolate aisle! x

  79. April 27, 2012

    brilliant! it looks wonderful, apart from the gorilla scamming bizarre is that! x

  80. April 27, 2012

    oh that was so lovely!i relate to all you said Kim!i felt so the same in the ukraine…i am so desperate to hear, to know, to be lead down the right path but most of all to do something!and then we had jed's take on the day and its so awesome how you guys work together…its fabulous to read…cant wait to watch God's big picture unfold! xxxx

  81. April 27, 2012

    wow what an awesome place! I am so inspired by people like this! x

  82. April 27, 2012

    the high hell thing is insane isnt it! minus 20 when I was there, ice and snow and they were still running around in heels!

  83. April 27, 2012

    that right there is what i needed to hear…i am covered in goosebumps! 'DO THE NEXT THING!' WOW WOW WOW do you know that post rocks off the scale! when the need is so huge and the p[light so desperate its so easy to listen to all around saying to leave it alone what can you achieve…i know, believe me, i was surrounded by that when i visited the Ukraine! but that's it…do the next thing! xxxxxlove this x

  84. April 27, 2012

    The LOVE BOAT!!! More information than i needed! lol x

  85. April 27, 2012

    yes i knew it it is the Alyona I met! She is AMAZING! xxx

  86. April 27, 2012

    praying for you guys x

  87. April 27, 2012

    wonderful xxxxx

  88. April 27, 2012

    Hi Sue! No, we didn't see either of them, unfortunately. I think Hanson is laying down, and we didn't go inside, I was looking every which way for Heath and I never saw him either. 🙁

  89. April 28, 2012

    I'm so happy for you all and your great adventure!!! May God continue to lead, guide, bless, & find favor on ALL you come across. Keep the blogs going as it helps us pray for you all.Sounds like you all have found your niche, the heart of God for you and yours!!! XOXOXO

  90. April 29, 2012

    Praise God for what he is doing. I am so happy you were able to be on this great adventure.Joy

  91. April 29, 2012

    So many gorgeous faces! Are any of them listed with RR?? I just want to snuggle them all

  92. April 29, 2012

    It appears that childen with DS are well-cared for and are being mainstreamed, which is great! What responsive, beautiful little faces – all of them. I concur with Molly – let's get these children onto RR!So glad you were able to visit the "lost boys", connect with others who are true servants, and see some of the local sights, although some of the "sights" may not have been too "sightly"! ;-). The opera house is spectacular – my relatives also greatly enjoyed the opera during their adoption journey six years ago.Thanks again for sharing..Susan in KyCousin to 2 from EE

  93. April 29, 2012

    I enjoy your blogs so much. Life changing experiences God ordained. You guys have beautiful and huge hearts. I'm proud of you.Pop

  94. May 1, 2012

    Molly, most of these kiddos aren't available for adoption. 🙁 I know, they are perfectly cuddly.

  95. May 1, 2012

    Praying for your safe travels home!!!

  96. So glad to hear you connected with Kyiv Vineyard folks! Mark searched the internet when we were there and only found the website for the Odessa Vineyard, so on our Sunday in Kyiv we worshiped at a Hillsong church that met in a big tent- a little like home 🙂 Glad to hear there IS a Vineyard presence in Kyiv.Jed and Kim, I am so going to miss your posts! Thanks for taking us along on this faith adventure in this land we love so much. I will continue to pray for you to hear what He wants your next step to be. God bless your trip home!

  97. May 4, 2012

    I love it!! I'm glad you were able to wisely split the money up between the three trips… I also know that money was donated into Harvest for them too…That should cover even more trips!

  98. May 4, 2012

    This is fantastic! Talk about being the hands and feet of Jesus — you all really put some miles on yours. I am delighted that your kids did well, you did what you set out to do, and you made it home safe and sound. Thank you so much for sharing!Now, just to go back to the beginning for a moment — the whole thing is "To market, to market to buy a fat pig; home again, home again, jiggety-jig! To market, to market to buy a fat hog; home again, home again, jiggety-jog!"Rosemary

  99. May 4, 2012

    Thank you so much for the update about the Lost Boys. I would love to hear anything more you can share about the trip there. What did you see? What do you want us to know? I've read Julia and Melanie's accounts on their blogs. I know you said you didn't see Heath or Hanson, which makes me sad. Did you see any new boys who appeared to have been newly transferred? Sue

  100. May 10, 2012

    Love you! I need the SCOOOP! -Cody

  101. June 6, 2012

    Uggggg… Im Balling my eyes out! I need a Hug, LOL! WOW!!!! Thank You!

  102. June 6, 2012

    Seriously sobbing! What a beautiful story!! He is one lucky little guy to have found your family!

  103. June 6, 2012

    Ha Melanie! Consider yourself hugged- big time.

  104. June 6, 2012

    Thanks Becki!!! We are truly the lucky ones. 🙂

  105. June 11, 2012

    Wow that's soooo exciting! What's your plan when you get there?

  106. June 11, 2012

    Thanks! It IS super exciting! We plan to partner with a Ukrainian couple who minister to orphans with disabilities. Our big HUGE dream is a medical group home for bedridden orphans…someday….it will be a miracle!!! Can't wait to see God do it 🙂

  107. June 11, 2012

    Tears… YOU CAN DO IT! God will make sure of it! And we will be right along cheering you on… Agghhhh TERAS<LOL< I MEAN TEARS!!!!

  108. June 14, 2012

    WOW, I reconnect with you to find THIS!!! I was supposed to be doing my QT but stalled to read this…clearly I was supposed to read this this morning. I have tears in my eyes and goosebumps all over. WHAT an incredible journey and display of His glorious goodness! You were all clearly meant for each other! <3

  109. June 26, 2012

    Kim,I went to ORU with you, on Destiny our freshman year. I was Julia Trant (now Everheart). You did not have bad hair! You were adorable! I am so proud of you and your husband for the huge step you're taking to help these kids. I'm proud to say I knew you way back when!

  110. June 27, 2012

    Hi Julia! Wow! It's been sooooo long! Thanks for the hair reassurance 🙂 Also, thanks for the encouragement. It's a pretty exciting/scary time…but mostly exciting. Yay for reconnecting!!

  111. July 2, 2012

    Ok, First off… You and I have A LOT in common my dear friend…And second, TEARS,,, TEARS,,, TEARS!!!! So Looking forward to friday!

  112. July 3, 2012

    Wow Kim…you are so very right. I am in agreeance with you, HE has got this and we are going to see HIM more and more. I can't wait to finally meet you and share/confirm what God is doing. How EXCITING!!

  113. September 26, 2012

    CANT Wait to see you get there!!!!! Cant wait to someday Visit and see the work first hand!!! Yipppeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! And of course cant wait to see ya`ll Sooon :)!

  114. September 26, 2012

    You could try crowdfunding to raise money for your venture. Indiegogo might be good for your purposes. Good luck!

  115. September 27, 2012

    Thanks for the update! How exciting but scary at the same time. There are so many things to think about and I can't wait to see what your future holds. I agree that it feels great to sell all the excess "stuff" but then you start looking around and want to keep selling more and keep streamlining! It's a bit addicting. I will support you in whatever way I can once you get things finalized.I want to also share this organization that I just learned of recently. It may not be an exact match for you and Jed but with your nursing background I thought you would appreciate their work: H.

  116. September 27, 2012

    ME TOOOOOOO!!!! To all of it. 🙂

  117. September 27, 2012

    Jessica, thank you so much for that idea! I had never heard of Indiegogo or anything like it. Wow, it looks really interesting! I'm going to look into it further. Thanks again!!

  118. September 27, 2012

    Thank you for your support Sue! I really appreciate it so much. 🙂 You know, now I think I maybe read about Team Works on another blog…I'll definitely check them out. I'm super interested in learning about all types of work that is being done in Ukraine. Every bit of info helps. Thanks for sharing!

  119. September 27, 2012

    So happy to see you guys making all those steps forwards!! Can't wait for you to get to this side of the ocean… i'm already planning in my head to visit & help out whenever & wherever i can 😉

  120. September 27, 2012

    hmmm… posting my comment a second time…So happy to see you guys taking steps forwards. Can't wait for you to get to this side of the ocean. i'm already planning in my head to visit & help whenever & wherever i can… 😉

  121. October 2, 2012

    Kim, what awesome news! Our God always has it covered, doesn't He? So happy to see things falling into place for your family!

  122. October 2, 2012

    Kim- I am SO excited for your family! I love that you are being obedient to the Lord even when (in our culture) that looks "crazy"! Someday Trace and I hope/ plan to move to Africa so I think we will be following a similar path in the years to come. It IS an adventure, but God will take care of His plan. Your blog is great- I love keeping up with you guys step by step!

  123. October 2, 2012

    He totally does. It's just amazing and very reassuring. 🙂

  124. October 2, 2012

    Thank you Randee!! We're both in pretty exciting times huh? God is good, no…great.

  125. October 2, 2012

    Ooooh so happy you have some where to live… God is Good! All the time! & as always He has perfect timing 😉 Sooo exciting… will be praying…

  126. October 2, 2012

    so happy to hear you have some where to live… God is Good! All the time! & as always He is just on time 😉 Sooo excited for you… praying for the next steps & for you & your family to be prepared in all areas to follow where God leads…

  127. October 11, 2012

    BIG OL TEARS….. Love you! Love them Johnsons!!!!

  128. October 12, 2012

    figured I should stop lurking now and just comment 🙂 That would be hard for me, too! 🙂 I can relate. I'm so excited, though, to see how He is going to move for your family. What a great adventure!! Awesome, awesome 🙂

  129. October 14, 2012

    You are an amazing woman with a huge heart. Prayers for you.Samantha

  130. October 14, 2012

    Awww love me some Hartmans too.

  131. October 14, 2012

    Yay for de-lurking! Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂

  132. October 14, 2012

    Thank you Samantha! How sweet of you and I really appreciate the prayers. 🙂

  133. October 15, 2012

    I can only imagine how scary all these "small" (a.k.a HUGE) steps are but I am so excited for you guys!Praying for you!

  134. October 15, 2012

    Thank you Andrea! Yes, HUGE. AAAAAAUGH!!!!! 🙂

  135. October 18, 2012

    Excited for you too!! Step by step… you will get there with God showing you the way!

  136. October 26, 2012

    I've been checking your blog for updates! So glad to hear you are settled and you have a renter. The new place looks like it's in a very peaceful setting.Sue H.

  137. October 26, 2012

    Thank you for thinking of us Sue! Yes, the new house is amazing. So cozy, so homey, so perfect. We are blessed.

  138. October 26, 2012

    5 years. 5 years! 5 years? WHO are these people and they should know God's got them in His clutches. =D

  139. October 26, 2012

    I KNOW!!!! I KNOW!!!!!!!! So funny and so amazing.

  140. October 26, 2012

    GOD is amazing… God`s Not dead he`s surely alive :)… Love it when Abraham sings that! I simply cannot wait to hear ALLLLLL about it!!! See ya SOOOON… WHOHOOO!!!!

  141. October 26, 2012

    Awesome….That Jesus is a good boy.Papi

  142. October 26, 2012

    If no one is dressing up as the Swamp Princess for Halloween, I call dibs.Love you guys!

  143. October 26, 2012

    Soon and very soon. Packed and ready, waiting for Jed!

  144. October 26, 2012

    As Eric would say, "Thank Sweet Baby Jesus!"

  145. October 26, 2012

    That mask has your name all over it. Love you toooooooo!

  146. October 26, 2012

    Sitting here in S. Salem in utter amazement! AMAZEMENT! Selfishly, I confess I am sad. It will be at least 5 years before you are ever my neighbor again. Major sadness. But, apparently, as I have said before, God is kicking you out of Oregon and I'm getting the feeling that He is in a hurry! 🙂 We love you guys! Alexis

  147. October 27, 2012

    HOLY COW!!! You are so right – it is laughable how much God is just blowing the top off things! It's insane!! And he didn't just stop blessing you with a free place to stay…he gave you a mountain top view. Why not?! Thank goodness we can cast all of our anxiety on him because he CARES for us…the big and small things. He is so awesome! Love you guys! Keira

  148. October 31, 2012

    Hey, yes, I would love to hear all about Heath. I have been praying for him and wondered if there was a way to find out more about him. Can you email me at Thank you!

  149. October 31, 2012

    Thank you for asking! You've got mail 🙂

  150. November 10, 2012

    i know i'm so very very late in reading & commenting… But i really just wanted to say Praise the Lord!!

  151. November 10, 2012

    Hmmm… my comment did not seemed to have gone thru?Just to say Praise the Lord!! Looking forward to the rest of your journey.

  152. November 10, 2012

    This is ridiculous… my 3rd time trying to comment… Praise the Lord & looking forward to your amazing journey…

  153. November 19, 2012

    I love reading your blogs and hearing about the work you are doing and your passion for kids Kim! ( I remember you taking care of the babies in the nursery at church!) Since I have done emergency foster care…I know how you feel, about doing your best to keep the kids because they have had to move around so much and I can only guess at how they will blame themselves. And I admire your honesty when you have decided that if you don't feel you can keep that promise you are now willing to say we can't do foster care right now.Vonnie and Gary should be really proud to have raised a kid who is compassionate, loveing and letting there light shine in a world that is so dim to some of his youngest children!God Bless you and your family!! I am praying!!

  154. November 19, 2012

    opps sorry that was me kim! Sherri dougan

  155. November 19, 2012

    You brought me tears. Such a beautiful testament to your faith and how we are called to love.

  156. November 19, 2012

    I wish we could foster. I am not sure I truly have the physical stamina BUT I am ever ready to support fostering families. I would really like to do respite. Currently my outgrown clothes mostly go to Women's Space – for battered women and children but I will keep CWO in mind!

  157. November 20, 2012

    Hi Sheri! Thank you so much for your kind words! I didn't know you did emergency care. How wonderful. Thank you for praying 🙂 We really appreciate and I love love loved hearing from you!!!

  158. November 20, 2012

    Oops *Sherri* 🙂 Spelled your name wrong! Ha!

  159. November 20, 2012

    Aww thanks Sarah. Love you tons 🙂

  160. November 20, 2012

    You would be awesome at respite! It is so hard to find good respite. Let me know if you have any questions about it!

  161. November 25, 2012

    Ok having computer issues… Ben and I Loved this Post… !!! Really touched our hearts.We love you all… Squeeze those awesome Johnson kids for me please!

  162. January 6, 2013

    I somehow missed this post….Awesome…..We Love Seffers!!!Papi

  163. January 6, 2013

    Awesome. Love love,Papi

  164. January 6, 2013

    "we are yours and I mean that"…I love it because you are really walking it out…what a privilege to watch, my friend:)

  165. January 6, 2013

    Joy! That is all I can think of.

  166. January 9, 2013

    Ahhhh… You stinker, makin me cry like that. You have been on my heart ALL day… and that BEAUTIFUL smile of yours. We need you and Jed to come sing to us *Smile*!!! We Love Love Love you Johnson family. God Knows the why`s… Someday your answers will come, and turn pain into beauty. For now a big ol Hartman (((((HUG)))))

  167. January 12, 2013

    I am so sorry. I didn't know. Hugs!

  168. January 12, 2013

    Love you, friend. I have been praying that He would draw closer than ever to you. ((hug))

  169. January 12, 2013

    Oh, I am so sorry. I may have missed if you posted that there was a baby coming! Take things one day at a time and be kind to yourself.Sue H.

  170. January 12, 2013

    So sorry for you :((( the hurt is so hard and so unfair. But one thing is I can see and feel Jesus through your writing… Praying for you …,

  171. January 13, 2013

    Prayers being sent right now!

  172. January 13, 2013

    This was a beautiful post..thank you for sharing it with us. I am so sorry about the loss of your baby. There is so much beauty and hope in what you wrote.

  173. January 13, 2013

    Thanks for the hug Joanna 🙂

  174. January 13, 2013

    Thank you Deanna!! Your encouragement has helped more than you know 🙂

  175. January 13, 2013

    Thanks Sue. We hadn't announced it was kind of a shocker! One day at a time…you are so right.

  176. January 13, 2013

    Oh thank you Naomi! I know you know how to pray 🙂

  177. January 13, 2013

    Thank you Sarah, so much!

  178. January 13, 2013

    Oh Gloria, thank you for that. You made me smile this morning. 🙂

  179. January 13, 2013

    It's amazing to see how far He's brought you through all of this in the last week. It's not only a testimony to His faithfulness, but to yours. It's been an honor to witness. Love you.

  180. January 13, 2013

    What a beautiful, heartbreaking, belly-laugh filled, anguished tear brushed year this has been. Blessed to be part of the journey already made and the road that lies ahead. He'll bless all of it, every last inch.

  181. January 17, 2013

    I'm sorry for the babe lost… Praying for your hearts as you grieve.

  182. January 19, 2013

    Oh my dear… i'm so very sorry… i haven't been keeping up with reading & i didn't know… my heart aches for you & your loss… i'm amazed at your great faith & your insight into how God has it all in His Hands… i pray that God bring you comfort each day & peace in your heart… i pray that God fill your heart with what fills His Heart & He will show you how faithful He is to fulfill all His Promises… hugs…

  183. January 23, 2013

    I want to to thank you for this good read!!I definitely enjoyed every bit of it. I have you book marked to check out new things you post…Visit my page :: Legacy.Php-Fpm.Org

  184. January 25, 2013

    I found your blog from SUYL. what an amazing story! we have one very similar to yours! we are in the process of FINALLY moving towards adopting our 17 month old! who was born addicted to 8 different drugs, like yours it's been full of ups and downs and more joy than I could imagine!! Thanks for sharing your story! The Lord is SO SO very good!

  185. January 26, 2013

    Yes, He is so so good!! Congratulations on your adoption finally coming. I know that feeling! What a wonderful reward for such a long journey 🙂

  186. January 26, 2013

    Thank you for sharing that beautiful story. We also have adopted 2 boys from foster care. What a blessing!!! God bless you all!

  187. February 9, 2013

    I know this sounds crazy but…Nathan and I eventually would love to adopt a teenager. We were stoked when we found out we had that same dream and we know it's gotta be a God thing. I guess with some things, you just know. That being a journey FAR off in the future, we need some major major training! The foster care system I have seen bless kids' socks off when you just love them RIGHT…how Jesus would. I am excited to glean from what you share on this blog and relate to you as far as heart and eventual journies go!

  188. March 3, 2013

    Love This…

  189. March 7, 2013


  190. March 12, 2013

    Oh my. Havalah. Can I have her?? Love your family and what you are doing.

  191. March 12, 2013

    Hava is quite amazing. 🙂 I can't wait for you to visit us someday…cause you know you totally have to!

  192. March 13, 2013

    So I was going to say…(three deleted comments later)…that it is amazing to view your bright, shiny, spectacular obedience and super danged inspiring. All six of you will be a bridge to those who don't know Jesus and you already are a bridge to at least four people who do (hint: there's four people in my family. And I'm one of them). Love you all!

  193. March 15, 2013

    Yes my dear… intentional – that's what we should be aiming for in my family too… i'm so glad you are doing what you are doing… praying along with you!

  194. March 20, 2013

    Thank you Sandra!!

  195. March 28, 2013

    Very cool!

  196. March 28, 2013

    What comes to mind is: John 15:115 "Philos". I am so blessed through your blessings and friendship with Jesus. Thank you.

  197. March 28, 2013

    So very excited for you!! Amen!

  198. March 28, 2013

    How exciting! I looked briefly at some of the links and will have to spend more time reading about them. Do you know if any of the RR boys are in the orphanage they visit regularly? When I looked at some of the pictures and saw so many boys wearing identical shirts it made me sad (I understand they are donations and there might be surplus of a certain shirt to donate, but it takes away from them as individuals and just made me a little teary). Please keep us posted on how we can help, if you'll be able to take any donations with you (they have a long list on their web site), etc. Happy Easter!P.S. We still have snow in Wisconsin. When is Spring coming?!!!Sue H.

  199. March 28, 2013

    Jed and Kimber,I have an adoption fundraising idea I'd like to share with you. Could you email me at!Matthew Lee

  200. March 29, 2013

    Thank you!

  201. March 29, 2013

    YAY YAY YAY!!! 🙂

  202. March 29, 2013

    Hi Sue! I don't believe any boys there are listed on RR. There have only been a couple adoptions from there so far, one boy was adopted by a Ukrainian family, and then one boy was adopted by the Malone family. Are you familiar with them? They are the ones who run "The Eli Project". They live in Ukraine now as missionaries. I will totally let you know if we take donations with us! Thanks for offering. :)PS: We had spring today!! I was afraid if I blinked it might go away!

  203. April 3, 2013

    Hey, I'm a friend of Mary Jill and LIVE in Zhitomir (well, I work there!) I know where the MTU building is – but have never been there. I have Ukrainian friend who knows lots of people from there, tho! Oh – and I have another friend who knows people there (I apparently don't get out much!) :)Would love to stay in contact with you and meet YOU (Although by your FB name, I thought your NAME was Kimandjed… Wondering what nationality you were! :)Maybe "friend" me on FB? Stay in touch! Really! Want to meet! So glad you're coming! Tammy

  204. April 6, 2013

    WooHoo! So happy & excited for you. So wish you could stop by ours on the way to U when you are here in May… but i know it is an added expense you don't need to have at the moment…i will definitely like to contribute monthly, i'll pray about you & get back to you.When your board is all setup, along with a completed mission statement/vision, please send that to me & i will approach my church here to see if they will support you too.Waiting to see awesome things happen as God moves in this ministry! HUGS!

  205. April 6, 2013

    Thank you so much Sandra. We'd love to visit… who knows! We'll keep you up-to-date as we move forward with the non-prof side of things. Thanks for sharing the mission. We are all in this together.

  206. April 7, 2013

    I will definitely donate Kim, I just have to figure out whether it will be lump sum or monthly. It's exciting to see this come together!Sue

  207. April 7, 2013

    Thank you Sue! Isn't it crazy! It's really happening! I have to pinch myself just to make sure it's not a dream 🙂

  208. April 7, 2013

    Jed replied to you below, but I had to say hi too! Thank you so much for your willingness to give and for thinking of asking your church! That would be amazing. We will for sure keep you updated. Thanks for always being such an encouragement 🙂

  209. April 15, 2013

    This just makes me smile so big. I only wish I was sitting on that couch next to you with my socks on and a big ol' cup of coffee too. I especially like the part about accepting orphan lovin' from visitors. I have two people in mind for that job. Love you guys!

  210. April 15, 2013

    Praying along with you & am so excited for you… can't wait till we can come over & visit you & help out!!

  211. April 17, 2013

    I can't wait for that!!!!

  212. April 17, 2013

    Loved reading your answers! Our oldest sons are planning a short trip to help out in Ukraine this summer! We'll be praying and following along on your progress!

  213. Have fun!

  214. May 8, 2013

    You are so funny! Enjoy your trip!

  215. May 9, 2013

    Beating the jet lag (along with getting 3 small children to do so as well) is one of the parts about moving to Europe this fall that I'm NOT looking forward to! So make sure to give me some tips. 🙂

  216. May 10, 2013

    Everyone loves it when folks come together and share opinions.Great blog, continue the good work!My blog post … site here

  217. May 10, 2013

    So you got my text? I think something is wrong with mine because I know I have not received some texts lately (I'm assuming you texted back!). Sorry for the repeat update in the e-mail I sent. We are praying! Enjoy your freedom, but don't forget to hurry back! 🙂 Alexis

  218. May 14, 2013

    Loving these updates! God is indeed the best!

  219. May 14, 2013

    Yes! Yes and amen 🙂

  220. May 15, 2013

    Tears too! Love you!

  221. May 17, 2013

    I adore this picture of you two. ADORE! I wish I had something deep to say in response to your post. But as I sit here with my tired eyes, tired and worn down emotions and spirit, all I can say is…it blesses me. You both bless me. I praise God for the rawness and authenticity you both possess. It is refreshing and encouraging and I know blesses countless people. I love you both and will continue to read and pray about your journey!

  222. May 17, 2013

    You have the best personality. Sunny, warm, loving and you are unafraid for God. Love reading your posts, will be praying for you.M

  223. May 17, 2013


  224. May 17, 2013

    indeed He will carry you through!

  225. May 17, 2013

    Yep,,, that is a sweet picture alright! Feel it… every part of it… melancholy and all. For you will never be exactly where you are now, again!

  226. May 18, 2013


  227. May 18, 2013

    Loving the work MTU & you guys do… indeed so very brave & so very much needed! Thank you for sharing & loving so wonderfully…

  228. May 18, 2013

    Yeah, these boys are adorable! I'm sure you'll love coming there. It's special for me every time I have a chance to join MTU girls on Fridays. May God continue His awesome work there!P.S. Their names are spelled Zhenya, Vova and Misha (Masha is a girl's name). Bless you guys.

  229. May 19, 2013

    Thanks Tanya, I'm open on Wednesdays for Tutoring, ;-). My brain is getting more comfortable with Cyrillic, but then putting what I hear back into latin makes my head hurt. It was fun riding with Oleg to Kiev, minus the traffic Jam. We are looking forward to getting together this coming week.

  230. May 19, 2013

    Just think how much Russian you'll know in one year's time!

  231. LOVE following your story. Gives me so much courage and hope. And you all just rock. And I'm happy for you. And you make me want to jump on the next flight to Kiev. Enjoy your time!

  232. May 21, 2013

    Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I've truly enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. After all I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!my site; vakantieparken frankrijk

  233. May 21, 2013

    What fun! i'll do you one better than feel your pain about the warm weather… if you send the warm weather over here, i'll send you the unseasonal cold we are having. Deal? 😉

  234. May 22, 2013

    Tears… ok… smiling ear to ear. I hate turtlenecks and can handle scarves for short periods. I so wish I was there… I am so happy you have been blessed by so many people there. Hows that for encouragement from the lord! Remember when fear strikes,,, psalm 91. Its my saving grace right now. *smile* (((hug)))…

  235. May 24, 2013

    Beautiful! Oh and Love them self portraits!

  236. May 24, 2013

    phew you got me in tears with this one! xxx

  237. May 24, 2013

    Thanks Jed. I can't imagine what these caregivers have experienced themselves let alone what they see daily. Can't wait to hear more!Sue H.

  238. May 25, 2013

    Amen! Amen! Thank you for a new insight to a well-read passage! Amen!

  239. June 7, 2013

    I am way behind on my blog-reading but thank you for this… Just what I needed to hear today.

  240. June 12, 2013

    This is so great, guys. I'll keep praying that God moves on the heart of the landlord in Israel and that all will go super-smoooooooth for you. 🙂

  241. June 12, 2013

    Yes, and amen. And that's what His promises are to you–He's gonna take care of it, perfectly. 🙂

  242. June 13, 2013

    Love love love everything about this post!

  243. June 13, 2013


  244. June 14, 2013

    So glad your MIL had such a wonderful idea… praying praying for the perfect house 🙂 Wonderful to hear about the support you are getting too 🙂

  245. June 17, 2013

    I'm sorry I missed it! I was planning on coming, but then Nick got home late from Washington. 🙁

  246. June 17, 2013

    So glad to hear that! i heard from one of my church committee members on Sunday about donations for orphans and told him about you guys… he says to talk about you guys & your work & the orphans maybe in the Fall!! So PM me my dear!

  247. June 19, 2013

    I love this!!

  248. June 20, 2013

    Excited for you & your family! & indeed Seth is too cute to resist 😉

  249. June 23, 2013

    Hi! This might be presumptuous of me, since I just found your blog and we don't know each other at all, but you said it was okay to ask questions: what are your plans for language learning?I am so excited, as I read around here and see what you're doing!

  250. June 23, 2013

    Hi Phyllis! I'm so glad you asked. 🙂 Well, we are doing our best to study now in advance (doing what we can…but I'm not sure it'll really be that helpful), but we know we will have to hire a language teacher once we move. I just peeked at your blog. Hey, compared to now, we'll practically be neighbors! Hehe. Any language-learning pointers you have would be like gold to me! It's important to us to learn, so we will study like crazy people when we aren't at MTU. 🙂

  251. June 23, 2013

    I'm glad you didn't mind my question. I was toddler wrestling when I asked, and so I couldn't write more. :-)I think you and I have a lot in common. Four children, homeschooling (I did catch that you homeschool, didn't I?), love for Ukraine, orphans….The only tip I can think of off the top of my head is just do it! It's terribly important to know the language, and not all that easy to learn на ходу. I still kind of regret that we didn't set aside separate time, just to focus on studying.

  252. June 24, 2013

    I'm back. 🙂 Reading around more and just falling in love with your excitement and plans. If you ever want to correspond about life in Ukraine, I'd love that! (

  253. June 25, 2013

    Ooooh yes!!! Getting ready to email you now!

  254. June 25, 2013

    hi we are a Canadian family with 12 kids living in Stavi,Ukraine. 6 of our kids came through foster care/ adoption & 1 daughter we adopted from Zhitomyr in 2000. as we visited her at the internat during the adoption process , we made a promise to God we would come back some day to help the other children . so here we are…would love to get to know you…our daughter from zhitomyr has mild CP & we have an interest in working with handicapped children.Lance & Shari Giesbrecht

  255. June 25, 2013

    Oh sister, I love LHOP too!!! We were watching it last night and I was telling Lilly all about what happened leading up to that episode! I'm totally getting that book!! 🙂

  256. June 26, 2013

    Have you read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller? I just finished it and enjoyed it. I'm also a LHOP fan. I still have the book collection I received for my 9th birthday. I tried to get my daughter into it but she wasn't interested! Every month or so when I see my set on the bookcase I'm tempted to reread them. Love it! Sue H.

  257. June 26, 2013

    We loved LHOP when we could get it – living in Asia all those years meant we could only get whatever the Tv station chose to air… but i liked it… i'm not a huge fan but i can see how people could absolutely love it!

  258. June 26, 2013

    More in common! I love Educating the Whole Hearted Child. I haven't read it for a while, but I remember how desperately I wished that it was available in Russian back when I first read it. I need to reread. Somehow, usually homeschooling+missionary=Abeka, which isn't bad, of course, but I often find that it leaves us with no homeschooling subjects to talk about on the rare times that I actually come across a real, live foreigner!And we're reading Little House on the Prairie out loud right now. :-)I'm going to have to try to get the book by Dr. Perry. We've just had opportunities to sit through seminars put on by Agape that are probably along the same lines. Is Karyn Purvis' work anything like his?

  259. July 1, 2013

    Wow. Should of mentioned it a little earlier when we were squishing from a 2400 sq. ft., 13 room house house into a 750 sq. ft. four room apartment. Too bad.

  260. July 1, 2013

    Great idea! Praying all the garage sales will be big hits & more will come to know about Wide Awake!

  261. July 4, 2013

    Oh I love a good stirring! 🙂

  262. July 9, 2013

    go to Pioneer woman, ree drummond for an excellent recipe for iced coffee…it's delish

  263. SO thrilled for you all! Yikes this is perfect!!!

  264. July 10, 2013

    Very cool! And I want to see those purple cupboards. 😉

  265. July 11, 2013

    I bet it feels great knowing that is taken care of- and prob makes it feel more real too. This is happening and THIS IS AWESOME. 4 bdrs and purple cabinets…. KINGS AND QUEENS! Sounds like you have room for a family of 3 to live there too! ehhhhh? knduge-wink wink.

  266. July 11, 2013

    Way to cool!! So excited for you & Praise the Lord!

  267. July 15, 2013

    Thanks for awkwardly making me cry at the computer lab on campus. 🙂

  268. July 15, 2013

    Add another casualty to the tearing up count. Okay, openly sobbing. Love you.

  269. July 16, 2013

    Oh LOVE it that God made Disneyland happen for you & brought joy to you. Thank you for the timely reminder that indeed He delights in giving us good gifts and bringing joy into our lives…

  270. July 19, 2013

    Grown ups, especially Christians seem to lose their joy. Somehow being serious is thought as being more pious, holy ? Anyway, I wanted to say your joy and exuberance about life is what I like about you. If that means being cheesy, bring on the cheese.May you never lose this joy and take it with you as you minister to the least of these in Ukraine. I have a feeling your joy would be contagious 🙂

  271. July 19, 2013

    Wow. Wow. Wow. A few years ago, I would have had to fight not to be jealous! (God has taught me a lot about not coveting other people's housing! 🙂 I am so glad that He has provided this for you, and I KNOW that it's a miracle.

  272. July 20, 2013

    Kim, it was so great to meet you this last week! And I'm so glad you got to go to Disneyland…what a great story and great post/reminder! I will definitely be following your journey.

  273. July 21, 2013

    Ha! You're so welcome.

  274. July 21, 2013

    Back at ya my dearest!

  275. July 21, 2013

    Oh thank you so much for this! You made my day!

  276. July 21, 2013

    I loved meeting you too. I would love our fams to get together someday. 🙂

  277. July 22, 2013

    All In… i love it… now dear Lord move my fearful heart… move the heart of my husband to see Your Heart beating for justice, mercy & compassion ministries!i pray also for my dear friends who have given all – are all in – to help your people in Ukraine! Give them courage, wisdom, and compassion to be Your Hands and feet. Bring them peace of mind and give them know-how and everything they need.Amen!

  278. Sara Eriksen
    September 3, 2013

    God is soo good!! Love you guys. 🙂

    • September 4, 2013

      Love you too! Thanks for all the support and donations!

  279. September 4, 2013

    Amazing! Praise the Lord!

    • September 4, 2013

      I KNOW!! I owe you a reply, just need a moment to chat with Jed about it 🙂

      • September 5, 2013

        i know you know… i just figured moving stuff is keeping you very busy… but if you could get back to me sooner rather than later it would be good 😉

  280. September 4, 2013

    Yay, that’s so great! You certainly beat our garage sale total. 🙂

    • September 4, 2013

      Super surprising that’s for sure!

  281. September 13, 2013

    I don’t envy you all that traveling, but I’ll be praying. I need to reread… I don’t think I saw California in there? It you are going to be in CA, I would love to work out a way for you to meet up with the Fedorchuks from Agape.

    And I know exactly what to do about the luggage: pray for it to get lost (temporarily). That has saved us several times when we couldn’t transport it ourselves. The airline delivered it a few days later. 🙂

  282. September 27, 2013

    #46…..I get to see you in a week! ACCKK!! 🙂 Also, I love your updates, your ice cream addiction, and the sweet kiddos you get to take pictures of….what an exciting adventure to be on! 🙂

    • September 28, 2013

      One weeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!! Bring it on!

  283. Saige
    October 2, 2013

    Love the new blog! Keep on keepin’ on, prayer people all over this country for you guys. Know THAT.
    Love, Saige

    • October 7, 2013

      Oh Saige, thank you so much!! 🙂

  284. October 7, 2013

    So, so happy for you guys! We’ve been busy with medical/houseish stuff lately and I hadn’t checked your blog to see that you all are leaving so soon! God is so faithful-I cannot wait to see how He’s going to use your family:) Will be breathlessly awaiting updates!

    • October 7, 2013

      Ah! Thank you Abby! What an encouraging note! 🙂

  285. October 21, 2013

    I love it! (And I promise that I won’t tell them my Moscow Metro–escalators there are even longer!–horror story, if we ever meet in real life.)

  286. October 25, 2013

    Oh boy sister. do I know EXACTLY how you feel! And the Hudson Taylor reference? Stellar!

  287. November 12, 2013


  288. November 14, 2013

    Yay, we’re on the same continent! It’s so crazy how our families are going through something so similar right now. We also had a sobfest as the family left, though I will admit most of it was my and my mom’s.

    • November 15, 2013

      Oooooh so close…yet so far away…are you blogging about your move?

  289. November 15, 2013

    Save a spot in the guest room for me next summer! I’m coming!

  290. November 15, 2013

    Wow. Just wow. You guys will be such a blessing to that community and how amazing that the Father gave you such a special home!!!

    • November 15, 2013

      Thank you for sharing our joy. We are soooo blessed beyond measure. 🙂

  291. November 15, 2013

    It’s so wonderfully Ukrainian! Rejoicing with you over our amazing, down-to-the-last-detail God. Love that playground! 🙂

  292. November 15, 2013

    It’s so wonderfully Ukrainian! Rejoicing with you over our amazing, down-to-the-last-detail God. Love the playground! 🙂

    • November 15, 2013

      Thank you for rejoicing with us!! Now you just need to pop on over for a visit! 😉

  293. Courtney L
    November 15, 2013

    I teared up as I read this. It is so special to hear about God’s faithfulness to your family and your faithfulness to serve him.

    • November 18, 2013

      He’s just too stinkin’ good, right??

  294. Alexis
    November 15, 2013

    The house is amazing! We love it! The outside pics make me laugh, though. Very, very odd looking house on the outside. 🙂 But hey, I guess if you need any rubble, you just walk out your back door! 🙂 So thankful to Jesus for giving you guys such a perfect house! I want to come visit!

    • November 18, 2013

      COME COME COME!!! I know, our yard is a sight. It makes me feel less guilty about how long we had NO YARD at our house. Remember those days??? Hehehe

  295. Alexis
    November 15, 2013

    PS – I’m surprised the fire marshal in my life who also looked at these pics didn’t say anything about the bed pushed up against the radiator in the guest/boys room. Guess he figures Zhitomer is a little out of his jurisdiction, so what does he care? 🙂 MISS YOU!!!!!!

  296. Keira
    November 15, 2013

    Okay, this girl must need some chocolate or something. I got tearful looking at your house and THEN when I saw the playground and the fact that it was JUST installed…my eyes are raining! God is SO good. It just touches my heart that he cares about the details. And Kim, I can’t help but think about your time in Turkey, our time in Morocco, your long wait in the U.S and believe your heart is finally home again being overseas. I love you friend!

    • November 18, 2013

      Ah! I love you too!!! You said it just right. I do feel like I’ve come home, strange. But I’m glad you get it. Today we used a squatty and I thought of you and hairbrushes. 🙂

  297. Christen
    November 15, 2013

    Uh — so I am definitely crying after reading the part about the playground. WHY IS GOD SO FREAKIN GOOOOOOOD?????
    ***ten million big bear hugs********

    • November 18, 2013

      Hahhahaha! I love you!!!! I’ll take the hugs thank you very much. 🙂

  298. November 16, 2013

    Amazing! I love how open everything looks on the lower floor. That’s always been my quibble with house design here: the closed off rooms. You can’t usually fit guests around the table in the kitchen, but if you put the table in another room, then you’re busy in the kitchen and cut off from the conversation…. It looks like you won’t have that.

    I wish I was close enough to help you with that washing machine. We recently moved to a place with a lovely old German one, and I had forgotten how confusing stuff like that can be.

    • November 18, 2013

      Yep, it’s pretty much perfect for us. I’m just a bit worried about how loud we are for the neighbors. I have no concept of how much they can hear…and we aren’t quiet! Hmmmm

  299. Vanessa
    November 16, 2013

    So awesome! I love the playground part! God is so faithful.

  300. November 18, 2013

    You all are amazing!

    (What’s your coffee? Ours is Carte Noire.)

    • November 18, 2013

      The new one we tried is “Jardin” Dessert Cup. It’s better, but I’m still not convinced it’s The One. Ha! I’ll try yours next. 🙂

  301. November 18, 2013

    We went to West Suffolk Vineyard Church on Sunday!

    • November 18, 2013

      Ooooh what did you think??

  302. Sue H.
    November 19, 2013

    Hi Kim, Just catching up on your last few posts. You made it! Congratulations. The house looks great. The kitchen is definitely cheerful!

    • November 20, 2013

      Oh hi Sue!! I’m so happy to hear from you!

  303. Melissa
    November 19, 2013

    Kim… love love everything about your new digs!!! It really couldn’t be any better!!! It’s so cheery and clean. Thanks for posting so many pics. It’s so great to finally have a visual of where you’re at! Emma and I like the kitchen & bathroom too!! I must admit though, that in all my thoughts about what the house looked liked never did “purple kitchen” enter my brain. Hahaha! Loves to all of you!

    • November 20, 2013

      Hey my friend! Yay thanks for saying hi! Yeah, the kitchen color choice was quite surprising to us too. I guess they just wanted a “pop” of color. Hehe Miss you!

  304. Alexis
    November 20, 2013

    I love, love, love it! Every last little detail! They are all the things I wonder about and remember being weird in Mexico too! Keep up the amazing work of documenting your life! It helps me to try to convince my heart that you aren’t so far away! Love you!

    • November 20, 2013

      Yay! Thanks for commenting! It makes me so happy to see your name pop up. Love you mucho!!! (Like how I threw the Espanol in there?) hehe

  305. November 20, 2013

    I hope you can keep writing like this! It could be so valuable to others who are coming. I’ve honestly forgotten what my early days were like. Shopping with Google Translate? That didn’t even exist back then. (But, really, I’m not old! 🙂 )

    Pokes a hole in the milk… or falls splat on a bag of kefir while going up with stairs. I had a child do that once. It made me think of Piglet on his way to Eeyore with the balloon, only a lot messier. 😀

    • November 20, 2013

      Haha! Yes! My kids were tossing a bag of mile around last night. Ummm no.

    • November 20, 2013

      *milk, not mile 🙂

  306. November 20, 2013

    I’ve been trying to cover similar details with the UK. And Jack’s 6th birthday was on Saturday! How crazy are our lives???

    • November 20, 2013

      Oooooh Twilight Zone! Crazy. Hope your boxes arrive soon!

  307. Stacy (Long) Varghese
    November 20, 2013

    Love this Kimmie! I just started a major project for our ministry in Russian and Google translate was my best friend too! I’m so impressed you guys are learning it!!!

    • November 20, 2013

      Ha! We’ll if you heard me you wouldn’t be that impressed… 🙂 Slowly but surely! Thanks for saying hi!!!

  308. Jan
    November 20, 2013

    I love your blog! You are an amazing communicator and I am so happy to be a part of your life in Ukarine!

    • November 20, 2013

      Thank you Jan! How kind of you. Thank for being a part! Your encouragement is such a blessing!

  309. Elizabeth Obendorf
    November 20, 2013

    Your blog makes my life. I’m so freaking happy that everything has been smooth, even to the smallest details! Love you guys!

    • November 21, 2013

      We love you toooo! Yep, God has been super good to us. Thank you so much for saying hi!!! 🙂

  310. Jeannie Bittner
    November 21, 2013

    Hi you all! I am SO HAPPY to read all the details of life there! Smiling and sometimes laughing at either the blog or pictures! Thrilled that Hannah will be spending some time with the cousins! Happy Birthday to Ez-Pez! I love you all…

  311. NWSS
    November 25, 2013

    Love it…hahaha! The bread thing! Once in Lativa Jeannie thought she was getting a cinnamon roll…MEAT! I LOVE those meat rolls!

    Love you…

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  312. Anne
    November 25, 2013

    What a great story! It made me laugh! You are so brave!!! I’m in awe.

  313. November 26, 2013

    Our ovens here in the UK are way different too! It’s like our first year of marriage all over again!

  314. November 27, 2013

    Once again, I think you’re amazing. We only ever buy frozen vareniki.

    I had forgotten my struggles with ovens at the beginning. Now I’m just so used to it, that I had forgotten there would be anything else. My first time in a new home, I always burn the first thing I bake, but after that, we’re fine. 🙂

  315. Annie Bittner
    November 27, 2013

    I am cozied up in my beloved t-shirt right now! I just read like a million of your posts and had goose bumps the whole time. So happy for you guys and can’t wait to visit! Ukraine is blessed to have all of you!

    • December 1, 2013

      Awww you’re the best! I can’t wait for you guys to visit. Hannah and I were talking about how great that will be. Come come come!!

  316. November 29, 2013

    Yes! Amen! So be it, as you said.

  317. Jane Traylor
    November 29, 2013

    I am so glad to be able to read about your journey. I am so very proud of you!

    • December 1, 2013

      Oh wow! Thank you!!! It’s so nice to hear from you 🙂

  318. Alexis
    November 29, 2013

    So thankful those precious boys are not forgotten! God is on the move in Ukraine! Praise Him!

    • December 1, 2013

      Yes!! Hey, Samuel’s family met him on Friday!!! Cool eh?

  319. Haley
    December 1, 2013

    I love all the pics of the food. Ukraine has the BEST juice ever, in the blue containers. And I found most restaraunts didn’t refrigerate it once it was opened.
    Did you make perogees(sp?) from scratch?!
    Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!

    • December 1, 2013

      Hey there! Yes, the kids are really loving the juice 🙂 We do make the dumplings from scratch. It’s not hard! You should give it a try. It just takes time, so I do it when the kids go to bed.

  320. Jayson Pakulak
    December 5, 2013

    Good stuff! Be careful how you try to ask for sage too… 😉

  321. Sue H.
    December 9, 2013

    Love the updates and pictures. I can’t wait to see and hear more.

    • December 18, 2013

      Hi Sue! I got to meet Julia and we were both talking about what a great encouragement you are. Thank you so much. You are a blessing.

  322. December 13, 2013

    Wow, your first month was so much alike and yet so different from ours in the UK! I so miss having friends. Praying for you guys; I know God is using you mightily.

  323. December 13, 2013

    Praying for you all and Ukraine! It’s been so wonderful to share in your adventures through your blog:) Definitely missing Ukraine

    • December 18, 2013

      Thanks Abby! Let me know when/if you ever come back. I would sure love to meet you.

  324. Alexis
    December 13, 2013

    It snowed! 🙂

  325. Pat Joling
    December 14, 2013

    Luv hearing your adventures and your blessings. Our God is amazing. May His blessings continue to surprise and encourage you.

    • December 18, 2013

      Thank you so much Pat! It’s so good to hear from you. Thank you for saying hi 🙂

  326. Melissa
    December 15, 2013

    Hey friend. I’m just catching up with you. Soooo many things to say, so I’ll save it FaceTime. So for now… you!!!!!!!!!

    • December 18, 2013

      I would love to chat! Anytime for you my dear 🙂

  327. December 18, 2013

    Love your Advent plan with the kids! Tip for your baking – if you are using an American recipe for any sort of baking & it calls for Baking Powder, you will need at least 1.5 to 2 times what it says cos in Europe the baking powder is not double-acting like in the US.
    Have a most Blessed Christmas & a fulfilling new year!

    • December 20, 2013

      Oh thank you for that!! I bet that’s the problem. Too bad the baking powder comes in teeny tiny little envelopes. I should’ve brought some with us in suitcase!

  328. Joe and Kim
    December 18, 2013

    So fun to keep up. Miss you all. Joe and Kim

    • December 20, 2013

      We miss you too! Have fun in Hermiston. JEALOUS. 😉

  329. December 19, 2013

    You are so wise! I also love Advent and Christmas, and Advent was such a comfort to me and to our family in the year that was the hardest for us. Advent is good when all is well, but it’s essential when everyone needs a little extra.

    We’ve been reading an Advent book this year and really, really enjoying it. I want to try Jotham’s Journey next year, or sometime.

    • December 20, 2013

      Oh what book are you reading? We’ll need a new one next year.

  330. December 20, 2013

    I like the Abominable Snowman the best. 🙂

    • December 20, 2013

      Me tooooo! We got that one the first Christmas we were married. 🙂

  331. Deanna
    December 20, 2013

    Omigosh! Camdon’s absolute number one thing on his list this year is the Abominable Snowman! He will be so tickled to see his friend has one 🙂

    • December 20, 2013

      Oh sweet Camdon! Hey, I read about the white Christmas dress. HILARIOUS. I laughed at/with you on that one. Hehehehe

  332. Jayson Pakulak
    December 20, 2013

    Sweet! They actually had Christmas trees you could buy, eh?!

  333. December 31, 2013

    Can’t wait to hear the news!

  334. January 1, 2014

    I love to hear all the details. I’ve been praying. Not to discount your miracle in any way–it really is a miracle!–but that’s almost exactly how it’s usually happened for us, too. My favorite was when the boss lady for all of regional OVIR actually sat down to type out a letter for us herself, just to be sure that every bit was just right. 🙂

    You can be praying for miracles for us, too, if you remember. We have to do all this pretty soon in a new-to-us region.

  335. January 1, 2014

    I hope I didn’t tell any stories that were too horrific or discouraging! I like to say that the visa process in Ukraine is not necessarily simple, but that it’s very doable. I think people who complain here should try Russia. (And people who live in Russia probably think that I should go to China or something. 🙂 )

  336. January 1, 2014

    Wow, all of that is so cool! I love hearing God stories. We have been praying for more than 2 months now about a big adoption decision. I asked and begged and asked and prayed and asked some more for a sign by New Year’s. No sign. 🙁 Praying now for a complete heart transformation in my husband…

  337. Jan Munson
    January 1, 2014

    I am so blessed by your story. I just absolutely LOVE you guys!!

  338. January 1, 2014

    Having jumped through a few Ukrainian hoops of our own, all I can say is WOW! God is good. So thankful He has blessed you with this miracle! Have fun in Switzerland!

  339. Randee Jones
    January 2, 2014

    AMAZING! I love how God is working out the details on your behalf. So beautiful!

  340. Alexis
    January 2, 2014

    The best, best, best photo is of you and Heath! So amazing that you met him! We need to FaceTime soon pleeeeeaaasseeee! I want to hear all about him! I love how God continues to meet every need, above and beyond what we could hope or imagine! Love you soooooo much!

  341. Deanna
    January 3, 2014

    That is IN.SANE. We remember the wheels of government and how they turn, and we were only there a month! Astounding. We’re speechless with delight (but also not really surprised….He’s going before you!!) 🙂

  342. Sue H.
    January 3, 2014

    I love this! I love your picture of Heath and the one Julia posted of him in front of the Christmas tree. I really enjoy hearing about your adventures. I desperately want one of those items in your last picture (sorry my mind has gone completely blank on what they are called!). My snowman one doesn’t quite compare. LOL.

  343. January 7, 2014

    Just read this! The miracle is even more amazing now that i know more details!! Absolutely amazing & ONLY GOD can!
    Can’t wait till you get here 🙂
    Switzerland is such a tiny country compared to Ukraine and it is more efficient in many ways BUT government paperwork still moves at snail’s pace and also require lots of stamps! 😉 hahhahaa

  344. Jan Munson
    January 8, 2014

    Your theme and your thought are so inspiring………… Thank you!

    • January 9, 2014

      Thank YOU Jan, for your encouragement!

  345. January 8, 2014

    This is one of your best posts. I so struggle with the same issues, especially in regards to mommy guilt.

    • January 9, 2014

      Thanks for the encouragement. So many people struggle with that! Let it go girl! 😉

  346. January 8, 2014

    Mine: Hope
    & this quote:
    When given a choice between being kind or being right, choose kind. – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (from the book “Wonder”)

    • January 9, 2014

      I love that quote! I need to post that up in my house. -in every room! Ha!

      • January 9, 2014

        😀 that’s an idea 😉

  347. karen elliott
    January 8, 2014

    my word is new. new every morning. behold he makes,all things new….more to come.

    • January 9, 2014

      Yes! That is so good. Thank God for new beginnings each day.

  348. Alexis
    January 8, 2014

    Kim, this was amazing to read! A-MAZE-ING! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Yes, I will stand with you and let go too! I am right there with you when it comes to worrying about my littles, but God has got them and He loves them more than I do. For what it is worth, I think you are one of the most incredible Mamas I have ever met! You inspire me! 🙂 So, here’s to letting go in 2014!!!! (just please don’t let go of me! hee – hee!) LOVE YOU!

    • January 9, 2014

      I could never let go of you! I love you tooooooo much! 🙂

  349. January 8, 2014

    Love!!! Thank you for sharing : )

    • January 9, 2014

      Awww shucks. 🙂 You’re welcome!

  350. Natalie
    January 9, 2014

    Your words are a blessing, Kim. Well said. Letting go and holding on to Jesus (and the lightness that comes along with letting go) brings Matt. 11:30 to mind: For my burden is easy and my yoke is light. So thankful for that!
    Oh, and I also have a word for this year! It’s “gentle.” In how I speak, think and treat others. With my kids and husband. With myself. My heart and the hearts of those around me just need more gentleness.

    • January 9, 2014

      Ooooh gentle. Yes, that is really good too. So much beauty can come from having a gentle spirit.

  351. January 14, 2014

    Nice to see what choices you have there 😉 baking powder in Europe (most of Europe) comes in little sachets cos that’s all you need for one cake – usually 😉
    Enjoy your food – maybe we should take you supermarket shopping here 😉

  352. January 14, 2014

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post! Shopping in U is quite the adventure, isn’t it? I just walked a mile and a half down the road to our local (small) supermarket, bags handily stashed in my pocket. :-). Can’t wait to read your post on open markets. They are such an adventure!

    Thank you for posting the picture of the baking powder! I was despairing of ever finding any!

  353. January 14, 2014

    Waiting for your arrival… patiently (NOT)!

  354. January 14, 2014

    fantastic! will be praying over all these details….

  355. January 16, 2014

    I’m definitely praying! I hope you take lots of pictures and write all about it, so that we can enjoy your trip, too.

    (And you can pray for me as I fight off jealousy. We’re just starting our doc process today, and it looks like this time we won’t even be able to make the family trip that we look forward to so much each time. We’ll have to have one parent go while the other stays with the little ones, and then switch. 🙁 )

  356. January 17, 2014

    How I would love to get my hands (and mouth!) on some Swiss chocolate! 🙂

  357. January 17, 2014

    Happy photos! Thank you.

  358. NWSS
    January 18, 2014

    So wonderful…love you.

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  359. Grandma Pat
    January 18, 2014

    Wonderful, how good our God is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are two of God’s brightest.
    I love you very much and your dear family.
    God Bless and keep you in all His ways.
    Grandma Pat

    • January 24, 2014

      Thank you!! I’m so happy you are keeping in touch.

  360. January 19, 2014

    Jed’s slippers take me back more than 30 years to the ones I picked up (and brought back as gifts) from a little store in Vienna called “Bippa’s”. So European! 🙂 BTW, Happy Birthday Jed!

    • January 24, 2014

      Thanks you awesome bunch of Douglass’ you!

  361. Linda
    January 20, 2014

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post about one of my favorite grocery stores in Zhytomyr. I have been in Ukraine for 7 years now, and always enjoy hearing people’s first impressions of food in bags and little pkgs of baking powder and babushkas and all the other things that make shopping in Ukraine an adventure. We are so priviledged here, it just takes time and effort and a dictionary and sometimes lots of questions to find what you are looking for.

  362. January 21, 2014

    You are most welcomed! & have definitely thanked us more than enough 😉 Glad we could provide the peace you needed (it helps having only 1x kid – hahhaaa) – we loved having you guys here. Remember our door is always open & we’ll be praying that you will have a safe journey home & for Ukraine…

  363. Grandma Pat
    January 21, 2014

    May the Lord bless your family and keep you safe. Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!!!!!!!!!!

    • January 24, 2014

      Thank you for the encouragement! I hope you are doing well. 🙂

  364. January 23, 2014

    Yes, our hearts are broken for Ukraine. We adopted our youngest son from there, so the country has a special place in our hearts and has become part of our family’s identity. We pray daily for Ukraine and it’s people.

    • January 24, 2014

      Elliott, thank you so much for praying faithfully for Ukraine. The Ukrainian people definitely have a way of winning hearts. 🙂 Also, I’m so glad to hear you adopted from here! AWESOME.

  365. January 23, 2014

    Standing with you…

    • January 24, 2014

      Thanks my dear. I knew you would. 🙂

  366. Courtney L
    January 23, 2014

    Praying with you now!

    • January 24, 2014

      Hi there! Thank you for praying. I sure wish we could see each other again 🙂

  367. Merlin Miller
    January 23, 2014

    Praying for Ukraine!

    • January 24, 2014

      THANK YOU Merlin!! We very much appreciate it.

  368. Janet Johnson
    January 23, 2014

    Kimberly, I have not seen you in years and I think I only met Jed once, but I want you to know that I am praying for both of you, your children and those in the Ukraine. Esther 4: 14 And who knows but that you have come to your royal position (in my words, right where He wants you) for such a time as this?”

    • January 24, 2014

      Thank you! It’s so cool to hear from you! It really does bless us tremendously when we hear of someone praying for us who has never met us, or hasn’t seen us in years. THANK YOU!

  369. Sue H.
    January 23, 2014

    Praying for your family and Ukraine!

  370. January 24, 2014

    Beautifully written. Praying for you guys.

  371. Francis Beechinor
    January 24, 2014

    I was in Kiev for 5 days for a friends wedding at the start of January this year. I loved the Ukranian hospitality, they sure know how to organise a wedding, eat dance eat dance. Tanya’s friends were very generous with there time, showing us around all the sights in Kiev. We stayed near Maidan Square, so I visited it everyday day. I was impressed by the courage, conviction and the organisation that went in to the protest.
    One fella that left an impression on me, he was ” hardy and wiry and had great go in him” as we would say in West Cork. He could just as easily be a neighbouring farmer in Clonakilty.
    Naturally I’m saddened that 3 people have lost their lives in this quest for human rights, these people could be my family, friends or neighbours here in Cork.
    I pray to God that there will be no further loss of life.

    • January 25, 2014

      Oh Francis, thank you for sharing! I’m so glad you were able to see Ukraine with your own eyes, and meet her beautiful people. Now you know better how to pray. Thank you!

  372. Keira
    January 24, 2014

    I’ve been praying for safety, for courage, for peace, and for the TRUTH to stand. The past 6 years of my life really opened my eyes and my heart in so many different ways. It made me realize the freedom and luxuries we truly have in America, yet it still so hard to comprehend having none of it. Even when I lived somewhere else, I still had the choice to leave. It makes me respect and love my friends living in those other countries even more. So brave. So strong. So resilient. I definitely stand with you guys for Ukraine and the ones you love. I praise God that he placed you there at this time! Your sensitivity, awareness and love are surely blessing your friends who need the support right now.

    • January 25, 2014

      Thank you my dear Keira!!! Love, love, love you.

  373. robin sturm
    January 24, 2014

    Love to you each! We are praying for you and for Ukraine. God’s timeing is perfect. It might not totally make sense right now, to us, but He is in control and has you guys there for such a time as this!
    LOVE YOU!!

    • January 25, 2014

      Thank you Robin! We sure love you too. Thanks for praying and for letting us know, and for the encouragement. It’s a crazy time, but we trust in Him. Today we have a lot of peace. 🙂

  374. January 30, 2014

    Well done on the bundling! The Swiss tell us that the trick is to layer so the kids can remove layers as the weather warms up or as activity warms them up (it’s hard work playing in snow!)… take care HUGS!

  375. Cry
    February 2, 2014

    Oh my, what an adventure! (Have you gotten that sentence a lot? It seems to be a favorite every time I blog from our American friends. 🙂 ) Anyways, your kids are so stinkin’ brave — wow! Keep us posted!

  376. February 2, 2014

    ooooh… exciting… praying they will at least be able to follow instructions & catch on quickly!

  377. Jane Traylor
    February 2, 2014

    So proud of you and Jed for being flexible enough to do this! It is one of those “teachable moments” that we love in homeschooling. This one just happens to be extended!, I’m loving how God is providing for your family.

    • February 6, 2014

      Thank you! Your comment really encouraged me!

  378. February 6, 2014

    I don’t have any advice or anything, but lots of prayers and sympathy in the mourning part of your feelings. (By the way, I’ve been that English teacher, helping a Russian-American little girl and foreign parents. In a different school, of course. 🙂 )

    Also, I understand about wanting to be learning the same language, but Ukrainian could be really useful long term. We speak Russian in our family, but we try to learn Ukrainian, and it would be so nice if we could do better with that! It’s so useful for anything official, and Ukraine may be headed more and more in that direction anyway, even in the Russian-speaking regions. So, while I don’t envy you having to learn like this–all at once and in different directions–I can see how God may be using it.

    Oh, by the way, we have suffered and agonized over Ukrainian music textbooks for homework, but at least here the teachers speak Russian!

  379. February 6, 2014

    Oh, and a little more: not that my opinion counts for anything in your family decisions, but I really do agree with your decision of learning Russian. No matter how lovely and useful Ukrainian is, Russian does meet a wider audience. I recently heard the director of Agape sharing how, even though his native language is Ukrainian, for some reason, unknown at the time, he had the Bible curriculum written in Russian. And now, years later, that early decision is making it much easier to spread into other former USSR countries. 🙂

  380. Monica DeRosier
    February 6, 2014

    Hi guys! First of all, I love reading your posts! It’s so amazing to see how God is working in your family. I wanted to just quickly say my kids both are in Spanish immersion here in salem, which of course is way different than your situation, but…it had been so amazing for them. I have loved watching their transformation. Their classes start at 90% Spanish for kinders (pe and music stay English) then each year they get a 10% shift to English. They have picked it up so well and having monolingual Spanish children in their class has helped so much! The trick we used most is to tell the kids they are investigators. (I also worked in a Spanish immersion class 7 years). We would excite them about watching the other kids and figuring out what to do. It made it fun for them until they caught onto the language a little more. I hope that helps at least a little. It has been such a gift to my boys who are now both bilingual 🙂

    • February 11, 2014

      Wow, thank you for that great info Monica! That is super encouraging.

  381. February 6, 2014

    I still can’t imagine being in their place, wowzers! Their little brains must be growing by leaps and bounds!

  382. Sue H.
    February 6, 2014

    I have a feeling that picture of them in the classroom will be one you will cherish years from now. How cute are they and how cute are all those little students in their uniforms!!! The only way I can think of for them to learn Ukranian more naturally would be for them to be around even younger children (preschool, age 1-3 for example) who are just learning basic words or putting phrases together (yes, no, eat, sit, etc.). I’m not sure if those types of groups even exist there, such as a church/mom’s group where you could take all 4 kids or some basic (but intense) introductory tutoring from someone who knows both English/Ukranian.

  383. Chantal
    February 6, 2014

    They don’t understand at the moment but they will. After a month their minds will understand most things and after 2 they will be pretty good. By June they should be very comfortable and fluent,.

    • February 11, 2014

      Thanks Chantal! I hope you’re right 🙂

  384. February 6, 2014

    In school here, they also change into what are called “house-shoes” and the shops here sell specific types for younger children (so they don’t kick them off during class). Do they have a small gym bag too? Over here they all bring a small gym bag (shoes & gym clothes inside) to school which is hung on a hook (labelled with their names) in front of their classrooms. You can opt to bring the bag home daily or weekly or whenever your mother tells you to.
    Kids bring their own snack here (very regulated in our school – nothing sweet or with sugar) & the school advises to not give kids money unless it’s to pay for something for school (such as bus fare for school outings).
    With regards to the kids understanding the language, it will come… how long it will take will depend on individuals BUT immersion is the best way to learn…
    If you wanted to help them, maybe cartoons in Ukrainian? i found these on YouTube…
    You can watch together as a family for a fun way to learn together?
    A YouTube search for cartoons in Ukrainian gives 11,200 results – so there is a whole selection… just be sure to screen them cos some of them maybe old soviet stuff.
    i think it’s so very wonderful that you guys are getting to know people…
    Oh i feel your mama’s heart… it was hard for me when T had to go Kindergarten… even now, i prefer to have him home whenever i can. If i told Swiss mothers this, most would shake their heads at me… here children learning to be independent (do without parents) is a huge thing. But know that as long as they are happy, and learning along the way, you are doing the right thing 🙂 hugs!

    • February 6, 2014

      Old soviet cartoons are the best in the world!!! Really “старые добрые советские мультики,” there’s nothing better. 🙂

  385. February 11, 2014

    Hi, My daughter is Zhitomir, she is Irish and will be getting married to her ukranian fiancé, soon. I follow your blog because of that connection.

    Regards, Mgt

    • February 13, 2014

      Wow Margaret! How cool 🙂 Thanks for saying hi!

  386. February 22, 2014

    Amen! Standing with you in prayer & in spirit!

  387. February 22, 2014

    Reblogged this on trippingdifferently and commented:
    i have been praying and praying for a country i have never been to… for a country i took little notice of until now… i have posted almost daily on my Facebook about Ukraine and any news article i come across, asking people to pray with me.
    i have been praying for Ukraine… why? Because Heath – my beloved Heath who is now with his forever family, he who introduced me into the world of special needs orphans, is from there. Because i now know friends who are living there, supporting their new Ukrainian friends on the ground. Because God moved my heart to.
    Please pray along with me as this country works towards peace and a democratic, and just government.
    Thank you.

  388. February 23, 2014


    I was touched by your post re Ukraine and pray that stability will happen there soon.

    My daughter is in Zhitomir currently also, her fiancé is from the city, and like you she could hardly believe that she was witnessing the historic changes there. Regards, Margaret

  389. March 10, 2014

    We just heard a sermon on Isaiah 54 last week!

    Oh Kim, do I know exactly how you feel. No, we’re not facing war, but my babies are going through the same things as yours as far as figuring out this new country, being lonely and nervous, wondering where they fit in. Your lines of each of your kids being called as well as you and Jed hit me smack in the middle of my head and heart. Pray for me, friend. I don’t seem to be as advanced as you yet in the acceptance department. 🙂

  390. NW Student Services
    March 10, 2014

    Thank you. I love you. Those pics are amazing.

    *Steve Bittner/DirectorNorthwest Student Services, LLCP.O. Box 667Corvallis, Oregon 97339 USAMobile: SKYPE: steviethevagabond*

  391. Carly
    March 10, 2014

    Praying for you guys and so encouraged by this post! What a great verse to carry in your heart during these times.

    • March 27, 2014

      Hi! I always think of you guys and wonder how you’re doing being a mommy. 🙂

  392. Grandma Pat
    March 10, 2014

    Dearest ones ~ my heart goes out to you and I pray for your safety and wisdom. Hang on to Jesus! I love all of you ~ Grandma Pat

    • March 27, 2014

      Hi there! Thanks for the note. Thanks also for the prayers. It’s so good we can be in touch from so far away!

  393. David Dixon
    March 11, 2014

    Thank you for your post. My Dame is David; I live in Salem, Oregon.We have friends here, and around the world who have taught us more about what it means to follow Jesus Christ, walking as He walked, bringing glory to God rather than to ourselves. Some of those friends live in Ozerne and Turnopil. You can contact them via Your “letting go” site was referred to me by my youngest daughter. Thank you; I will be praying for you and your family regularly.

    • March 27, 2014

      Hi David! Sorry for the delayed reply. Thank you so much for your note! It’s great to hear from you. We’ll check out your friends for sure. Thank you for the prayers and encouragement. 🙂

  394. Sue H.
    March 12, 2014

    I think of you every day! I had the same thought as you — the boys can’t leave —- please don’t let their caregivers abandon them. Hopefully this will lead to improvements for them (eventually). Thank you for the update.

  395. Jennifer & Randy
    March 20, 2014

    Hi Kim,
    We’re always so glad to catch up with your adventures! We miss you madly and talk about all of you every day – do your ears burn at odd times? 😉
    We’re so proud of the wonderful work you are doing and the amazing job you are doing as parents not only to your kids but helping the boys. How is your coffee supply doing?
    Btw, has spring sprung there? What is spring in Ukraine like? The cherry blossoms on the capital mall are all in full-bloom.
    Spring break is next week and the Mexico contingent is taking off tomorrow. Power prayers from the Johnson clan for the week they are gone would be most welcome.
    All our love,
    Randy and Jennifer

    • March 27, 2014

      This comment blessed us so much! Thank you so much for the encouragement. We finished off the coffee today. It was soooooo good. We have been praying for the Mexico team. Can’t wait to hear about their adventures. Love you guys!

  396. March 21, 2014

    I am almost jealous of you studying Ukrainian. I have tried off and on, but just can’t get enough exposure. I’ve finally gotten to where I understand, but I can’t speak. And don’t worry, you’ll have all of eternity to learn Russian. I know for sure that it’s the language of heaven. 😉

    Oh, after 5+ years I just now tried speaking surzhik with my neighbor. It almost hurt, but she understood me better.

    • March 27, 2014

      Heaven’s language…hahahaha! I think my neighbors would beg to differ. So funny!

  397. March 21, 2014

    My brain hurts learning British, so I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. 🙂 Glad to hear you’re doing well, my friend!

  398. March 27, 2014

    Oh the preciousness! I just love every single one of your strong, courageous, obedient and loving souls (that goes for you too, Kim & Jed). You are my heroes! Love you. <3

  399. March 27, 2014

    Your kids are amazing & you & Jed are the amazing parents!

  400. March 31, 2014

    I’ve never heard of that term before, but we do this every night! We ask what was the best and hardest part of your day. Jude (3) doesn’t really get it yet — he just says everything he did that day — but Jack (6) can have a meaningful conversation sometimes, when he’s not distracted by seemingly everything else. And strangely, the baby always said her favorite part of her day was nursing. 🙂

  401. April 6, 2014

    Heart lifting blog! I will be in Zhitomir in two weeks time, can’t wait!

    • April 17, 2014

      Hey there! Are you here in Z town now?

  402. April 6, 2014

    This is beautiful! Our family has been praying for your family! Just when we need it, Jesus comes in with exactly what we need to make our hearts soar and rejoice in His love for us and others. So amazing. So inspiring-what your doing!

    • April 17, 2014

      Oh Gabby, thank you so much for praying!!

  403. June Smucker Handrich
    April 6, 2014

    Your connection with Vova, through the bubbles, was very cool Kim! Keep up the good work!

  404. Brianna Robbins
    April 17, 2014

    Love, love, love! The pictures were great and I can’t wait for karaoke night…might there be some video clips? : )

  405. April 18, 2014

    This is awesome! What a powerful statement of love that transcends language, culture, ability and what a powerful vision to cast for your kids.

  406. April 18, 2014

    This is awesome! What a powerful message that transcends language, culture, ability… and what a powerful vision to cast for your kids.

  407. April 18, 2014

    <3 <3 <3 Karaoke is going to be a blast! Take some videos!

  408. April 23, 2014

    Beautiful! I’ll take your random, day-in-the-life post any day of the week. We’re grieving too, but joyful for who you are and what you are doing. Love you guys so. (PS I don’t have your genes because I’ve been wearing a down jacket inside all day.)

  409. April 24, 2014

    It’s not nearly as rainy here in ENGLAND as Salem, either! Though the locals share your hot blood. The second the sun comes out, it doesn’t matter if it’s only 55. People wear shorts and tanks. And here I am, still in 3 layers without fail….though last weekend I only wore 2. It was exciting. 🙂

  410. April 24, 2014

    Some really great things happened today (immigration approvals! VISAs! killer samples at Trader Joe’s!), but this, my friends, is my favorite. I laughed (the “spelling word” list), I cried (“mission trip smell”–familiar from Guatemala and I know will be smelled in China) and I just felt the Holy Spirit jumping off this screen in the smiles of Jed and your boys. I’m very, very full right now. <3

  411. April 25, 2014

    It doesn’t rain as much here where we are but the wind sure is cold when it blows… so the kids are running around in tees but i still have at least a light sweater on when i’m out… but i do so love the sunshine days 😉 it’s great to read about your everyday… i always mean to do some of those for my blog too – but like you – semi-control-freak too – so can’t get to it – that’s why i’m not on Twitter can’t understand why people would want to follow my boring daily life… hahhaa 😉

  412. April 25, 2014

    <3 <3 <3 so wishing wishing we could visit real soon…

  413. Sue H.
    April 25, 2014

    Love the updates! I think of you regularly as well as the boys.

  414. May 3, 2014

    So. Right. On. It’s all about Him and He is opening your eyes (all of our eyes) to all the ways we’ve given in to the love of this world instead of Him. You will not be disappointed, nor will your children. They are His. You keep pointing!!! Love you and miss you!

  415. mendezcinco
    May 3, 2014

    I think your honesty just might be my very, very favorite thing about you! Thank you for being real; now we know how to really pray for you! It feels like a lot longer than six months for me too! LOVE YOU!

    • May 6, 2014

      I owe you an email my dearest! I’ll get right on it!

  416. NWSS
    May 3, 2014

    I love you so much…

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  417. May 3, 2014

    ohh I love this so much! I’m not sure if you remember me (I go to Benson’s church). I loved hearing you guys speak and have been following you guys since. 🙂 This very much resonates with this American mommy’s heart and is something true for how I should be living here in the US too – not putting my own expectations and experiences on my boys. (I’d be lying if I said I haven’t dreamed several times of packing up our belongings and joining you all in Ukraine though.)

    • May 6, 2014

      Hi Kayla! Thank you so much for saying hi! You’re welcome to visit anytime…come on! 😉

  418. May 3, 2014

    I’m so glad you wrote this. Honestly, I’ve been comparing my journey to yours because we both left Salem at the same time for new countries. And when I’ve been struggling, it seems like there was always a new blog from you saying how much you LOVED your new country and people when I really just wanted to chuck mine down the drain (which, of course, would be smaller than an American drain because nothing is the same size here!) and go home. And I would feel so pathetic, like you’re a better Christian (I KNOW in my head that you can’t compare things like that, but that’s what the irrational, I-just-want-my-mom part of me thought) because you’re growing by leaps and bounds in Ukraine, and accepting the hard things joyfully, while I’m desperately trying to do the same but maybe not with the same joyful attitude.

    But boy do I know EXACTLY how you’re feeling in regards to the kids. Not so much with the language barrier, but everything else! My kids are missing out on so much back home. Jack’s little heart breaks so often, especially when he sees what he’s missing through Skype, or when the kids here make fun of him for his accent, or the way church here is SO inadequate compared to the thriving church movement back home and I worry about what Jude isn’t learning that Jack did at that age.

    Thanks for sharing, friend. I am so with you. And thankful that we serve a God who knows and cares about all these details.

    • May 6, 2014

      Hi there. Oh girl, don’t compare yourself to me. We all struggle, we’re all in process. I do love it here, but that doesn’t make it easy. You’ll see just how normal we are in OCTOBER! Woohooooo!!! 🙂

  419. Lynn Lanham
    May 4, 2014

    Wow, the pain we feel as we want for our children. Thank you for your honesty.

    • May 6, 2014

      Oh Lynn, seeing your name made me smile so big. You are so special to me. FYI 🙂

  420. Susan
    May 4, 2014

    Your love and concern for your beautiful children is almost tangible in this post. I do hope that you and they will find ways of “connecting” with friends old and new, on both sides of The Pond, in the time ahead.

    Meanwhile, are you familiar with/in touch with Bible Orphan Ministry, also in Zhitomir? They are a tiny but very effective all-Ukrainian group which works with and serves over 1,000 kids and young adults in ten orphanages and institutions in and around your city, providing material and practical assistance, Bible lessons, and guidance for teens who’ve aged out.. Check out their Facebook and blog – Alla V., who keeps both the Facebook page and the blog, is just great, as are her fellow BOM members. It would be great it BOM and Wide Awake could team up!

    Best wishes to you and your family.

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

    • May 6, 2014

      Hi Susan! Thanks for saying hello. 🙂 Yes, we know about BOM. I actually met them last spring when we were visiting U and got to go to an orphanage with them one day. They are such sweet people! Thanks for the reminder, I’ve been meaning to connect with them now that we are living here but it just hasn’t happened yet. I’m hoping this summer when our schedule is more free we can meet and see how to link arms. It seems crazy that it hasn’t happened yet…it’s not like we live in such a big town! Ha! But, up to this point we’ve just been trying to figure out life. Now I feel more prepared to reach out and connect with others who aren’t right in front of us. 🙂

      • Susan
        May 6, 2014

        So glad you have met with BOM – I hope you can reconnect. Right now, BOM has just successfully completed a fundraiser to help provide 70 orphanage graduates with a few things: Bibles, cooking utensils, dinner plates, soup bowls and mugs, individual place settings, comforters, etc. – basics, but precious and greatly needed by teens who have nothing.

        BOM welcomes donations of clothing and other items for all those they serve – see recent comments on Alla’s blog for info. about sending packages to Ukraine. Clothing for teens is greatly needed right now. It can be new or gently used and clean.

        Last year BOM’s staff went to a huge street market in a city about 200 miles away to purchase some of the gifts for graduates – prices were very reasonable there and their funds went farther. I expect they’ll try to do the same this year, so they may be away for a while this week. They wrap the gifts very attractively, which helps make the extremely poignant graduation ceremonies a little more hopeful. With 70 graduates to “gift” this spring, perhaps BOM could use some help with all that wrapping!

        I’m pretty sure BOM also visits the men and boys’ institution you visit – I know they’ve provided privately paid caregivers to a nearby men and boys’ institution, to improve the quality of care. They selected two very sweet ladies who are gentle and affectionate with the boys. They also help with basic supplies, clothing, toys, etc.

        Let me know via email if you’d like Alla’s contact info. They are working with a few families who have children close to the age of your youngest, in addition to working with the orphanages and institutions, so your children might find new friends and playmates through BOM!

        Best wishes to you and your family – I hope things will begin to feel more comfortable as you gain familiarity with your new home.

        Susan in Ky
        Cousin to 2 from U.

  421. May 5, 2014

    I already commented on Facebook, but I just keep thinking about this. There’s no arguing with the fact that you feel alone, of course, but I do know more than a few families now who have moved over here with children. I wish there was some way for you to get together with some of them!

    And the part about mothering and family expectations… yes! I feel so weird, because even though I grew up in America, I’ve only mothered here, and that is what has shaped it all for me. So, when I think about how I feel on visits to America, I think I can understand a little of what you’re in right now. It’s so hard to even express it. What’s different? Um, yeah…. everything? But nothing so obvious that I could just list it off.

    Anyway, I’m praying for you.

    • May 6, 2014

      Hey there!
      Thanks so much for your encouragement and prayers. Yeah, there just isn’t anyone in our area that I know of, but it’s okay. God knows our needs and if He has someone in mind for me to connect with I know He’ll make a way. I think right now He’s saying “Lean on me, not on man.” You know? I’m gaining some good perspective. I’m excited to check out the missionary mom blog. Thanks for sharing!

      • May 6, 2014

        By the way, for us it was TWELVE YEARS before we ended up near English speakers. Looking back, I am so glad; it was just what I needed. God knows what you need, too. Maybe you’re not as slow as I am. 🙂

  422. Jan Munson
    May 5, 2014

    Hi Kim, You are a great mom. You love your kids and they know it. Where can I change my credit card info for the my monthly gift to Wide Awake Family?

    • May 6, 2014

      Awww Jan, thank you!! Thank you so much for your faithful support. 🙂 I’ll have Jed contact you about your card. He’s the smarty about all that…I’m clueless. Ha!

  423. Sue H.
    May 5, 2014

    Hi Kim, Just wanted to say I’m thinking of you and can’t imagine how it feels.

    My 14 year old daughter sometimes comments/complains that we shouldn’t have taken her out of gymnastics after several years of lessons – she wishes she’d stayed with it and mastered it. We took her out because she couldn’t progress to the next level, she started too old (insert laugh here – should have started at age 2 or 3?!) and couldn’t learn the flips. She would dread going to the training as time progressed. Deep down, I do regret pulling her and wished we’d just pushed through the tough times.

    I envision you and Jed packing up and leaving U. and years from now your kids commenting/complaining (think early teen whine/rolling eyes) “You took us out of U. because of missed sleepovers and play dates!!! MOM!!!”

    I know it’s completely different but thought you’d enjoy a laugh. Sometimes when you get some time and distance you can see that things you thought were so important to a decision really weren’t all that important .

    • May 6, 2014

      YES YES YES!!! Thank you Sue! You made me smile and your comment was so good for my perspective! I love it. Let’s keep our priorities straight, shall we? THANK YOU!

  424. Pat Epperly
    May 5, 2014

    Dearest Kim, much of the answers escape me, I have never really been in your shoes. With Harry being in the Air Force for 23 years we did move a lot, which meant our children changing schools and friends. Our middle 3 were very close in age and the integration seemed easier because they had each other. The other two were 5 years older and 4 years younger and it was tough for them. I know we spoke the same language, except when we were in the South. But the culture in every State was very different from ours. But we felt we were called by God to do what we were doing. As I look back he did use us in unusual and wonderful ways. We always walked with the Lord and trusted HIm to work it all out, which He did. All I can say is “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. He will work it out”.

    I will pray that God will give you both great wisdom and peace. Your love for them and your strong faith will serve you well.

    With love in Christ ~ Pat Epperly

    • May 6, 2014

      Thank you Pat! I love hearing from your wisdom and experience. Yes, I need to trust Him with all my heart. My understanding is pretty limited. Thank you for that verse. I love hearing from those who have gone before us in their walk of faith. 🙂

  425. May 6, 2014

    Although the situations are completely different, my heart resonates with much of what you said… I am in the midst of raising a sweet little boy with autism, adopted 8 months ago. When he first came home he had absolutely zero interest in other kids but over the past couple months he has been showing an increasing desire to play and interact with them which has been a huge step for him. Unfortunately, I have yet to find any kids who want to play with him… 🙁 Although he came to me “non-verbal”, my little miracle boy is now talking up a storm but he is not very clear and is incomprehensible to most people outside the family, especially kids. It is so hard on my mama’s heart to watch him try so hard to say hi and play with other kids, only for him to be ignored, left out, and/or laughed at due to his lack of language (and developmentally appropriate play/social skills).

    Anyway, this comment is not to say that I get it, because I have not lived what you’re living right now, but simply that as I pray for my son’s heart and wisdom in how to best help him, I will be praying for you and your kids as well.

    Hang in there and keep holding on the the One who hold both your heart and theirs.

  426. May 9, 2014

    Completely understand your mama’s heart… right there with you… even though T was born here & speaks the language, the fact that his brain is wired slightly differently & the fact that we parent differently from the people here, it already makes a difference & sometimes he does get picked on or ignored – i can only imagine what your heart is feeling, my dear friend. BUT you are so right – our job is to point our children to Jesus & if that makes us stand out, then so be it – it is worth it 🙂 Thank you for being so brave… May the Lord continue to bless you all with the riches of Heaven!

  427. Drew Strayer
    May 12, 2014

    Thank you guys for sharing your experiences and your hearts. It is so good to know how to pray and how to brag on God moving people’s hearts toward His purposes and plan even when it means they need to/get to step out again and move halfway around the globe He created! Thanks for the encouragement of updating us on how you all are doing on happy days and hard days! We love you guys! The Strayers

    • May 13, 2014

      Oh man, we love you guys too. Thanks so much for the encouragement and prayers.

  428. Sue H.
    May 13, 2014

    I love these updates and the pictures make it real and bring your interactions to life! I’m not on FB so I didn’t see the request for help with coats/shoes but I just donated to help with whatever else the boys need!

    • May 13, 2014

      AWESOME! Thank you Sue! It was a quick mention on FB and I really didn’t expect anything to come from it. Ha! Silly me. When we use the money I’ll make sure to take lots of pictures. Thanks again for your generous heart. 🙂

  429. May 13, 2014

    Love reading your emails, loved my recent visit to Zhitomir, the hospitality of the people, the greenery, the traditional food, eating out cheaply, etc. I wonder if you need a helper, a local man, speaks fluent English? Please let me know. Thanks.

  430. Mark
    May 14, 2014

    Parents always find the cool things to do. It is because parents are kids at heart.

    May 24, 2014

    Reading your post made my heart sing.  I am praying for your family and the Ukraine and sending positive energy your way.

  432. May 24, 2014

    Love all the traditional headbands!

  433. May 24, 2014

    Ahh! еж!!! They are SO adorable!! My friend told me that she held three hedgehogs at once! If I am ever able to come to Ukraine, I have to touch one. What do they feel like??

  434. May 31, 2014

    So wonderful to hear how positive their experience of U public school is. i pray that the Lord gives you wisdom as to what to do for the next school year.
    My 2 cents is that going to public school always helps with integrating and understanding the culture more. With regards to have a foundation in English 1st, while that is true, i also know children who are effectively tri-lingual because they have at least 30% of each language within a week. So it is possible for H to learn both languages at the same time and be good in both, you just have to balance the time she spends in each language.
    Whatever you decide on, you have your kids’ best interests at heart & that means it can only go well. Enjoy the summer!
    We still have 5 weeks of school over here…

  435. June 1, 2014

    I’m so jealous! School in England doesn’t get out until July 23. Their summer break is one month long, and I am so burnt out! But super-glad to hear about how well everything went for your kids. Yay!

  436. June 1, 2014

    I’m sure God will give you wisdom and opportunities for next year. Sometimes libraries and other places have preparation classes for school. I had thought of doing that with some of our children, because it’s just an hour or two, several times a week, and it’s just focused on prep. Maybe there will be something like that for you. Bi/tri-lingual education choices are hard!

  437. Deanna
    June 1, 2014

    Addy totally rocks those Ukrainian bows!!! 🙂 Tell that girl we miss her, and hug your brave and fabulous kids for us. I want to be a little bit like them when I grow up–they are rockstars! What a wonderful end to the year, we love following along with all of you 🙂

  438. June 2, 2014

    i like that everyone has their own hymnal 🙂 That way, you never run out, even if you have a boatload of visitors, which has happened to us before…
    Thanks for sharing…

  439. June 8, 2014

    Awesome! Keep the progress reports coming!

  440. June 8, 2014

    What a hum-dinger of a week! 🙂 Love it all

  441. sarahphillipsmatheny
    June 8, 2014

    What God is doing in you and through you never ceases to amaze me. You guys are my heroes. Truly. I love you!

  442. June 9, 2014

    Praise the Lord! i love love love the work you are doing!

  443. Carrie
    June 12, 2014

    I like to think I will have the compassion to respond like you in a situation with unpleasant smells and wondering how long ago the mouth that kissed me had their teeth brushed. But I don’t think I will, perhaps with training. I am doubly impressed and had tears at how your children responded. If you ever wonder if this was a right move, think of their response. Few adults will respond like they did. Your children make me want to be like them.

    • June 24, 2014

      Oh Carrie, your words made me cry! Thank you for the encouragement about our move. Let me encourage you that I definitely have those thoughts about stinky mouths and stinky bodies. Ha! I’m human too, that’s for sure! The love we have for the boys is definitely from God. He’s the one who is doing this work. Without Him we would probably just run away! 🙂

  444. Pat Epperly
    June 20, 2014

    Note new e-mail address – I dropped Comcast & have local wifi. The children are so beautiful – I am so happy for all of you and that school went well. God is good! I liked comment “never in my dreams”. Our heavenly Father likes to surprise us with joy. Give all the children a hug for me.
    Love and prayers ~ Grandma Pat

  445. June 25, 2014

    I enjoy your posts! I think Ukraine is a great place to explore, great food, great drinks, great hospitality, great scenery, and a spirit of making the most of everything!

  446. June 25, 2014

    I totally know what you mean about needing your family/friends to SEE your daily life, to really “get” what you’re going through. I’ve felt the same way with all 5 sets of visitors we’ve had so far! Such a blessing. P.S. Sandlot is one of my favorite movies of all time — baseball or otherwise — and so I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the Sandlot shot. Now just make sure he doesn’t recreate the pool scene. 🙂

  447. Pat Epperly
    June 26, 2014

    Wonderful, wonderful! I am so happy your parents and nephew came. We were only stationed overseas once, It was England for 3 years and I was so happy when My Mom came to visit us. Our oldest daughter got Married to an Airman and that made it more fun. She was her first Granddaughter. Anyway I know a little bit how you felt. The children are so beautiful and Seth just gets taller and taller.Love and blessings to all. Grandma Pat
    PS: I hope your parents are feeling better!

  448. June 28, 2014

    Thank you for taking the time to share this. I know your days are so busy. I bawled reading this. God’s love for His children is so amazing. May we open our arms to those in need around us.

  449. July 4, 2014

    Wow! God is so good. It amazes me that God cares and loves those kids so much that He crossed your paths with one another. As I was reading this I thought about their biological parents. Praying for them as well!

    Praying that God gives you all wisdom and creativity while working with these kiddos. I pray that He reveals His heart to the people there through your family.


  450. Pat Epperly
    July 4, 2014

    Wonderful that you have been given such a gift. You both have such a love in your hearts, truly from our heavenly Father. May God supply ALL your needs . Love ~ Pat

  451. Sarah Matheny
    July 4, 2014

    This is just too good. God is so faithful on His promises and so perfect in His timing on them. You made my night with this, friend.

  452. July 5, 2014

    Praise the Lord! He is indeed amazing & faithful & wonderful things are going to happen!

  453. July 5, 2014

    Hi Kim

    Wow, I never realized that it was the same blog that led us both to Ukraine (only I was only there 6 months before He led me back home so I could find my Vietnamese son… Only God 🙂 ). My heart was also for the “laying room kids” and I had only a few opportunities to interact with them but the time I did have has changed me forever…

    Praising God that He has you right where He wants you and has paved the path ahead of you! Praying that He continues to give you even more unimaginable opportunities and use you in ways far beyond what could have ever dreamed.

  454. July 5, 2014

    Thank you, Kim, for sharing your heart and these photos with us! You guys are doing great work there and I love to have a snippit into your lives there and be reminded of what to be praying for.

  455. skipper98
    July 5, 2014

    Kim, this is beautiful! Thank you for sharing and for giving God all glory. MUCH LOVE to you! love, jen

  456. Julie
    July 7, 2014

    What beautiful sweet little boys!

  457. NWSS
    July 8, 2014

    We’ll be praying! It sounds just like Camp Attitude here! Santiam students are very involved, and the camps, which run all summer, are for the whole family. Cool! Love you!

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  458. CIndy
    July 8, 2014

    I know that God will bless you Kim! Just love my moms….and listen….well…first get them to talk.. Many are just not convinced that they are the jewels that God created. I am confident that God will give you everything you need!!!!

  459. Sue H.
    July 8, 2014

    This is amazing to read. Even the small changes you have made will be monumental to them.

  460. crystalkupper
    July 8, 2014

    Wow, what an amazing opportunity! Can’t wait to hear how it went.

  461. July 9, 2014

    praying… enjoy

  462. Pat Epperly
    July 9, 2014

    God Bless you All!! Grandma Pat

  463. July 21, 2014

    You nailed the essence of camp and why I must go every year. Thanks for your hearts!

  464. July 21, 2014

    praise the Lord!!!

  465. Pat Epperly
    July 24, 2014

    Wonderful, thank you Lord for blessing the children throu this beautiful family. God Bless you! Love ~ Great Grandma Pat
    7epperlys@gmail…. make note of my address change.

  466. CIndy
    July 30, 2014

    Kim (and Jed whom I have yet to meet on Skype) I am so glad that yet another group of people get to see the paradise I have been blessed to visit each summer for the last 12 years. Although I am still saddened that I was unable to attend the splendor of Good Mansion this summer, I am blessed to know that it has touched another person/family so deeply! I’d love to Skype with you to hear about it more, so perhaps we can schedule a date! Be blessed as you continue to process the joy (and struggle) of your past month! Thanks for wording your experience so those of us who could not be there, might get a glimpse into the window of the world of so many youth that got to shine like stars for a week of their lives!

  467. July 30, 2014

    I don’t comment on your blog but know that I read and LOVE the pictures. You make my heart sing. You know my deepest prayer that I whisper to the Lord each day – Lost Boys. Lost Boys. Would that one day OUR Lost Boys would experience what God is doing where you are. Please Lord. Please!

  468. Jennifer Burton
    July 30, 2014

    Bawling my eyes out you guys. Thanks a lot. Lol!

  469. Jill Nuttbrock
    August 3, 2014

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful evening with us! I feel blessed to hear about the special time that the campers got to experience. May God continue to go before you and prepare the way!

  470. Pat Epperly
    August 4, 2014

    Wow, how beautiful! What a blessing your family is to that community. God’s love shines through! I love you guys! Grandma Pat

  471. Pat Epperly
    August 4, 2014

    correct email –
    You are all so beautiful. Thanks for the pictures, Seth is getting taller!
    oooxxx Kisses to all – Grandma Pat

    • August 6, 2014

      Hi! Thanks for the love. 🙂 I changed your email address so our newsletter should come to the correct address now.

  472. August 6, 2014

    I think I told you before that I’m jealous of the Lviv part. Enjoy it for me, too!

    So sorry about your phone.

  473. Annie
    August 7, 2014

    I CAN’T WAIT to see you guys and to see Ukraine! We’re going to have so much coffee, chocolate and fun!

    • August 8, 2014

      Me toooooo! Not to mention you’ll be seeing the very best part of Ukraine. Woohoo!

  474. Pat Epperly
    August 8, 2014

    What an amazing God. You guys are great with vision, love and compassion. Praise the Lord!

  475. crystalkupper
    August 9, 2014

    That’s way awesome! Can’t wait to hear the results.

  476. August 9, 2014

    Wonderful to see how God’s hand is working & all the best for your language course!!

  477. August 10, 2014

    Kim and Jed, Sittting here in Colorado reading your posts and going over your website in detail and getting to know you all better on line. Of course my time with you and your family cemented what I already knew… guys are special and a true gift to MTU and more importantly to the boys at Romaniv.

    Will be praying for your time in Lviv and for the upcoming year. I know your year at MTU is up in November, but I hope you know you need to stay!!!!!! Of course that is up to God and where he leads.

    One of the things my heart resonates with you on, is the fact that many of the boys and young men at Romaniv need to be in a home situation. I cannot fathom ANY of those guys going on to a state institution. That will be a failure on our part to complete what God has called us to with that niche in the world of orphan care. Of course I am responsible for all aspects of MTU’s ministry as board chair (YIKES!!!!!) but this one is especially near and dear to my heart.

    I am anxious to get the Romaniv care committee going. I know that Erin and Lauren from Kimmy’s house are interested as are the folks at Hands of Hope at Grace church. There are 2 or 3 young ladies at Grace in Indy that will help. So there you go, a ready made core of volunteers ready to see where God leads.

    God Bless, Hugs to the kids from “President Guy” Ken

    Sent from my iPad


  478. August 10, 2014

    Kim and Jed I want to add Wide Awake to my giving profile with the National Christian Foundation. You aren’t listed yet. I need a phone number, an email address and a contact person in Salem oregon for you all.



    Sent from my iPad


  479. crystalkupper
    August 17, 2014

    Man, we haven’t even found a Tex Mex place in England! Lucky you!

  480. August 17, 2014

    You make me very curious to hear your thoughts on language. It’s something that I could discuss all day anyway.

    We haven’t made it to Lviv yet, but we sure enjoyed our taste of the west earlier this summer. That part of Ukraine is just extra beautiful.

  481. Sarah Matheny
    August 17, 2014

    Love that you get a little respite! I fully expected to see a turkey leg pic of Jed from the BBQ joint. What a letdown. 😉

  482. August 17, 2014

    Is it just me or is Seth sporting a very Ukrainian hair cut? 🙂 Love him – he is too cute for words!

  483. Pat Epperly
    August 18, 2014

    So happy that the children are able to be with you and all of you enjoying these special moments and places. Love U ~ Grandma Pat

  484. CIndy
    August 23, 2014

    Thank you so much putting to words what I have always felt about my language skills when spending my summers in Ukraine. So well said….and so understand and appreciate the language decisions you and your family have made. May God continue to bless you and your family as you serve together to meet the needs of those precious boys of Romanov! Praying for your language transition.

  485. crystalkupper
    August 23, 2014

    Even though we live in England, where English is obviously spoken, I feel like I know a little of how you feel. Because no matter how silly it seems, Brits and Americans do NOT speak the same language! And the cultures are complete opposites. And so in our 9 months there I have felt truly “known” by only one or two people, and so despite having a ton of friends, I am heart-lonely. I want to be understood! So you and I will keep pressing on together. 🙂

  486. August 24, 2014

    This is so great! I’m really of the opinion that the first year (at least!) in a new country should really be fully devoted to language study. That’s probably hypocritical of me, because it’s not the way we did it. I realize that it’s not always realistic, too. But, I have come to think that it’s the ideal. Language is SO IMPORTANT, and it really is hard to pick up на ходу.

    By the way, I’m sure you know that it’s really hard to change a language pattern with someone, once you’ve started. It has to be possible, though. I’ll pray for you especially on that third point of your plans.

  487. August 24, 2014

    Love your updates. Your devotion, passion, hearts, are so encouraging to me. praying for God’s blessing on you and your family.

  488. August 26, 2014

    Language learning is always hard but you guys are doing it & doing it right – immersion is the best way to go… i really only learnt to speak German (a mixture of high German and Swiss German) when T went to school here & i had to speak to the teachers & other mums. i still don’t discuss politics & religion in German… :p

  489. September 8, 2014

    I just came back to this post again. I love it. My heart and thoughts keeps going to Ukraine today (probably trying to avoid studying) but I am encouraged again by your story. God is using you to bring love and hope to this sweet boys. 🙂

  490. Janet Maxim
    September 11, 2014

    According to the second to the last paragraph, your kids’ education is already complete in the most important “subject”…not to mention the kind of Jesus-following they are learning from their parents. They will make friends because they are friendly, they will get the language within 6 -12 months because they’re kids, the academic knowledge will soon follow, these challenges will mature them greatly and in a year you’ll marvel at what God has done. In homeschooling my kids with life happening and interrupting and derailing my best-laid plans , I realized if I was trying to follow the public school model (which is so ingrained in us!), we could not keep up. But if I measured using God’s priorities–that depth of trust and committment and love you talk about–well obviously you are succeeding! Love you Johnsons!

    • September 17, 2014

      Hi Janet! You are so wise and you are so right. Thank you for helping me readjust my priorities and my perspective. I should print this out and stick it on my mirror or something. Ha! Really, I needed this. Thank you.

  491. September 11, 2014

    Kim, praying for you. I don’t know much about you or your story, but I know the feeling that grips your heart when you drop off your kids at school. Praying for your children that they will persevere and that the relationship they will build with their tutor will be so good that they’ll look back with hearts filled with thankfulness. Will be praying for the tutor that God will give her great wisdom and inspiration to make learning so. Much. Fun.

    Becky Griffiths Salem, OR

    • September 17, 2014

      Wow, thank you Becky!!! That is my prayer too. Thank you for praying for us!

  492. September 11, 2014

    Thanks for this, Kim. Needed it today. Was just talking about becoming Team Leaders at one of high schools here in Salem for YoungLife (oh so much less a commitment than moving my family to Ukraine!!) and was talking yesterday to my husband about the big impact it will have in our lives, and can we do it and is the commitment level of it realistic? He told me exactly what you just reiterated for me: it doesn’t matter what we realistically “have time for”. What matters is that we are saying Yes Jesus, we WILL serve you. Thanks Kim. Prayers are always going to your family and you’re thought of often – even from those of us around here who don’t know you well. Be encouraged that you are being great examples of saying “Yes Jesus” – even to those you have no idea you’re touching. Love to your family!

  493. Pat Epperly
    September 11, 2014

    I love you all very much and my Grandmother’s heart goes out to you. You are so open and honest, Kim. Thank you for sharing. I am not in another country, but sometimes I wonder who I am AND WHY I AM HERE. Many people my age speak a “different language”. I am a fun girl and I like to have fun with others and bring joy in their lives. Then God tells me I am his daughter and he loves me and I am OK, just the way I am.

    We were an Air Force Family for 23 years raising 5 children as we moved from town to town, State to State and Culture to Culture. God provided for us even when the schools had different ideas and ways. Even resenting military families at times. (I have a lot of stories to tell). Since reading your post I realize that our children became each others friends and sometimes even BFF. Thank you God for providing all they needed even when I thought it was bad.

    Hang in there “girl”, GOD WILL PROVIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • September 17, 2014

      Oh Pat, thank you!!!! I love your perspective and I always appreciate your prayers. 🙂 Jed was just remarking the other day how he loves that this is bringing Addy and Ezra closer together- Hava and Seth too! Thanks for your testimony. I appreciate it!!!

  494. Mark Koehler
    September 11, 2014

    If you are concerned about their falling behind in their education, you can work with them at home using . It will carry them as far as they want to go. Check it out.

    Children of missionaries have great advantages over most children who don’t have the opportunity to life through the eyes of others. You answered your call much more prepared than me.

    Blessings of Love and healing,

    Mark and Sveta

    • September 17, 2014

      Thanks for that resource Mark!

  495. Alice
    September 11, 2014

    Perhaps you have thought of this, but If I may the first thing that leaped out ti me, do your children need to go to school ? They do not have to learn Math or History or Science in Ukrainian. They can just learn it in English if you home school them. You can instead outsource Ukrainian to a tutor for perhaps 3 days a week ? This way they will also see progress in subjects and grade level and get fluency in Ukrainian because of one on one attention ?

    You are an inspiration. Whatever you do, I am sure your children will eventually be trilingual and learn the math, grammar, history and science they need to.

    • September 17, 2014

      Hi Alice 🙂 Thanks for your thoughts! Yeah, we have really debated about the school thing, but finding a really good tutor is so hard. Plus, they really do desire to be around other kids. I don’t think we’ll keep them in school all the way through, probably just till they have a good handle on the language. So much to think about!

  496. Eileen Roth
    September 13, 2014

    Kim, I just want to encourage you that as a parent the best gift you give your children is the following of yours and Jed’s calling and convictions. I was raised in a very strict environment and religion. I hated and questioned so many things but as an adult and even a child their was a deep respect for my parents in kiving out totally what they believed even though they were way more strict than other parents at church. I jbow that your situation is different and challenging in different ways but my parents raised three kids who totally follow God to the best of their ability then each of us have 2-3 kids who love and serve God in the best way they can. There is a richness in following our Lord even when its tough but I believe believe your children will do the same and don’t be surprised qhen they are called to do something even harder than yoy are. I feel God gives us a parents a platform to live off of so our kids go further than us. That’s been ny prayer for my girls and my parents for me. So, your in a hard place but that’s the best and only place to be when your called. GOD ALWAYS WILL COVER YOUR KIDS AND YOU AND JED when you are in his perfect will.

    • September 17, 2014

      Wow Eileen. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this! It is encouraging and true. I needed to hear it and remember it. I’ll come back to these words again I’m sure! THANK YOU!

  497. NWSS
    September 17, 2014

    Love it…how much for a month of care for The Littles?

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


    • September 20, 2014

      It costs less than $200/month. With today’s exchange rate it’s about $160/week.

    • September 20, 2014

      Oops. $160/month. 🙂

  498. September 20, 2014

    HUGS my dear… BIG HUGS… it is hard but you know you & your family are exactly where God has designed you to be – yes designed – because to be designed is a deliberate action which requires serious thought processes… God knows, He has you all in His Hands… and yes, it will get better… just in HIS TIME!

  499. September 23, 2014

    Crying here.

  500. margaret
    September 23, 2014

    that is thought provoking, wonderful!

  501. crystalkupper
    September 23, 2014

    Preach! If people could just get this truth in their hearts, a huge chunk of our problems would vanish.

  502. September 27, 2014

    Beautifully written! <3
    HUGS for you my dear…

  503. Bittner, Steve
    September 29, 2014

    Love it…thanks.

    *Steve Bittner, B.S., M.Ed.*Santiam Christian School

    7220 NE Arnold Ave.

    Corvallis, Oregon 97330


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  504. Pat Epperly
    September 29, 2014

    Very precious and true. Thank God for using you and your family to love others in a special way.
    May God continue to bless you and those who you help.
    Love ~ Grandma Pat

  505. October 6, 2014

    <3 WONDERFUL NEWS!! Jed told us a bit about this expected meeting while he was here & it's even better now that we know what the next step is!! i'm also a person who needs to know the next step 😉

  506. October 6, 2014

    Praising God with you!! Praying for strength, wisdom, and direction.

    Becky Salem, OR

  507. Jami n Bill
    October 6, 2014

    Exciting to see your progress- networking there has got to be tuff-so great to connect with someone “in the field” per say / standing with you !!!
    Carlton, OR

  508. crystalkupper
    October 10, 2014

    Hmm, yeah, hasn’t happened over here yet. 🙂 But yay for you!

  509. October 11, 2014

    QUIET TIME! Way to go Seth. I can only imagine the “season of the babes”. That must have been epic. I might have lost my mind?!?! Each season is so temporary you know? Even though when you are in the middle of it, it sometimes feels overwhelming, but soon there is a new chapter. I can’t wait to see how you guys look back at the chapter you are in right now.

  510. October 15, 2014

    Usually when we’re at my mom’s my not-so-little man is climbing all over me and I can hardly say two words to my mom without having to stop and redirect my sweet boy… Last weekend he actually went upstairs all by himself and played for 15 minutes and my mom and I had a real conversation! Yay for quiet time!!!

  511. October 20, 2014

    Happy Anniversary – in advance! & amen to being in a new place…

  512. Pat Epperly
    October 20, 2014

    Dear ones, it is good to hear your hearts. May God continue to bless you and keep you and the children safe. God has truly called you and He will provide. I am well, just getting ready to have cataract surgery on both eyes Nov and Dec.

    Bobby has been in treatment for 3 months and is doing very well. He lives in Baker House in Baker City. He loves the Lord and wants to stay clean. We pray God will give Him wisdom. I am so very happy that you are Seth’s family.j

    Love and hugs to you ~ Grandma Pat

    Pat Epperly


    Please change to new email below ( email)


  513. crystalkupper
    October 27, 2014

    I can’t wait to see pictures! And I’m glad to see you’ll still welcome guests. 😉

  514. October 27, 2014

    Yes yes pictures please 🙂 Do pray for us too – as we are also looking at moving!

  515. Lisa Rutledge
    October 27, 2014

    So happy for you all! I’m sure the kids are going to love having a yard. We looking forward to seeing some pictures of the new place.

  516. crystalkupper
    October 30, 2014

    Ah, so glad you could be refreshed! I like that guy wearing the Cheers shirt. 😉

  517. Angie person
    October 30, 2014

    Wishing I was there to help you move and clean. ..weird I know, but it’s my thing. Love you!

  518. CIndy
    October 30, 2014

    I am so glad that God has done this… allowing you to fall in love with a group that I have loved for years now! Although it was my misfortune not to be able to come to Ukraine this past summer to work with my most precious moms and their treasured young adults, I knew that God would use you in the most profound way when you were asked to help lead the mom’s group at camp! So happy and blessed just to know that this group has found its way in to someone else’s heart. Thank you for allowing God to work through you and your family!!!!

  519. November 1, 2014

    <3 i love these updates!

  520. Em
    November 4, 2014

    The garden sounds amazing! Do your kids have to change schools?
    I live in an area (in North America) where detached houses are the norm (though new construction consists mostly of townhouses). I realize that European cities tend to be pretty compact.
    I am just curious what your arrangements for the kids would be like in the new house. Of course in North America we tend to try to have the kids have their own rooms, but if that can’t happen, we plan for single gendered rooms. I’m sorry I’m rambling, but I guess what I’m getting at is that I was hoping you could explain the norms for your area.

    Perhaps, how many kids do locals have? Is it normal for each child to have their own room? Are 2 bedroom apartments/houses common? I’d imagine having two kids is average there, so what if they have one of each gender? Also, do both parents work? What do they do for childcare? I would find a “Ukrainian Living” post extremely insightful.

    (I do not believe that a child’s gender should determine who they are rooming with in cases of siblings)

    Congrats on the new home!

  521. crystalkupper
    November 5, 2014

    Oh my goodness, you have a COUCH! How awesome is that?! So excited for you guys!

  522. mendezcinco
    November 5, 2014

    A-MAZE-ING new house!!!!!! But I don’t know what color your new kitchen is! 🙂

  523. November 5, 2014

    Wow! It’s BEAUTIFUL!

    Do you want to see our “home tour”? It’s here:
    Like I said on Facebook, I am still grinning about living in a house, after over a year. 😀 Ah, but going back and digging it up makes me want to redo the video, now that we’re more settled in.

    Oh, and if you’re really interested in my story (sorry to babble here on your blog), this really old post kind of explains why I love a house so much. Apartments, apartments, apartments… smaller apartment, HOUSE!

  524. November 5, 2014

    Very very nice!! No picture of kitchen?? i consider that the most important room & usually that is what sells the home for me 😉

  525. November 10, 2014

    “So, I know this is a good set-up. I know this. But….” I think that’s where you should stop. You don’t need the “but” part. 🙂 But then, the thinking out loud is wonderful for all of us, so you can keep going. As long as you get back to that good place and stay there. It sounds like that’s what you’re doing.

    And have I ever told you that you should get the prize for the blog balance? You do a really good job of sharing reality without whining, joys AND struggles. Thank you.

    We’ve done some interesting re-structuring and re-balancing in the past year, too. It’s hard, but so good!

    I’m praying for you.

  526. crystalkupper
    November 10, 2014

    I know I say this a lot to you, but I totally hear you and have felt the same way so often the past year! Here’s a shoulder squeeze from across the miles from a fellow mom-wife-figuring-it-all-out-overseas. 🙂

  527. Cheryl Young
    November 10, 2014

    Kimberly, I don’t know if this will help, but you’re experiencing the turmoil that every working mom feels and that is completely normal and totally okay! You are torn between two things and feel the guilt of that stack higher and higher. Last spring I resigned from all of my church and school offices and that was hugely guilt inducing, but what I learned is that sometimes we go through seasons of life where our job is to free things up for our spouses so they can serve. That doesn’t mean you have to give your boys up, but in other things, maybe this moment in time your sacrifice is to free Jed up to do what he is called to do. And maybe later, it will switch and he will do it for you. But I know that for this season of my life, my priority is to my family and God will let me know when He wants me to do something. Now if only He’d tell me to quit my job… 😉

    Someone once told me – Sure, you could probably find a way to do it all – but should you? 

  528. November 10, 2014

    People don’t know how hard it is to be a mum & have to raise your kid/s in a culture so foreign to your own – how do i make it better for him/them, how do i help with the struggles, if only we were back “home”, if only i do this, if only i do that… BUT… now here’s a but you need to listen to – you are already doing all you can … the rest is the Lord’s – so allow Him to show you how beautiful you & your work (both at home & outside) is, how you are already finding the balance by being aware of the need for it… HUGS!

  529. Pat Epperly
    November 11, 2014

    Kim, I am praying for wisdom, peace and joy for you. Praise the Lord and He will fill you with his joy! Trust in Him and He will give you peace. Study the Word and He will give you wisdom. You have always been a great Mom.
    Love you always
    Grandma Pat
    PS: Bob has returned from Baker House in Baker City, Eastern OR. He has been there 4 months. Pray that he can
    stay clean and apply the things he learned. I sent him your family photo and he was so happy to get it.

  530. crystalkupper
    November 19, 2014

    I totally thought this post was going to announce something else (wink, wink) but I still love it anyways! YES!

  531. November 19, 2014

    Beautiful! Romaniv both broke and woke my heart last year. I’m praying in belief of the one who moves mountains….and hearts.

  532. Janet Maxim
    December 4, 2014

    “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth, that He may strongly support the one[s] whose heart is completely His.” 2 Chronicles 16:9. That describes you, and Him.

  533. December 5, 2014

    Reflects what’s going on in my own soul here in Hoosierland. There are situations….and I can’t see the movement, but I know that God is doing so much and it is mine to be still and keep moving my feet. Thank you for sharing your heart, it’s encouraged me so much this morning. And those boys in Romaniv, well they changed my journey and are Kingdom Come! Thanks also for the song. Here’s what’s on my playing repeatedly in my heart.

  534. December 5, 2014


    This family ministers to boys with disabilities in a Ukraine orphanage. Such an encouraging post.


  535. Pat Epperly
    December 5, 2014

    I hope I am not signed up twice. Fix it if I did. Loved your parable. Love U all, Grandma Pat

  536. Jane Daulton
    December 6, 2014

    I really needed this today! It really spoke to me. Christmas is coming and it’s a tender time for me. Plus there are those financial pressures that are vying for attention. Everything vying for my attention . Be still my soul. Those were the words I needed today!

  537. Richard H.
    December 6, 2014

    Hi Jed, Kim, It was really fantastic to read your blog ! Thank you ! On behalf of the committee at ICL we wish you every blessing in your ministry. Keep up the fantastic work and have a great Christmas ! Richard H. <

  538. December 16, 2014

    Hey, I recently made that trip (or one almost like it) without my husband and with our four children, except that from down here it’s a little longer. You’ll survive. 🙂 It’s such a beautiful part of Ukraine!

    Practical advice, though: our motion-sick child also gets sick on trains. But, these pills are her wonder drug:
    They come in packets like this:

  539. Patricia Epperly
    December 20, 2014

    love hearing your news I’ll be praying you have a safe fun trip. Makeup little goodie trips with small games or something like that small snacks individual.then when they get bored they can have one for a while to play with!
    love you ♡ Grandma Pat

  540. January 11, 2015

    Amen! In Joshua 1:9 the Lord says, ” Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
    Yes me dear i will join you!

  541. January 12, 2015

    So my theme is Brave. We’re hiding under snow and ice here in central Indiana and the opportunities for me to hide in real life might just outnumber the snowflakes. I needed this reminder today. Thank you!

  542. Pat Epperly
    January 12, 2015

    I need you to mail to my address below.
    The photos were fantastic, brrr! VALIANT! i LIKE THAT! MAY GOD LEAD YOU ALL THE WAY. I MAY USE IT ALSO, OK:

  543. Pat Epperly
    January 12, 2015

    Thanks for using my new email to reply on. Love you guys!!!
    Grandma Pat

  544. January 18, 2015

    I live in Kansas and Love seeing your pictures. My family lived in Naples, Italy for two years. Those were Two of the best years of our lives. There, we served in a church with many languages. It was wonderful to get to know people who were bonded by one faith. I love seeing your world and the boys you serve. I know very little about you and what all your ministry, and enjoying seeing anything that involves your life. (food,pictures of you and family, home, buildings, landscapes etc…)
    Thank you for all you do.

  545. Pat Epperly
    January 18, 2015

    So Good to see your week via photos. I enjoy seeing the family included.
    Love and God bless you ! Grandma Pat

  546. Anna McClure
    January 19, 2015

    Just keep the photos coming! You are all just beautiful. I hope you feel encouraged and see progress in the work you are doing. The look on that nannie’s face was beautiful! She is feeling loved, it’s clear!

  547. NWSS
    January 25, 2015

    Lord, have mercy.

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  548. Paula
    January 25, 2015

    Hi. He is so beautiful <3 My heart is broken to read this post. Could you tell me what is his diagnosis? Even if it's privately. We could try to put him on Reece's Rainbow. Thank you.

    • February 10, 2015

      Hi Paula. I’m sorry I missed your comment! I am trying to get him listed on RR. We will let everyone know when he is listed so more can advocate. Thank you!

  549. January 25, 2015

    This saddens me beyond belief!!!

  550. Anna
    January 25, 2015

    praying. Did I miss his name? Are you able to share it?

    • January 25, 2015

      Anna- I’m trying to protect his privacy a bit. Just think about the lions den and you’ll get pretty close 😉

  551. January 25, 2015

    Praying and sharing, Kim. <3

  552. Flora C
    January 25, 2015

    Praying and sharing! I wish there was something more I could do, but I am too young to adopt him myself… 🙁

  553. January 25, 2015

    Hi there. He is in Ukraine. If you go to you can see requirements for adoption. You can also email me at for more info.

  554. Pat Epperly
    January 26, 2015

    God Please Bless this little boy and all children like him. Please give them families and give them peace.

  555. Jane
    January 26, 2015

    I am sharing this beautifully written story and praying. If we could meet the requirements one more time to adopt we would. Alas, the inn is full! Please Lord make a way for this boys parents to see him!

  556. January 27, 2015

    Do you mean (not org), if so, requirements here

  557. Pat Epperly
    January 31, 2015

    Congratulations on the new teeth, Hava. Love You! Grandma Pat

  558. CIndy
    February 5, 2015

    God is Good! Praise Him for finding Vladik a home. He has come so far and I can’t imagine how far he will continue to go! He has always been a happy boy…can’t even think about how much more joy he will have when he is finally at home. Thank you new mommy and daddy. May your process be smooth and without too many hiccups. I will be praying!

  559. February 5, 2015

    Praise the Lord! So so wonderful! Made my long week just a whole lot better! ! Praying for a smooth quick process .

  560. Anna
    February 5, 2015

    amazing!!! Definitely praying for smooth & speedy process! How exciting!

  561. Carey Doyle
    February 5, 2015

    Prayers going out to this family! God speed to get this boy home.

  562. February 5, 2015

    Rejoicing for Vladik and his soon to be family!! Praise the Lord for He is good and through Him all things happen!!!!

  563. February 5, 2015

    Isn’t that wonderful! Bless you for all you do. Thank you for these heart felt photos

  564. February 5, 2015

    Is there a emojicon of a heart actually bursting?!?! That’s what I need. Prayers for that family!

  565. terri swick
    February 5, 2015

    Love th

  566. February 5, 2015

    I found your blog a few days ago and immediately fell in love with this boy. It hurt me very deeply that we aren’t in a financial position to even qualify for adoption right now and that I couldn’t bring him home. Oh thank God! Vladik has a family! A FAMILY! Praise Jesus!

  567. February 5, 2015

    I found your blog a few days ago and I immediately fell in love with this boy. It hurt knowing that we aren’t in a financial position to even qualify for adoption right now, and knowing we couldn’t just go and seek him out and bring him home. Thank God, He is good! Vladik has a family!!!

  568. Ken
    February 5, 2015

    This makes my day!! God is good. It has been amazing to see vladik progress and grow. Now knowing he has a future…… Stunning! Thanks Jed and Kim for your devotion. One down! Many more to come hopefully.

  569. Anne
    February 5, 2015

    I will never ever forget this boy after meeting him on a mission trip 5 years ago. Vladik won over my heart and so many others. What I remember the most was his contagious smile and sweet, affectionate ways. We will pray for all the details ahead! This family is getting a true treasure.

  570. Pat Epperly
    February 6, 2015

    May God bless this “Mommy & Daddy” greatly as they adopt this child of God!

  571. Pat Epperly
    February 7, 2015

    Seems I missed picking this up. So, how is your new home feeling? Hope it is working out as planned.
    Love you guys. How about some pics of the homested?

  572. Pat Epperly
    February 13, 2015


  573. February 14, 2015

    You have mountain moving faith, you do! My heart is full with expectation and I’ll be praying with you.

  574. crystalkupper
    February 14, 2015

    I can’t wait to see the official listings and get going with sharing!

  575. Sarah Matheny
    February 14, 2015


  576. Sherry Calahan
    February 14, 2015

    Thank you for being so open and honest in your writing. You are all truly amazing! 💜

  577. Pat Epperly
    February 17, 2015

    May God continue to answer your prayers and lead you in the way. I am so happy that the children are doing well and that you have a new home. It is truly a miracle.
    love to all
    Grandma Pat

  578. Pat Epperly
    February 23, 2015

    Thank you for the photos of the precious boys. I am praying for the “forever” families that they will have. God Bless you for loving them. The “gang” all look great and growing so fast. To bad it is not Xmas, someone neeeds a tooth. Now I know that Seth doesn’t sleep all the time, but being a very busy boy, he needs his rest LOL.
    All my love ~ Grandma Pat

  579. February 25, 2015

    ‘it’s not going to happen, and that’s ok’ I’m also getting ok with our life looking like our life. We’re here in my hometown and I also feel like a Lone Range, haven’t felt at home here since I was a child. Most of my friends speak a language that sounds so familiar to me but covers up hidden beauty in their lives, beauty that’s often wrapped in pain because pursuing Christ always changes our homeland. Thanks for sharing the beauty you’re uncovering in your children, it’s encouraging to me.

  580. Janet Maxim
    February 25, 2015

    Judging from your kids’ remarks, you and Jed can write the book on how to parent, titled “Parenting with Jesus”. You are breaking out of the American family mold, which is scary but THAT’S OK!

  581. Joan Stockdale
    February 25, 2015

    Hi Kim, I’m a long time friend of Janet Maxim and she shared your blog with me. You and I am much more alike than you know. My husband and I moved to Poland at age 47 with 8 or our 10 kids. How well I remember those same haunting questions, How will my kids adjust? Will they ever have friends? Will they be educated? Will they ever fit in anywhere? Will they grow up to love God and the gospel and the Great Commission or feel resentment that we ruined their lives by uprooting them from life as they had always known it? (Several were in high school when we went.)

    I am here to say, they are all so thankful we went. All 10 of them are walking with God today (though not without some huge detours along the way!) We lived in Poland for 10 years, returning 2.5 years ago because of the needs of one of our kids that could not be met there. God blessed us phenomenally during those 10 years, and other’s through us, but He made it very clear when it was time to leave. And the great part is, we have watched the gospel mushroom there since we left!

    O how we learned the truth of Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed [i]by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going. 9 By faith he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise; 10 for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. We understand so much more deeply that we are strangers and foreigners in this world and our true home is in heaven.

    Our kids learned the language and the culture. They had incredible experiences, visiting places and seeing things most Americans can’t even imagine. They made friends. They got the culture. They were Polish-Americans deep inside. Jack and I learned what things were biblical parenting issues and which were simply traditional or simply American or even simply “Church parenting.” God will show you. He will lead you. He will help you. Krok po kroku. Step by step.

    I wondered about reverse culture shock, which in many ways is much worse because everyone on this side thinks you are “coming home.” Our kids (and I) struggled with it. Some things still make me very homesick for Poland. I read something my daughter wrote recently to her brother about not writing to friends in Poland too much because she enters into that world again and it’s too hard. And yet, when that same daughter went back last summer with her dad she said the time was wonderful and she loved every minute and yet, she finally felt closure. We will always love Poland. And we will always be torn between two homes and never fully belong in either one. That’s one of the greatest blessings of living cross culturally, you learn your real home is in heaven.

    Don’t grow weary of well doing. In due time you will reap! Gal 6:9

    I’m cheering you on from afar and will pray as the Lord brings you to mind. Thank you for being obedient and taking this huge step to serve Him in Ukraine. Your kids are seeing reality in your faith. It is so evident that they are “getting it.”

    Press on, sister. Jesus is waiting at the finish line with open arms!

  582. February 25, 2015

    Believe it or not, your concerns about parenting aren’t abnormal. A while ago, Cheryl said, “Sometimes I think I’m really screwing up.” I said, “Of course you are.” That’s what we do; we work hard, love much, and mess up anyway. It’s all part and parcel for parents. But, you’re right, you’re situation is unique and it sounds like your messy house, laundry nightmares and inadequate help is working for you. All kids must learn to overcome, but, unfortunately, when we live in America, we don’t see that. Therefore, our kids can go on their merry way and not realize they have obstacles from childhood until they’re (let’s say) 60. Your kids are facing challenges everyday and it sounds like they have the right parents for the job. Blessings to the whole Johnson clan

  583. Stephanie Bacica Ybarra
    February 25, 2015

    Beautiful post.

  584. February 25, 2015

    great stuff, Kim

  585. Pat Epperly
    February 25, 2015

    Kim you are beautiful in every way and God loves you and so do I. Cute photo of the kids.
    OOOXXX Grandma Pat

  586. February 25, 2015

    So much of this has hit home for me today… Although our situations are completely different, our family situation is also very unique and as a single, adoptive mother of an ‘older’ child with special needs, I too often feel like a lone ranger. I was raised by a stay-at-home mom and always thought I would someday raise my kids the same way. Yet that is not journey God has called me to walk. I work long hours and don’t have nearly as much time with my son as I would like. It’s hard not to feel guilty when I compare myself to other at home moms who have time for crafts, etc. when we barely have time to get dinner on the table. Yet you’re right, my son is not languishing in an orphanage on the other side of the world, he is loved not only by me but by the village of people who support us. God knew what He was doing when He orchestrated all of this and saying YES to Him is always worth it. Thanks for the reminder 🙂

  587. Jane Daulton
    February 25, 2015

    This is precious ! Your kids are so blessed to be on the situation they’re in . It makes them uniquely qualified to be like Jesus. Enjoy the journey!

  588. jeanne tanner
    February 27, 2015

    My prayers for this boy to find a home are earnest and faithful. God will provide for him a family that will love and care for him. He will soon know the love he craves. Please God that he not suffer another day. Amen.

    • February 28, 2015

      Oh Jeanne, thank you so so much.

  589. Jenny Chaney
    March 4, 2015

    What a blessing for a special Child of God and for his new family!! So exciting!

  590. NWSS
    March 26, 2015

    And it’s a VW…yay for keeping the lineage alive!

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  591. Pat Epperly
    March 27, 2015

    Your compassion is God sent. Praying for families for all these guys! How is our
    Seth, he just had the birthday of his adoption. Thank you so much for giving him a wonderful life full of God’s love and making him a part of your wonderful family. I just turned 80 last week, I feel no different so so blessed to have good health. Praise God! My kids gave me a big surprise party! Love you all! Great Grandma Pat

  592. Pat Epperly
    March 28, 2015

    Fantastic, looks like a nice one! We had a small on once and it was great! God bless you as you travel!

  593. Pat Epperly
    March 30, 2015

    Wonderful you could come home, some how I missed that part of your life in Ukraine. Love to all ~ Grandma Pat

  594. Laura Sparks
    March 31, 2015

    Yipee!!! So excited to see your beautiful van…what an extreme blessing!! God bless you and keep you safe as you travel in it! Rejoicing with you!!

  595. crystalkupper
    April 9, 2015

    Bwahaha to the egg story!

  596. April 9, 2015

    Oh thank goodness, I thought I might be a terrible mother for DESPISING playing Barbies with my daughter. It’s on par with water torture.

    Ha! to the brunch hair!

  597. April 9, 2015

    Completely enjoyed the pictures and your “poo” story! Love and prayers to you all!!!!

  598. Pat Epperly
    April 11, 2015

    Well, after I got past the nopoo story and laughing my head off I want to say how blessed I am that Our Heavenly Father looked down and said, “Seth is going to need a special family” and it happened. It had been my prayer since I new he was conceived. Thank you Lord!
    Happy Adoption Day Seth, I love you so very much.
    Great Grandma Pat

    • April 12, 2015

      Thank you!!! I’ll send that picture to you today.

  599. Pat Epperly
    April 11, 2015

    Would you please send me the photo with Seth giving a thumbs up?

    He is so beautiful!

    Pat Epperly

    503-507-7648 ( email)


  600. April 12, 2015

    This really really really made me happy to read! God bless you on your adoption journey! I think we’ll be sending some money to Life Song soon!

  601. Pat Epperly
    April 22, 2015

    Happy for your news. Praying all goes well.
    Love, Great Grandma Pat

  602. Pat Epperly
    May 1, 2015

    What a precious story! God is smiling also.

  603. Janet Maxim
    May 4, 2015

    I always love the little girl offering a fistful of dandelions!
    Question: are the red abrasions from self-injury?
    PS: Your story is like those exciting chapter-by-chapter installments from back in the day serial dramas. Always “to be continued” and “will the fingerprints EVER be approved? Stay tuned!!”

    • May 18, 2015

      Hi hi! Finally replying. Yes, the red marks on Boris are from self-harming. Poor guy has been having a rough time lately.

  604. Marina
    May 5, 2015

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while and I’m so inspired by you and your family : )
    Is that young boy that little one you shared about before? I can see so much life and hope in his eyes, something I didn’t recall seeing in some previous pictures. Hope he keeps improving!

    • May 18, 2015

      Hi! Sorry it took me so long to reply. Yes it’s him! He is coming back to life, slowly but surely. We are so thankful!

  605. May 13, 2015

    I’m glad you got a chance to take a break. Loved seeing all the pictures of Hava!

  606. Pat Epperly
    May 13, 2015

    Wonderful for you, God knows how to bless you! What a joy to see Havalah enjoying our English neighbors. Harry and I and our family spent 3 years living at RAF Base just 60 miles north of London. What a fabulous family time and Spiritual growth. (1972-75) Love to all ~ Grandma Pat

  607. May 13, 2015

    You know, my left pinky doesn’t fingerprint… (I had to be fingerprinted to volunteer at my daughter’s school). I wonder if I have the same issue? hehe 🙂 I’m so glad you were blessed in England. I’m sure that it was also just a huge relief to be able to rest your brain… (sure, you have to mentally convert chips to crisps and cookies to biscuits, but that sounds like a lot less work than converting everything to a brand new language. hehe) 🙂 🙂

    Be blessed!

  608. Natalie
    May 28, 2015

    Ahhh, beautiful!

  609. crystalkupper
    May 28, 2015

    Quite the elaborate lego tower! Did you bring more in this time?

  610. Jennifer
    May 28, 2015

    That is absolutely amazing! I love this post and your yes attitude has even brought others to see the great in all those children in need.

  611. Carey Doyle
    June 17, 2015

    This is what I’ve been praying for! Sweet boy, I hope your family comes soon!

  612. crystalkupper
    June 17, 2015

    What a win-win situation!

  613. Terry Reed
    June 17, 2015

    What a wonderful story! Brings tears to my eyes, a smile to my face and joy to my heart all at the same time! I will be keeping Danya and all of your Boys in my prayers…. as well as Mira for her love and kindness!

  614. Pat Epperly
    June 19, 2015

    What an amazing change in Danya. God made us with a desire for touch, how wonderful that Mira has chosen the best. May God continue to lead and bless her as she seeks the direction He wants her to go. Thank the both of you for making such a difference as you and your “special family” with my sweet Grandson as a part of this learns to love others. Love U ~ Great Grandma Pat

  615. NWSS
    June 23, 2015

    Love it! Thanks! I recognized the Kiev pics!!!

    Love you…

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  616. Pat Epperly
    June 24, 2015


  617. Pat Epperly
    July 11, 2015

    What a very lovely thing to do on ones vacation. Have a fabulous productive time at camp. Look for news when you return. May God bless and keep you.
    Love ~ Grandma Pat

  618. Pat Epperly
    July 16, 2015

    They were certainly awesome. How gracious and loving to be the hands of Jesus for the boys.

  619. Beth
    August 6, 2015

    I know that you may not be able to answer this, but do you have anymore info on the boy in the blue shirt. The one at the end of this post. I have seen several pictures with him in it and his eyes just stop me in his tracks. Anything I could specifically pray for him. Thanks,

    • August 13, 2015

      Hi Beth!
      I can tell you about him for sure. He is a very sweet boy who is not cared about much by the nannies. He is desperately in need of an adoptive family. Oh man, he has so so much potential!! Please pray that a family would step up for him very soon. Thank you 🙂

  620. Pat Epperly
    August 6, 2015

    Well, this takes my breath away! Praying that all goes well and our Heavenly Father provides all you needs, each and every day. Love you all and look forward to seeing you!
    Love ~ Grandma Pat

  621. Pat Epperly
    August 29, 2015

    You are a very adventurous family!!!! So happy you have had time to have fun in CA and a free place to stay at the beach, God is good! Did the kids bring swim suits? If so, how about coming over for a swim with me at Capital Manor?
    My phone: 503-507-7648. Love~ Great Grandma Pat

  622. August 30, 2015

    When you have time (hah!), I think you should write a book about how to lovingly, intentionally, faithfully move your family around the world and come back for visits and thrive. Every time I read about what you’ve done and how you do it, I cheer inside. Praying for you!

    (Also, “my” little sweetie’s new family has court for her on Wednesday. Please pray for them, too.)

  623. Jen
    August 31, 2015

    What an amazing transformation! This truly shows what the power of love can do… you guys and the team there are doing amazing work..
    Luv jen

  624. Yuliya
    August 31, 2015

    God bless you all!💖

  625. Susan
    August 31, 2015

    Congratulations on your precious new son! I am elated that he is yours, and that you are his. I have been praying that Vladik would find a family and get all the love and care that he needs and deserves – what a blessing to have that prayer answered so wonderfully.

    I cannot wait to read about the rest of Vladik’s journey, and send very best wishes for a wonderful life together.

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

  626. September 1, 2015

    Praise God! I’m thrilled for your family!

  627. crystalkupper
    September 3, 2015

    Can’t wait for Part III!

    • Cheryl malmsten
      September 3, 2015

      Me either! Oh oh…what a sweet, loving, obedient family!

  628. September 3, 2015

    Bawling as I read this… Every struggle, every doubt, every sacrifice involved in moving your kids to the other side of the world to serve the least of these in Ukraine… Anyone reading this could not deny that it was all worth it. At such a young age, your kids have become boys and girls after God’s own heart. No matter what anyone ever has or ever will say to you, I hope you know that moving your kids to Ukraine was the greatest gift you ever could have given them. As mothers we naturally want our kids to be safe, secure, comfortable… To protect them from all the pain and heartache the world has to offer. Your bravery,when it comes to your kids, inspires me. In the end, your greatest act as their mother will be that you said YES and did not stand in the way of the amazing plans that He has for your kids.

  629. September 3, 2015

    A beautiful story… a rich life.

  630. Mary Jill
    September 3, 2015

    Beautiful to see how God broke your hearts and lead you to Ukraine, the boys and Vladik! and NOW he is yours!!!!

  631. crystalkupper
    September 4, 2015

    Cannot wait to hear the progress reports over the coming months!

  632. It has been an unforgettable experience to work with this family and visit them in their home in Ukraine. The work they are doing with many young men who will never be adopted is extraordinary.

  633. September 7, 2015

    Someone liked your post on Facebook and I wondered could this be the Jed I know? Wow, I’m blown away! So happy for your family 🙂 God Bless

  634. September 7, 2015

    This is so beautiful! I found your blog through a like on Facebook and wondered, is that the Jed I know? Sure enough! So happy for your family!

  635. Pat Epperly
    September 8, 2015

    You are special! Praying your dreams come true! the the children my love!
    Grandma Pat

  636. Pat Epperly
    September 8, 2015

    Praise the Lord and may He provide for you abundantly!

  637. Mike Hill
    September 11, 2015

    Your post today made me cry. I am so proud of the Mom and Woman you have become. Thank you (and your parents) for letting me part of your life. You still have your joyous sense of humor!!!

  638. September 12, 2015

    So so amazing! Thank you Jesus! We love you guys so much.

  639. Dorothy M Hawkins
    September 13, 2015

    Kim and family- we miss and love you all, and i defiantly will pray for you all, have been and will continue to do so. Also I need a home address for you all; I have a package to send to you. I also want to send a little love gift-$ to help with the my grand children’s school things. One and Only True Living God please bless Kim and Jed and my grandchildren, you know their needs and your know their works for they work for you. Ease provide their every need and bring Jed and my newest grandson home to Oregon- safely and quickly without any problems. We pray this in your Son Jesus name and give you the praise and thanks- Amen and amen. Miss and love you all- xoxoxoxoxoxoxo- your sitter, friend, and grandma- Dorothy

  640. NW Student Services
    September 28, 2015

    Love it…love you.

    *Steve Bittner/DirectorNorthwest Student Services, LLCP.O. Box 667Corvallis, Oregon 97339 USAMobile: SKYPE: steviethevagabond*

  641. September 28, 2015

    Praise the Lord! What a great God we serve!

  642. Hill, Mike
    September 28, 2015

    I am so proud of you and your family. I tried to post on the internet last time and it would not work, God bless you and your family. What I love the most, you still have your bright happy face. Thank you and your parents for the privilege to be part of your life.

    *Mike Hill* *Santiam Christian School* *Math and Bible Teacher* *Phone: 541-619-0917* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail transmission and any attachments accompanying it contain confidential information belonging to the sender that may be protected. The information is intended only for the use of the intended recipient (s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail, and then destroy all copies of this transmission.

  643. crystalkupper
    September 29, 2015

    It’s so crazy to see him doing Salem stuff! Family stuff! Happy stuff! Yes and yay and can’t wait to hear more!

  644. Dorothy M Hawkins
    October 3, 2015

    Kim n Jed n family-so glad to see Vladik is finally home with you all. He looks so very happy. Please write to me with your address as I still have a package to send to you. I miss and love you all very much. God has blessed you all n I know He has much more blessings in store for you all. Please give Huggs and kisses to ALL my grandbabies for me- sending my love and prayers to you all- friend n grandma – Dorothy Hawkins

    • October 4, 2015

      Hi there! I passed on our address to Chrystalina. Thank you for keeping in touch!! 🙂

  645. October 6, 2015

    Love all these details! Thanks for sharing.

  646. Kimberly
    October 8, 2015

    Such a great update! Such a testimony of hope wrapped up in your little boy. God has a beautiful future for him and the whole Johnson family!

  647. October 28, 2015

    Jed, Kim, may I have permission to share the video of Vladic on my blog? I’d like to put it on a blog post sharing about the boys at Romaniv need for adoption.

    This post of yours has done so much for me personally. I thank you for sharing. It gives me hope that God will move mightily for the other boys.

  648. November 3, 2015

    I am praying for these boys. We are in the adoption process right now and the most heart wrenching part is all the children we DIDN’T choose.
    Having eyes open to the need makes the responsibility so very great.

  649. NW Student Services
    November 9, 2015


    *Steve Bittner/DirectorNorthwest Student Services, LLCP.O. Box 667Corvallis, Oregon 97339 USAMobile: SKYPE: steviethevagabond*

  650. Janedaulton
    November 9, 2015

    You should write more often Jed

  651. jill
    November 9, 2015

    Thank you for your realness.

  652. Suzanne
    November 9, 2015

    Thanks for your honesty and sharing your heart. I have believed that God is not in complete control. Many Christians think God is in complete control, but I disagree. We live in a fallen and sinful world, one that God calls us out of. Our sufferings at this present time are not even worthy to be compared to the riches and joy in our future in heaven. (Bible quote somewhere) In this world you will have tribulation, but Jesus said take courage for I have overcome the world. The fallen nature of man is to blame God for injustice, when He is sinless. The fallen nature of man blames God for all calamities, (I have heard people blame God for even the sins of the people) when He is Sovereign and Holy. I know that God is right there with us in the deepest darkest pit. He loves us and one day, we will have great joy. Until that day though, there will be lots of suffering. But like Jesus said, take courage for I have overcome the world.

  653. November 23, 2015

    There’s a special place in heaven for loving people like you. Thank you for this!!! <3

  654. Marguerite Havard
    December 9, 2015

    I met Ben and Isaiah when our team was ministering at Romaniv in October. Thank you for sharing an update on them. I am praying Psalm 56 over them today.
    When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. – Psalm 56:3

  655. January 9, 2016

    So exciting!! Looking forward to the day that God makes your (HIS) dream for these precious boys a reality!

  656. Roxanna Rickly
    January 9, 2016

    My daughter and her husband adopted two children from the Ukraine. I have followed your family’s adventures for a couple of years. Our family has completely fallen in love with our special children also. Would you share your recipe for borscht? We have made some Ukranian foods but have not found a borscht recipe that sounds like the same as my daughter found in Ukraine. Thanks!

  657. January 9, 2016

    Kim/Jed… I loved this post! Thank you for the heart and raw honesty of your words. I agree, to know Vladik is to love him. It is truly beautiful!!

  658. Renee
    January 9, 2016

    Wow I such a privilege to hear his/your story… Extremely moving and it’s so encouraging to hear his progress and your hearts are beautiful as love changes everything it touches…thank you for being love

  659. Rosanne O'Connor
    January 10, 2016

    Kim, let me know if you need any help negotiating the DD world and /or school issues. My sis, Janet O’Connor filled me in on a few of your plans. – Rosanne O’Connor

  660. Elisabeth
    January 19, 2016

    I’ve been wondering for a while now… When you all move back to Ukraine and return to romaniv to work will vladik be going with you? If so how will you prepare him for that?

    • February 10, 2016

      Hi! Sorry for the ultra late reply! We don’t plan to take Vladik with us to the orphanage at all when we return to Ukraine. We want him to know that that part of his life is over FOREVER. I think it would be too traumatic for him to go back. Good question!

  661. Jane Traylor
    February 10, 2016

    Love, love, love!!!

  662. NWSS
    February 10, 2016

    You made me cry.

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  663. February 11, 2016

    Sitting with tears and just too much joy!!!! I couldn’t love this more. Have you read Lori Harris’s blog. Her family is living God’s movement in a different way but one that reminds me of what you’re doing with the boys. Here’s a link for all you’re ‘free’ time (as if you have any).

  664. Kimberly
    February 11, 2016

    Born at 15… Sounds like a perfect title for a book!

  665. February 14, 2016

    So excited for Vladik! And SOOO excited for all that is to come!!! 🙂

  666. Crystal
    March 18, 2016

    Beautifully written!! Praying for this special boy!

  667. Ang
    March 20, 2016

    Is this little guy listed on RR now? I’d love to share his page if so…. Hopefully he’s found his family by now, what a year later, but just in case

    • March 23, 2016

      Issues arose with his paperwork, so he is not available to be adopted at this time. We are hopeful that the issue will be resolved soon!

  668. March 30, 2016

    She’s soooo cute! Love it love it love it!

  669. Dorothy Hawkins
    April 15, 2016

    So awsomely cool!! God is so wonderful!! Please give huggs n kisses to all 5 of my beautiful grandchildren. Luv u all much xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  670. crystalkupper
    April 16, 2016

    So awesome on all counts!

  671. June 3, 2016

    My son, adopted at 5 years old, has been home almost three years now and although he was not nearly as old nor did he suffer nearly as much trauma, I still need to be reminded of this. After almost three years no one understands why I should be parenting him any differently than I would if he had been with me from the beginning but this hit home for me tonight: “Somehow I guess I thought we had won those battles. We were already over those mountains, and I found myself becoming impatient, not wanting to climb them again. I was growing annoyed with the institutional behaviors. I was impatient with the tears. I was less nurturing and more “buck up bucko”. ;)” I needed to be reminded that just because I can hardly remember my life without him, he almost certainly remembers his life without me and that needs to be at the foundation of my response to him. Thank you for this important post.

  672. Chris & Mary Malone
    July 15, 2016

    Hey guys. Well put. We get it. We are silent most of the time, too. For the same reasons. We love you and pray for you during this transition!

  673. July 15, 2016

    So beautiful, Beloved of God. There is a grace in all this, the grace that whispers to us that we are all aliens in this world, aliens created for another. The grace that speaks of the world without losses, the world where all our treasures are forever safe, all our loves will be fully known and lived. May that grace comfort you everyday.

    Unbeknownst to you, your talk at the Kroc center was a lovely gift to Roger. When you mentioned that Vladik used to speak, but lost so much at the orphanage, he related it to his losses on the streets, as well as the love of God that can restore. Thank you so much. The seeds you are scattering have beauty beyond your imagination. Thank you. Blessings.

  674. Stephanie
    July 15, 2016

    Praying for you all…….God bless.

  675. crystalkupper
    July 15, 2016

    Oh Kim. I know we’re not overseas for forever, but my heart is right there with ya!

  676. Marc
    July 15, 2016

    Boom ya! I love posts like this! Honest…

  677. Mary Jill
    July 16, 2016

    So, very well said and so TRUE!!! Blessings

  678. skipper98
    July 18, 2016

    Thanks for sharing, Kim. You are so loved. Praying for all of these things! “That His name be great among the nations!” Malachi 1:11 Jen Skipper

  679. Laura
    July 19, 2016

    Please just walk the pathGod has ordained for yourfamily. Your parents raised you to xo nothing short of serving the King. Go

  680. Dorothy hawkibs
    July 21, 2016

    Its all good my sweet over the ocean family, I too have made a big change. I have moved to the USA east coast- to South Carolina. When you can, give me a buz in my e- mail with your new address. I’ll send u mine as well. I miss and love you all, your sis, friend, and grandma- Dorothy Hawkins, xixoxoxoxoxo- huggs and kisses

  681. August 3, 2016

    ‘Ready to love them just as they are.’ I needed this in my own little world this morning! I’m excited to see the property develop and am praying today for the folks you hire to have a vision for this project and a sense of urgency as they complete it.

  682. August 4, 2016

    I am so excited for you! If you have time, I’d love to hear more about the house itself.

  683. Vanessa
    August 8, 2016


  684. Amanda Lemons-McQuinn
    August 11, 2016

    what an amazingly beautiful family you have, and the boys too…. They seem so easy to love, you are doing an amazing thing. LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU ALL.

  685. August 11, 2016

    I have often thought the same thing about Fixer Upper! They need to do a Missionary edition!

  686. August 11, 2016

    Thanks for posting all those beautiful pictures! Your blogs are always so interesting.I enjoy reading them. Love you all and are praying for you. Anne

  687. Jane
    August 24, 2016

    Kimberly, I am wondering if there is any possibility for the kids to use speech-to-text for written assignments with software to translate their assignments into Ukrainian language. I know the translation would not be perfect, but just an idea. Speech-to-text is available on an iPad. Just some possibilities, maybe?! Love you guys!!

  688. August 25, 2016

    This is so wonderful! It’s amazing that you have that private school! I pray that it will be perfect for your family.

    This is just a maybe-for-later-thought: we homeschool, and our children have tons of socialisation, even though there aren’t any other homeschoolers around. Everywhere we go we meet people they know. We’re just J’s/R’s/A’s/B’s parents. 🙂 The way it works for us is homeschooling until lunch time, then private art school and public music school after lunch. I do agree with you, that language and being a part of Ukraine is VITAL, though; our kids already had the language skills that they needed when we started on this path.

  689. Annette
    August 25, 2016

    I was thinking the same as Kimberling for the kids to use a translation off the Internet.
    Will be praying for you all.

  690. Jill
    September 16, 2016

    Thank you for your honesty! I celebrate with you. His photos say it all. He is releasing the past. and seriously how much has he grown? He looks marvelous.

  691. September 16, 2016

    he looks so happy !! and he has grown so tall !thanks to your good care !so thank you !!!

  692. Sherri dougan
    September 17, 2016

    All I can say is LOVE! Love your loving spirits, love your willingness to be used of God! Love this loving boy and the story of his journey!

  693. crystalkupper
    September 18, 2016

    I love hearing about his progress, thanks so much for sharing!

  694. October 15, 2016


    I have helped in the process of registering a Ukrainian non-profit recently, and if there’s anything I can do to help in your process, I would love to. You probably don’t need it, but I thought I’d offer anyway. 🙂

    We were at a conference with the “Ukrainian Ombudsman for the Rights and Protection of children” (what a mouthful!) just recently, and I think he mentioned your team, very anonymously.

  695. Joni
    October 16, 2016

    So beautifully written, so true, just wish everyone had hearts like you. Keep on trying to help those children. Your work is so needed. Every child is a gift from God that is being wasted until they have a family to love them.

  696. Ardelis Matthews
    October 24, 2016

    Such a good letter! I like the honesty and open way you communicate. Praying Gods blessing on you and all the endeavors you undertake. Ardelis

  697. Kimberly
    October 31, 2016

    So amazing Kim!
    From a very small and dark world to literally all over the world… Pictures of your Vladik in front of these beautiful places speaks so loudly of God’s promise to exceedingly provide beyond our expectations! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!!!

  698. Janet Maxim
    December 8, 2016

    Wow!! It’s so encouraging to see how God has answered your questions and worked out your conundrums and just proven himself again to be your Abba Father! And the faith you’ve gained from this will take you into the next great adventures. 👍🏻💪🏼❤️

  699. Cheryl
    December 8, 2016

    Thrilled to read each word about the children… I will continue to pray…so very pleased about Seth s placement… I had been wondering if anything was materializing for him!

  700. Dorothy Hawkins
    December 9, 2016

    This is grandma Dorothy hawkins i’m not sure if you will get this or if you received any of my other messages. I now live in South Carolina. My address again is 306 (B) Shrine Club Rd. Seneca, South Caroluna 29672. I miss n love you all so much. So glad to hear you all are doing well. I do not have an address for you all- please send. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo grandma Dorothy

  701. January 23, 2017

    Yes! I’ve been listening to the DAB for years. I love it. It was the same thing for me: I know the Bible. When I started listening to it, though, it just came alive. Switching versions around helps me, too.

  702. January 23, 2017

    I’m so right there with you on the Bible reading! I’m surrounded by Christian stuff all day long (and I PRAISE GOD for the gift of Christian radio after going 3 years without it in England!) and I know the Bible so well that I often lose my love for it. Thanks for the reminder.

  703. January 25, 2017

    Wonderful resolutions! & i am right with you on the Bible reading, i can’t find consistency either… i may give DAB a go… thanks for sharing about it. 😀

  704. NWSS
    February 2, 2017

    Love it…thanks!

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  705. February 2, 2017

    WOW! What an awesome undertaking! You are amazing. I hope that your model of family living arrangements will catch on and we will start to see deinstitutionalization throughout Ukraine!

  706. Keira
    February 2, 2017

    I’m sure it may seem like things are moving so slowly since you are in the midst of it. But wowzers!! So much has been accomplished already. Thanks of the update and the pictures to go with it 🙂 Love you all!

  707. Linda Schrock
    February 12, 2017

    Loved this post. I am so glad to hear that work on your house is progressing, and that in spite of the dooziness of the last year, that you still are in one piece. I saw some of your bunch at the Zhytomyr mall on Friday evening—at least I think it was you all—that walked past the shop I was in. By the time I had processed, etc, it was too late to catch you. The wheel chair caught my eye (I always see them from miles away), but I couldn’t tell who it was. Is Vladik not walking right now?

    Oh, and did I tell you I love this post? Especially the part about language. I’ve started Russian classes again, Russian because that is what I studied earlier and want to learn one well, even though I try to understand the other language too. Oh, I get so frustrated with this two-language thing, and wonder just how well I could speak a language if I heard it spoken well, written well, day in and day out. I went to visit a babushka in the village, and her surzhik was more surzhik-y than most. Even Rozhdestvo wasn’t rozhdestvo or risdva, but rozdvo. What a Christmas-y mixture!

    Anyhow, best wishes to you all in the New Year.


    • February 12, 2017

      Hi! Awww yes! It was Jed with our boys and a few of their friends at the mall. They went to a movie. It was a friend in the wheelchair. 🙂

  708. Victoria Dickinson
    February 22, 2017

    I love these, seriously one of my favorite storytellers!

  709. NWSS
    February 22, 2017

    Love it so much!!!

    Steve Bittner Santiam Christian School Northwest Student Services, LLC (541)760-2027

    (Sent from my iPhone.)


  710. Jill
    February 22, 2017

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for no pictures of the frozen cat! Boomshakalaka!! Lol. You share my ideas of parenting wins. So glad your thumb is still intact after the unknowable treatment you had. It’s fascinating until you have to do it right?

    • February 23, 2017

      Yes! Super fascinating from the outside looking in…and just creepy from the inside. Ha!

  711. Charlotte Prough
    February 22, 2017

    I’m chuckling as I read this and just picturing in my mind you guys playing games and singing out loud. And yes, I cringed at the hospital description – Yikes!

    • February 23, 2017

      We love game nights with Rosa. That was Addy’s birthday wish this year 🙂

  712. February 22, 2017

    Cat pictures!

    • February 23, 2017

      You’ll never believe this, but today it was GONE. The prayers of the saints… 😉

  713. Natalie Prins
    February 22, 2017

    I was half-dreading AND half-hoping that you’d show a picture of the frozen cat. How weird is that?!? Anywho, thanks for a fun glimpse into your life there. You all rock!

    • February 23, 2017

      The cat was gone today!!! It was a miracle! Also, how funny that autocorrect just now tried to correct ‘cat’ to ‘carcass’.

  714. Keira
    February 22, 2017

    That hospital scene takes me back to when Sean had to go in Morocco. Remember how dark and dirty that place was?
    Or the hospital in China when I had to get a barium enema (uh huh) and the apparatus to administer it looked like Laura Ingalls’ lunch pale with a rubber hose attached! It was as awful as it sounds! I would have rather taken care of that frozen cat for you then go through that procedure (with 7 guys in the room watching 😳). Love this look into life there!

    • February 23, 2017

      BARIUM ENEMA???? Girl, you have me beat by a mile!

  715. February 24, 2017

    I’m sitting here at my desk with a candle and bottle of oil that both bear the name “joy” and a coloring book sent by my cousin called “Today I Choose Joy.” With some pressing circumstances so far out of my control there’s nothing to do but choose joy, I was overwhelmed with life when I opened your post.

    Thank you for two things, refocusing my mind to the rich life I’ve been given as I walk with God as my Father and most of all for allowing me to share in the celebration of Dima. Some papers I refer to often are now tear-stained. I’ll give thanks for his life each time I see them. Thank you so much for this post!

    • March 5, 2017

      Thank you so much for sharing this. Wow, it encouraged and blessed me so much.

  716. February 24, 2017

    Heartbroken for you but thank God this is not Dima’s end; his new life with Christ is just begun. I can’t wait to one day meet him! You guys are in our prayers.

    • March 5, 2017

      Yes and amen! Thank you for praying.

  717. February 24, 2017

    Reblogged this on Dad Just Happened! and commented:
    This post emphasizes the answer to the question of “Aren’t these kids better off in there own country?” Praise God for the work he is doing through Wide Awake Family!

  718. February 24, 2017

    He was a person. He was loved. Rest in peace, Dima, until we meet again. <3

  719. Melissa A.
    February 25, 2017

    Beautiful, friend. Thank you for sharing your heart and sharing Dima’s story with us. Love you.

  720. February 25, 2017

    Rest in peace Dima . God bless you xx

  721. February 26, 2017

    So sad! i am so sorry my dear. Thank you for sharing your love and joy and even your sorrow with us. He is a wonderful boy and he waits with God for all of us to join him one day. HUGS

  722. soundtek
    February 27, 2017

    thank you for sharing

  723. February 27, 2017

    Dearest Kim,
    Your tribute to Dima touched our hearts in such a deep way. So sorry for all of your loss. What a precious soul Dima was and what a rich blessing you were able to see him wake up. God has truly gifted you Kim to be able to see and to help others to see. We love and so appreciate you and Jed and your amazing kids. Looking forward to the day we can visit the Homestead. Nancy & Tri

    • March 5, 2017

      Thank you so much Nancy! We love you both. Yes to a visit! It would be like a dream 🙂

  724. March 7, 2017

    Loved this post!! Laughing out loud at your hospital experience as it brought back memories from my own time in Ukraine… Getting chest x-rays, blood, urine and stool tests done so I could go into the orphanages (did you guys have to do that???). Definitely a Civil War tent-ish experience!!

    Also loved your precious parenting wins…. from the hilarious to the heart-melting. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  725. thegenie18
    March 14, 2017

    How amazing to get just what you were wanting! What a lot to be thankful for!

  726. Paul
    March 14, 2017

    What an awesome God we have that he answers before we speak, even the little things.

  727. Laura Sparks
    April 7, 2017

    Aaaaahh!! This is so exciting! I loved every minute of that video…what a joy to see him thriving and being a voice! Any chance there are transcripts of the YouTube piece? I would love to know what they were saying in Ukrainian!

  728. Paul Maxim
    April 7, 2017

    Great article Kim. We love you all. Vladik is a pioneer. If you all ever come through the midwest (Ohio) stop & stay with us a while. We have room for all of ya.
    Paul & Janet Maxim

  729. Steve B.
    April 7, 2017

    This is so wonderful! I love you guys and your family and what is happening in our Ukraine!

  730. Jill Donnelly
    April 7, 2017

    Amazing! God is so creative about getting things done and from my vantage point you guys are really good at being His vessels. Your voice is clear and discerning and truthful without condemnation. I loved seeing Vlad proudly showing his daily life. He is a sparkling gem. Thank you for sharing.

  731. April 7, 2017

    Amazing! Praise the Lord for open doors! So proud of Vladik & all you guys <3

  732. Kathy
    April 7, 2017

    Wow, I’m processing this article and how God us using Vladik. This was an amazing article. Thank you for sharing!

  733. April 7, 2017

    I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on how Vladik’s teachers have changed as a result from knowing him?…I use to get upset when people would stare and point at my legless husband, then at my autistic children and now at my adopted blind/cp son, it is hard to be the one standing by absorbing all the hate and wishing the world could be different. God bless the brave ones who make a difference and give them courage (like Vladik) to overcome.

  734. April 8, 2017

    Love this!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  735. Steve B.
    May 17, 2017

    You. You are making me smile today. I love you and what you are doing.

    • May 17, 2017

      Uncle Steve, I LOVE YOU! Thank you for the note. The kids and I sing “Friday is My Favorite Day” every week and it makes me think of you every single time. 🙂

  736. Jennifer
    May 17, 2017

    Love your heart and thoughts. Have you listened to ‘Here’s the Thing’ with Alec Baldwin? He’s a fan and asks all the questions I would of interesting people (not just entertainers).

    I also love The Sattelite Sisters – funny and uplifting. Oh, and Wait, wait don’t tell me is a favorite.


    • May 17, 2017

      Thanks for the recommendations! I haven’t listened to any of those. I’m gonna check them out right now!

  737. Kathy
    May 17, 2017

    What you wrote is making me smile. I love the way you share and bring us into your thoughts and life with your words. You bring a smile to my face as I see our Lord in who you and Jed are and how you think. You’ve made me smile and filled my heart with a sense of belonging to something so much bigger than ourselves. Thank you!

    • May 17, 2017

      Oh my, thank you so much for this note!! Now you made ME smile! 🙂

  738. Angel
    June 5, 2017

    It is beautiful. Looks like good workmanship. Love reading your updates! God bless and peace be with you all.

  739. June 5, 2017

    Praying!! Missing you guys! Celebrating that you get to move in!!!

    Jory and family

    Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

  740. June 5, 2017

    So excited about your homestead, Kim and Jed!!! The pictures look pretty. Sending heart hugs and love to the entire family and all “your boys.”

  741. June 6, 2017

    *Squeal* *jumping up and down* *happy dance*
    SOOOOOO excited for you guys! Send lots of pictures!!! Speaking of pictures, going to email you after this comment is sent so check your email 😉

  742. mikeandmoe
    June 11, 2017

    Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so crazy exciting!!! It looks like such a great place. So nice to a softer color of kitchen, right? 😉 We are so happy for you guys & celebrate with you the provision the Lord has provided with this property.


  743. Carey Doyle
    June 17, 2017

    This blogpost just popped up on my fb feed. And, I’m wondering if he’s doing well? I think of him often. I pray for his family to find him.

  744. Jonathan Pomazon
    July 25, 2017

    What an amazing journey – for Vlad and for you all! Wishing him the happiest of birthdays – and tell his taste for Cream of Wheat puts him in the best of company 😉

  745. Ruth
    August 1, 2017

    Love this. Love you all! Can’t wait to visit (hopefully) sometime soon!

  746. Cheryl
    August 1, 2017

    Every sentence… I was on the edge of my seat.. probably besides pics, loved that the boys are coming soon, that the place is homey and that the Littles can run free! ! That is super great! Gardens are good…you had a long cold winter so I’m thrilled that you all are enjoying now! Blessings on each of you and your animals and each neighbor.

  747. August 1, 2017

    WOW! It doesn’t seem like too long ago you reached out to me to ask about MTU and the Rominiv boys, sharing your dreams for your family! AND YOU DID IT! You followed God’s calling and created a little kingdom on Ukrainian soil! I am over the edge happy for you and look forward to use that guest room! May God continue to bless you, your family and the boys!

  748. Kathy
    August 1, 2017

    I want to come love in the village!

  749. LeeAnn
    August 1, 2017

    “Logan” (Andrew) has a family coming for him. The 5-yea-old little boy with severe cp.

  750. August 5, 2017

    Beautiful pics. Beautiful family. Beautiful life.

  751. Angie Person
    September 6, 2017

    I still have the family photos up from right before you guys left. I can’t believe the change! The kids are looking so grown up, even from when I last saw them! So beautiful and so brave. I need a new picture 😧

  752. crystalkupper
    October 19, 2017

    I am so glad to hear of your awesome attitude — what a great example you are! I have had a surprise pregnancy too, and I did not handle it nearly as well as you are doing. I wish you could have been around back then to slap some sense into me. 🙂

  753. Samuel Burns
    October 19, 2017

    Yes! What a prince/princess this child is going to be 🙂

  754. mikeandmoe
    October 19, 2017

    Kim….congratulations on your new little Johnson! WOW! What wild surprise but what a wild gift from above. Bless you all! 💚

  755. Gregory Harrison
    October 19, 2017

    (I think the sonogram look boyish.).

  756. Becky Boyd
    October 19, 2017

    Congratulations! Our daughter had her 4th baby, a boy, following her three girls who are now 9, 7, and 5. The girls are great help with the baby that has made this little one quite the center of all their attention. I am sure you will find the same to be true.

  757. Susan D Honan
    October 19, 2017

    So happy for all of you! Congratulations!

  758. Jennifer Burton
    October 19, 2017

    Congratulations! How exciting! ❤️

  759. Dorothy Hawkins
    October 20, 2017

    Congrats to you and your family. I will add this to my prayers for you all. I miss and love you all. God bless and keep you all safe. Much love and prayers. xoxoxoxoxox grandma – Dorothy

  760. Colleen O'Brien
    October 20, 2017

    Congratulations!! I love big families, they are such a gift to each other and to the world!

  761. October 23, 2017

    Congrats! i was literally on my way to bed and thought i just catch up with emails & yours caught my eye! SOOOOO …. happy for you guys!! Praying the Lord blesses you with a smooth easy delivery & a beautiful healthy little one!

  762. December 4, 2017

    Kim,as I read the latest chapter of your journey in the Ukraine, the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” came to mind. So may it be with You as strive to “Live well” in your everyday, knowing HE will be with you, even to the end of the age. Mt.28:20 Praying for You and Your lovely FAMILY…

    December 4, 2017

    Love and prayers to your family.What an amazing path you are walking.  Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  764. Natasha
    December 4, 2017

    You guys are pioneering with so many new good values in Ukrainian society! I can’t imagine how taugh it may get sometimes for you. But I know that you like many other pioneers are changing the spirit of the country and of the nation. You are setting new traditions and norms. And all those things are godly and exactly what the nation needs. May God feel everything around you with his presence. Keep on proclaiming his kingdome! My heart is with you ❤️

  765. Kimberly
    December 5, 2017

    Praying each evening of advent for you and your beautiful growing family Kim! What great anticipation… Each such miracles!! How dear your mothers heart is… how brave, big and capable it is… Have always loved how you speak of your children, all of them!

  766. mikeandmoe
    December 10, 2017

    Beautiful, friend. Just beautiful. So incredible the work of the Spirit among you. Praying as always!! Love to you all!

  767. Teresa Kenyon
    December 11, 2017

    Kimberly, you and Jed make me have tears. Your hearts are so full of love. God bless you!

  768. Allie McLeod
    December 14, 2017

    Beautiful! Continuing to pray and lift up your family and those our so diligently serve 🙂

  769. Jonathan Pomazon
    December 27, 2017

    As usual, your post is both thoughtful and profound. Thanks for giving us a window into Boris’s world and taking us on the beginning steps of this journey with you. Please be assured of our continued prayers for you all 😊. Soli Deo Gloria.

  770. Lorie Neighbors
    December 27, 2017

    Wow Kim. I’m sitting here speechless. I was wondering about Boris and his backstory. It is the worst kind of tragedy when someone is abused throughout their life and that’s all they know. ALL THEY KNOW. I can’t even imagine it. It’s so beautiful the work that you and Jed and your children are doing there. The lives that you are helping to redeem. God bless you all!!

  771. Dorothy Hawkins
    December 27, 2017

    Another adopted grandchild- I will continually pray for Boris as I do for all my grandchildren-Blood and adopted. I miss and love you all much. May God continue to watch over and bless you all. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxox😘😍😄🔥🐼💝🌺💝🌺💝🌺💝😘😍😄

    Sent from my ZTE Phone.

    Wide Awake Family wrote:

    kimnjed posted: “On Christmas Day we had much to celebrate. Not only is Christmas always the best holiday EVER, but this Christmas we celebrated one week of having our sweet Boris home. Yes! On December 15th the guardianship committee granted Jed’s petition for guardians”

  772. Sandie Flannery
    December 27, 2017

    When I first met Boris my heart broke. I returned with a helmet with hopes to protect him from himself. Such a pity, he was untouchable. When we got the helmet on him, he crawled into a fetal position and rocked. How great it is to hear of of little boy inside. Praying he can overcome the years of neglect and abuse!

  773. LYNN Lanham
    January 1, 2018

    Thank you for sharing such a powerful story about this young man’s life. Boris tugs on my heart. Praying for you and your family. With love, lynn

  774. Anne Howe
    January 5, 2018

    You have got this ! Your love for God will see you through!

  775. Dorothy
    January 5, 2018

    I remember the ups and downs too. I also remember my heart breaking and then being healed by God’s love through your family and I praised Him then and I praise Him now for giving my grandson to you all. I wish I could have raised him myself, but I pray you and Seth understand why I was unable to. I love Seth with all my heart just as I love all my grandchildren. May God continue to bless you all and may you have a wonderful delivery and a healthy baby. Sending my love and many prayers – mom, friend, and grandma – Dorothy 😘😍😄💝🌺🐼😘😍😄 xoxoxoxoxox

  776. Kathy
    January 5, 2018

    Thank you so much for sharing! So meaningful on so many levels!

  777. Pat Epperly
    January 6, 2018

    May God continue to bless you abundantly! I’ll be praying the next 5 weeks. For you and your family. I pray God will give you Joy and peace and supplys all your needs!
    Love ♡ Grandma Pat

  778. Jonathan Pomazon
    January 7, 2018

    Praying for you to finish strong and for a smooth delivery. I still remember the profound differences I found my first few trips to Ukraine, especially in the way our countries handle orthopedic trauma (a field I’ve worked in as an administrator since 1992). Regardless, we serve a wonderful and powerful God who already knows the end of this episode of life from its beginning. Looking forward to the “reveal” 😉 Blessings to you all.

  779. Kathy
    January 19, 2018

    Thank you so much. Your words are so powerful, so rich as is your quote. There is a reason you are on my heroes list! The greatest reason is because you love our Lord, you listen , you act, you change and you bring us with you! Thank you for making my day!

  780. Kimberly
    January 19, 2018

    Wow what true beauty from honest ashes Kim! Praying for you mama in this season of adjustment!!!

  781. Nastja
    January 20, 2018

    I wish you and Jed a lot oft straight and blessings for your family, I’m so sorry for ukrainian medical system! I will pray for safety days for all your family!!!! I’m exited of your delivering expiriance, it is truthly different as in US, but i belive the Lord will care for you!!!!

  782. February 15, 2018

    Congratulations on your precious little nugget and I hope you find the energy, patience and wisdom that you need.

  783. mikeandmoe
    February 15, 2018

    Oh guys….she is absolutely beautiful. What a gift.

  784. February 18, 2018

    I have read this about six times and it is constantly speaking to me in my own little family. Thank you Kim. Such power in such raw truth. Love you all.

  785. February 19, 2018

    My third is one of those For Such A Time As This babies. I’d waited on his arrival for years and then felt crushed under the other demands of life when he finally debuted but holding him was like God holding me. Prayers for this transition. 💕

  786. February 19, 2018

    She is gorgeous, congratulations! Praying for all of you as you navigate this new transition in your family.

  787. February 19, 2018

    Three thoughts as I read this:
    1) I know you said that Vladik and Boris don’t have much interest in Evie but when I saw that first picture, it made me cry. I realize it may not be a true depiction of what actually is right now but as I saw it all I could see was healing, redemption and transformation. I believe that Evie is God’s gift to Vladik (and your whole family of course!) and that God is going to use her to teach Vladik that fierce, protective love that a big brother has for his tiny, helpless baby sister. The kind of love that had been stolen from him and seems impossible due to his history. God will continue to work miracles in Vladik’s heart and I believe that Evie will play a very important role in all that God is going to do.
    2) Looks like you are raising another beautiful mom-of-many in Addy! Caring for two children and reading a book all at the same time – impressive 🙂
    3) Re. God’s ways/timing. He knows. He always knows. And there is nothing more comforting than when we are able to see His hand in the hard and know that He’s got this. He’s got you.

    Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is paving way before you, one painful, beautiful step at a time.

    “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1-3)

  788. Anne Howe
    February 19, 2018

    Your transparency in sharing brings such tears to my heart! I know God is working preparing my heart ❤️! I love watching how Love is transforming all who are watching! You both know God has always put littles and big kids in my path! I am a bus 🚌 driver now! It brings back many memories of our bus trip to camp…… I have the privilege of loving and impacting the students who ride on route 10 bus in Silverton. God gives us just what we need when we need it!
    I love you all and if it’s in God’s plan I will come to visit ! God bless!

  789. Olga Gnatyuk
    February 19, 2018

    I have followed your family and ministry through facebook for several years now… I cried, i rejoiced, I prayed, I was amazed and touched to see what you have been doing for the boys and for the Lord.
    Today’s “message” has touched my heart in a way I didn’t expect. Your thought on “a matter of perspective” wow. Just wow… God knew I needed to hear this message for some of my own healing.
    I am not saying that all your other fb updates or journal entries aren’t “as good or as important” but for me, today’s entry was the best! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and God’s revelation. My heart so needed this.
    May God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry!

  790. February 20, 2018

    Oooh… i love how God works and i feel so privileged everytime you choose to share your heart and life. i get to see God in action through your life and just as Evie is a balm for you all, your sharing is an encouragement to me. Know that i am praying for you all, always.

  791. mikeandmoe
    March 5, 2018

    Oh Kim. UNREAL!!!!! You are so brave. SO crazy brave. I love your clinical perspective as you break this down, but also the other part of you who is a vulnerable momma-to-be. Wow. Thanks for sharing with all of us! Evie is gorgeous and we are so happy for your family. Loves….

  792. Anne Howe
    March 6, 2018

    Kim this is a real testimony of walking out your faith in God! I love that you are real with it all. I look forward to meeting all of you when it is in the Lord’s plan!
    I am officially a School Bus Driver!!!!

  793. Julie
    March 26, 2018

    This was really informative. Thank you. My sister in law lost her baby shortly after it’s (very premature) birth and has never talked about it much, but this helped me to imagine what it might have been like for her. So glad your story has a much happier ending 🙂

  794. patricia corona
    March 31, 2018

    May God find a family able and willing to take on this challenge. I know because our family adopted a CP child, whose abilities far outweigh her disabilities. I pray for this child to find the right parent(s) who will be able to support this baby.

  795. May 4, 2018

    I love everything about this. Always enjoy reading your real and humble blog posts through out your journey. It’s always encouraging!

    Also, your daughter is precious. That video was the best.

  796. Susan D Honan
    May 4, 2018

    Thank you Kimberly! Beautifully said. Beautifully lived.

  797. Tami hartl
    May 5, 2018

    What a beautiful family you have!! Boris hast the most adorable laugh ❣️ And when his sister said that Being patient with Boris, teaches you to have patience with other people, it made my heart melt❤️❤️❤️

  798. Kimberly joy Copple
    May 6, 2018

    Oh how I love you guys. Your choice to walk the hard path and live Jesus I know is a joy deeper than anything to your soul but I applaud the resilience in the hard stuff, the thick of life stuff and pray God continues to grace you with each new day.

  799. Linda Hendricks
    May 8, 2018

    I keep your family in my prayers always.

  800. Galen Troyer
    May 8, 2018

    So glad for you -and your parents:)- that you’re coming to Oregon for awhile! We look forward to seeing you all!!

    Galen & Carol

  801. May 10, 2018

    Melt my heat… I don’t know which one of them I fell in love with more through that video! 🙂 What a beautiful, mature young lady your little Hava is becoming! I know your family has made many sacrifices to live the life you live and I know you have questioned countless times if you were doing the right thing for your American-born kids but I truly believe that the life that you live, the ministry your family pours itself into, the brothers you have given them… These are the greatest gifts you will ever give your kids. Your little girl has learned more about love, compassion, and the infinite value of every human life than most adults will learn in a life time. I can only imagine the plans that God has in store for your kids as they continue to grow more and more into men and women after His own heart.

    Happy Mother’s Day to one of the best moms I ‘know’!

  802. Alys West
    May 24, 2018

    Prayerful for you all, in what you shared. God is using you in phenomenal ways. Hopeful some of your time will be restful while back west.

  803. August 28, 2018

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time over the summer! And it’s sooooo exciting to see 2 more boys joining you at the homestead!! Hoping & praying the kids will have a great start to the new school year.

  804. Shelley Waiau
    September 11, 2018

    Praying for you all!

  805. Dorothy
    September 23, 2018

    Many love and prayers. Miss and love you all. Give all my grandchildren big hugs and kisses for me. Xoxoxoxox😘😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😘

  806. Pat
    September 29, 2018

    My daughter who I adopted from Russia always needed to touch down at home after school before going anywhere. We could not hit the store on the way home. First home for at least a hour then we would go to the store. This lasted at least 5 or more years.

  807. Jill Donnelly
    September 29, 2018

    Love this glimpse so much. Thank you for doing these hard things. I will pray for all of you.

  808. Leatha Wagner
    September 29, 2018

    Thank you for sharing and for taking care of those in such great need.

  809. Kimberly Folkert
    September 30, 2018

    Appreciate very much the life you’re living and the beautiful testimony you share so honestly- always points to Christ, our need for Him and to a greater eternal purpose in living this temporal existence on earth. Praying for the ever growing Johnson family!

    • November 8, 2018

      Thank you Kimmy Kim!!! 🙂

  810. October 3, 2018

    praying for you guys always. it-s simply amazing what u r doing. God be with u all always, providing whatever u might need.

    • November 8, 2018

      Thank you for always being such an encouragement to us.

  811. Ann Barton
    October 30, 2018

    God bless you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to these precious men. Praying for strength and patience for you. And more sleep! 🙂

    • November 8, 2018

      Yes, thank you so much! Keep the prayers comin’ 🙂

  812. Shelley Waiau
    October 30, 2018

    I am so thankful for you all.

  813. Jill
    October 30, 2018

    Always thinking of you and your guys. I do pray for safety. And sleep! Thank you for being honest.

    • November 8, 2018

      Thank you so much for praying! 🙂

  814. Julie
    October 30, 2018

    Praying for you and your family. I am friend’s with the Johnstons and looking forward to meeting their two new family members from Ukraine!

    • November 8, 2018

      Oooooh lucky you to have such wonderful friends! We love that family. Thank you for your prayers.

  815. Susan D Honan
    October 31, 2018

    Thank you for sharing your world with us. My heart expands as yours does through these writings. I really see Jesus and his love in your lives.

    • November 8, 2018

      Thank you so much for that encouragement!

  816. November 3, 2018

    Father,I pray for Kim, Jed, their family and their team that works to minister in Your Name. Help them when they are weary to find refreshment. Help them to not doubt Your ability to do all that you want to do through them. I pray for the three newest additions to the family to feel peace from the Prince of Peace, and to know Your love.

  817. Kimberly joy Copple
    November 7, 2018

    loved…just that…loved unconditionally and discovering how to love.

  818. Shelley Waiau
    November 8, 2018

    Making room for the lonely…,yes!
    Thank you for sacrificially walking it out and allowing us to be transformed by your loneliness….stretched and convinced of the power of His Love.

    • November 8, 2018

      Thank you for your encouragement!

  819. Dorothy (grandma)
    November 8, 2018

    My prayers go out to you all. For now, that is all I can do. God be with you all, bless and guide you all, and keep you all safe in His loving arms. May He heal the wounds and replace hurt and heartache with His love. I miss and love you all. 💞🙏💖🙏💕🙏💗🙏😳

  820. November 8, 2018

    My prayers go out to you all. For now, that is all I can do. God be with you all, bless and guide you all, and keep you all safe in His loving arms. May He heal the wounds and replace hurt and heartache with His love. I miss and love you all. 💞🙏💖🙏💕🙏💗🙏😳

  821. November 8, 2018

    I love that you specifically call out for those who are already waiting for homes and get lost in the system. I think too often people equate adoption with a baby, and although sometimes that may be the case, there are so many beautiful souls waiting to have someone to call family.

  822. Melissa Andersen
    November 10, 2018

    Beautiful. Thank you for pouring out your heart here for us to connect with where you are, connect with where the boys have been, and challenging us all not to slip into a life of comfort. Miss you and love you.

  823. Kimberly Copple
    November 14, 2018

    Beautiful journey. I’m in awe of you guys living out this extraordinary life displaying the mercy of our Jesus. We love you!!!

  824. November 20, 2018

    Oh WOW 5 years… it has been a privilege and an honour to be able to share in this journey with you all, even from afar…May the Lord continue to bless the work u are doing…

  825. Jan Munson
    December 5, 2018

    I am blown away by your compassion and resilience . I would like to donate to Wide awake family monthly. Please provide a me with a way to do that. Thank you! May God bless and keep you everyday.
    My email is and my name is Jan Munson

  826. Shelley Waiau
    December 6, 2018

    Thank you for demonstrating The love of Christ and encouraging us to push harder to love & serve those in our care.♥️🙏🏻

  827. Linda Schrock
    December 6, 2018

    Congratulations on your anniversary! May God bless you each and every day as you keep working and loving what some people consider “the least of these.” I am over here in Korostishevskiy region, cheering you on, and happy for every update on your lives and work.

    Linda Schrock

  828. Amber Fowler
    December 18, 2018

    I’m so thankful you share your journey. We have adopted and had our own dark days. Praying for you guys often! Sending love for all the Unknown boys in your work.

    • December 24, 2018

      Thank you so much for your prayers!

  829. Kimberly joy Copple
    December 18, 2018

    Awed at the wonder of true grace and true love lived out daily through your lives. You much loved friends, are part of our thoughts prayers and highest esteem. Kimber joy

  830. Jonathan & Amalia Pomazon
    December 18, 2018

    Wow – just wow! Love like Jesus. Merry Christmas Johnson family 😘

  831. Anya
    December 20, 2018

    I”m from Zhitomir, Ukraine and heard stories from my mom and friends about having babies in Ukrainian hospitals. I told myself I never would have a baby in Ukraine. I ended up having three babies in the USA… But my heart aches for all the women who had the babies there in the past. You are truly brave !!!
    Thank you for sharing your story!

    • December 24, 2018

      Awww thanks for the comment! Yes, it was an adventure for sure. 🙂

  832. December 30, 2018

    Seeing that video and knowing that that dream has become a reality not only for Boris but for Anton, and Ruslan, and Vladik (who I also caught glimpses of in that video), I can’t help but shed a few tears. I can only begin to imagine the challenges that fill your day to day life but it is so clear to me (and I pray that it is for you too, even and especially in your darkest moments) that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. I can’t help but think about that quote from Bono about joining God in what He is doing because it’s already blessed. God is clearly at work in that place and in the lives of those young men and He is orchestrating a beautiful, redemptive work through you. Thank you for your faithfulness and for sharing your lives and your ministry with us and allowing us to play a small part in what God is doing. Lifting you all up in prayer daily.

  833. Dena
    January 7, 2019

    Praying for the family God has called to adopt him to be obedient.

  834. LeeAnn Howe
    January 7, 2019

    Can the current church family adopt him?

    • Camille Duckworth
      March 28, 2019

      The article says that’s not an option but not why.

      • March 28, 2019

        Correct. They can’t adopt him because they are two single women and Ukraine only allows married couples to adopt.

  835. Nancy Scanlon
    January 12, 2019

    Praying and sharing…for a new family for Preston…..

  836. Andrea Gariepy
    January 19, 2019

    Smiling from ear to ear!!! God is so good, and surely has big plans for this little one! Looking forward to meeting the lucky family!

  837. Kimberly Copple
    January 19, 2019

    Celebrating this beautiful life God is intervening in and praying for the family. And Im praying Kim that maybe through Prestons journey God may be awaking another family or couple to be part of the Wide Awake story living it out with you in Ukraine. We love you guys and truly are so thankful.

  838. Laura Sparjs
    February 12, 2019

    So beautifully written…so greatly understood. It gives me such a better way to pray for you and your whole family.
    We can look at pictures of smiling faces, those who look like they have easily integrated into family life-yet, how can that be when they’ve got nothing to draw from for experience as to how to receive love or how to cope when that which they’ve longed for for decades is finally presented to them.
    It’s evident that God is working in their lives, slowly, I’m sure, but it’s clearly a Divine work that restores the broken. Thank you for being so raw and showing us how God is working in YOUR life. May we all be as open to His pruning as you have been! My prayer for you will always be that you never grow weary in well-doing!
    You are BeLOVE[d] in California, and I happen to think you are SUPER!

    • February 14, 2019

      Awwww Laura. Thank you!! You the always such an encouragement. Blesses my heart!

  839. Kiimber joy
    February 12, 2019

    I remain in awe of Gods grace lived out every day in your home. Good days and bad ones. I stand with you entrusting our God to care for, strengthen, support emotionally-spiritually and physically your beautiful heart. I love you Kim Johnson. steady on friend!

    • February 14, 2019

      I love you Kimber! Can’t wait to see you soon. 🙂

  840. February 12, 2019

    Thank you for your post, it is nearly an echo to one I wrote a couple of days ago. I am not yet in the mission field of Ukraine – my departure date will hopefully be June 19th. Like you, I intend to minister to people with special needs. Our ministries are a bit different – I will be splitting my time between interacting with children and young adults with special needs in one of the area orphanages and also working with a Rotary International club in my area to try to get some things done within the community (local policy, education, healthcare, etc.) Anyway, I’m down to about 49 days before my fundraising deadline and Satan has been throwing about everything he has at me. I have felt defeated, unable to move on, alone, tired and for the first time since this journey began – I questioned if it was worth it. I have forgotten that not only am I not alone, I’m not really the one doing this ministry anyway. This is all about Jesus and His desire to reach these precious individuals.

    You may think, that someone like me who is struggling even before I get to Ukraine would be discouraged by a post like yours, talking about the realities of the task you are undertaking. But I am not discouraged by it at all. I know there are very hard times ahead, I know that there is so much I DON’T KNOW yet. I realize that I will be facing some of the most horrifying, heartbreaking, and unimaginable situations that exist in this world. What your post said to me was this: Jenny, you aren’t the only one. Jenny, I never promised easy. Your post has encouraged me to move from the fear and over come Satan’s attacks so that I can join you and others like you in the ministry field. The more of us there are working for change, the more likely we are to see success. Plus, by being aware of your presence in Ukraine as well as others I have met and learned about – I am reminded that God is already there and working.

    So, thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. Thanks for reminding me that I’m not the only one for whom this process is difficult. And truthfully, thanks for reminding me that the difficulty isn’t going to end anytime soon. That reality encourages me to take the time I have right now to draw closer to God, put on his armor and lean into him for all the provision I need.

    Please know that I am praying for you and your family, that I am asking God to give you strength, endurance, energy and peace. I am praying for those He has placed in your care. With your permission, I would like to place a link to your blog on my own blog – so that those who are lifting me up in prayer will have the opportunity to lift you up in prayer as well. My blog address is – I understand that you may wish to verify who I am, who I represent and what my beliefs are before you would want to give me permission to post your address to my own blog. By the way, I have recently been in contact with the young women from New Song International, who are serving in the same town that I will be in, they told me they visited you one time. I would love to look into doing that as well. I would love to hear from you, whenever you get a chance.

    Many prayers for you,


    • February 14, 2019

      How exciting that you’re moving here! I think your city has a pretty big expat community, so hopefully they can be an encouragement and support to you.
      Thank you for your prayers. 😊 Fir sure there will be hardships you aren’t expecting, but there will also be unexpected blessings.
      God bless you on your move!!

  841. Denise
    February 12, 2019

    Thank you for your honesty. Even though I am not walking the same walk as you I see similarities. Praying for you sister. Your know superwoman but you are doing a holy brave work!

    • February 14, 2019

      Thank you, my friend 🙂 Thank you for praying. Praying for you today as you are knee deep in brave work yourself.

  842. April
    April 2, 2019

    What is a home study and how much does this all cost? I more than anything would adopt him but fear I definitely wouldn’t have the funds to do so

    • April 30, 2019

      I’m so sorry I never replied! Please forgive me. It’s about $30,000 to adopt from Ukraine. But the good news is, a family has been found!

  843. Susan Shutter
    April 13, 2019

    No same sex female couples? He is so similar to our adopted 12 year old daughter. We have the knowledge and established relationships with the many specialist doctors to care for our daughter who has spastic quad CP. We would be such an awesome family for him. We wish we were allowed to help him reach his full potential.

    • April 30, 2019

      Hi, unfortunately no, Ukraine does not allow same sex couples. But the good news is, a family has been found!

  844. Dorothy Hawkins
    April 30, 2019

    So good to hear from you all. Wow. A lot going on there. Glad to hear everyone is ok tho. I’m back in Oregon. I don’t have a place yet, but praying that will change very soon. When it does ill let you all know. Sorry I missed birthdays. It has been a terrifying end to 2018 and becoming of 2019. My best friend- sister in Christ- soul mate passed away in October 2018. Then I had a stroke in November 2018, in which the Drs found a hole in my heart. Then I moved back to Oregon in March 2019. Things here haven’t been all good, but praying that will soon change. Even with all this, please know my love and prayers have been continuing for all of you. I miss and love you all. God is watching over you all, and protecting you all. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox to all.

  845. Steffi
    April 30, 2019


  846. Melissa
    June 7, 2019

    How do you find the grace to be kind to the abusive workers in the institutions when you visit the other boys?

    • June 25, 2019

      Sorry for the late reply! I remembered this question but couldn’t remember where it was asked. Finally found it!

      You know, that grace is a miracle from God. Seriously. I just love them. We also realize that they are also victims of a very broken system. They are paid very little to do a job that is impossible with not enough resources and basically zero support and training.

      Of course they make their decisions, and they choose to act how they act, but they are also victims. So, we ask God to give us soft hearts toward them and He does it. I don’t love the things they do, but I do love them. Only through God is it possible.

  847. Sarah
    June 8, 2019

    I can hear your heart for these boys so clearly. You are love. And loved. Praying for you.

  848. Jill Donnelly
    June 8, 2019

    Thank you for the honest update. I continue to pray for you and your family. Your boys are beautiful and I am hopeful for their continued awakening(?) to peace and for anxiety to become an unusual thing in their life!

    • June 25, 2019

      Thank you so much! Thank you for your continued prayers ❤️

  849. Kathrin
    June 26, 2019

    I am happy for you and the boys! I didn’t realize that Preston was moved already. The transition must have been very hard for him. Does he know his family is coming for him? Praying for you and the boys!

    • June 26, 2019

      Preston is still with the same foster family he has been in all along. No move yet!

      • Kathrin
        June 26, 2019

        Oh that is wonderful for him.

  850. Linda Caldwell
    June 26, 2019

    So happy for you and Jed and especially your “boys” being surrounded with love …how far are you from the capital Keiv?

  851. Hanna Korhonen
    June 26, 2019

    I would love to read a post of Vladik! I understand that he needs his privacy, but what if he would be the one to write about his day or life in general?

    • June 27, 2019

      What a great idea! I’ll totally work on a Vlad post with him.

  852. Hanna Korhonen
    June 27, 2019


  853. June 27, 2019

    Kim – my heart sings happy thoughts for you -smile. I know Romaniv gets your heart to skip its beat and Gods rhythms of grace in and through you are life giving to the precious ones your called to. Those boys cause my heart to skip a beat too! Oh my word how I love the awakening that happens when we step into Jesus stream of love for the unseen others in our communities. Thank you and I love you dear friend.

  854. August 12, 2019

    I’m a little late to the party but I wanted to let you know that I donated. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful family! What a privilege to be able to play a small part in these two sweet boys finding love, hope, family, and a future! I know what it’s like to struggle to find the faith to advocate for a child who just seems so unlikely to be chosen… and the joy that comes when God does the “impossible” and finds a family even with little advocacy and little faith! God truly is the Father to the fatherless!! Celebrating with you and the Huber-Wolfe family today!!

    Also… Happy Belated Birthday!! I bet you never imagined you’d be where you are now, doing what you’re doing, the incredible ways God has used you, and the countless lives He has transformed through your obedience… Offering up a quick birthday prayer right now, that He would make the next 40 years even more fruitful than the last!!

  855. Laura Sparks
    December 10, 2019

    You have addressed this situation so lovingly and sensitively…your deep commitment to Anton is obvious. I will be praying for all of your hearts, I can see that the hurt is real for everyone. I know our precious and merciful Lord will allow all things to work together for good according to His purpose.

  856. Julie Rolffs
    December 10, 2019

    Tears in my eyes as I process how hard this is for everyone. It’s so good to keep in focus that God is not surprised by this. Your plans HAVE to be His or they will not succeed. He is shaping and molding what this all must look like in order to align with Him. But that doesn’t mean the hurt is less. I will hold you all in prayer. I will pray that whatever Anton is working through will be made clear to someone on his team so they can help him. Trauma is no joke and how much this poor guy must have to process. I will pray for his dear heart and mind to process at whatever level is necessary for him to find peace. We’ve not met, but I LOVE and deeply respect the work you’re doing. Love, peace and prayers for everyone in your family. Julie

  857. Bonnie Harrison
    December 10, 2019

    We appreciate your pure honesty. We have experienced some of the same “heartbreak” in our home (Hearts of Hope, Ukraine) also. It can be so hard sometimes. We love you guys (even though we have never met you) and “feel your pain” in ways that no other Moms and Dads can really understand. May God be near to your hearts.

  858. Shelley Waia’u
    December 10, 2019

    We have walked through similar scenarios in family + community living but nothing quite so heartbreaking as this. We will most certainly be praying for all of you as this story continues to unfold. Thank you for your honesty, compassion, and wisdom. May the Comforter blanket you all with the peace that surpasses all understanding. May the joy of the Lord be your strength in this season.

  859. December 10, 2019

    We will not stop praying for Anton and your family. Love you friend.

  860. Cindy Friesen
    December 10, 2019

    My heart aches for you! I’ve been through some very hard things with my kids that only God could get me through. God has a plan and He’s working through it. The IS one Person who loves Anton more than you do, He’s going to get you all through this and do what’s best. I love you all and I’m praying

  861. December 11, 2019

    My heart is breaking as I read this and have even a small understanding of what this must be like for you and your family. My prayers are with you, God is with you. He is with Anton. It is stories like this that, although tragic and sad, help me to get up every morning. I’ve been in Ukraine for nearly 6 months and have not even begun to see the darkest sides of institutional life yet…but I know it is coming. And I believe God is using your family, and others, to prepare me for those days in the future. Thank you for your honesty, vulnerability, open heart and open mind. My heart breaks, but my soul also feels joy in knowing that God is working to set all things right.

  862. Lynn
    December 16, 2019

    Awe Kim. So hard to let go. I am sorry.

  863. Jonathan Pomazon
    December 25, 2019

    Thank you for your update. Praying for wisdom and discernment for the days ahead. Merry Christmas!

  864. Diane Foster
    January 2, 2020

    Wonderful Kim, I read a comment the other day that rang in my soul, It said “we don’t need more resolutions we need a change of rhythm in our life” that sounds like what your resolution is your changing the rhythm of your life. May your heart synchronize with His. Your an inspiration. Dianr

  865. February 11, 2020

    As always, you and your family and team have a faith that is inspiring. Since I moved to Ukraine I have experienced moments where I stepped out in faith, not fully convinced that the move I was making was what God wanted. But, God knew my heart as he knows yours and delights in our desire to be obedient even though we “aren’t sure.” Sometimes those steps have needed some gentle steering but most if the time God soon unveils a part of the plan that made that unsure step necessary. I pray that we all keep wrestling with the desire to know what God wants, even if it may be a difficult or uncomfortable process for us. I pray that in those moments of uncertainty we remember that we have been in the same position a million times before and God always supports us. I pray for each of your family and staff and am so blessed to watch you on this journey. Keep up the good and faithful work! Much love to you!

  866. July 3, 2020

    By pursuing something beyond your capacity, you’ve invited the Power of God into your everyday life. Thank you for choosing this risk. You are an inspiration to many, and the bridge to God’s love to your boys.
    Good on you!

  867. Cat Morris
    September 29, 2020

    Hi Kim, yes please to sharing what you found, that would be really helpful! Thank you, loads of love to you guys! Thanks Cat

    • September 29, 2020

      We love you too. I will definitely compile the resources and write about it soon.

  868. Phyllis Hunsucker
    September 29, 2020

    Yes, please share your resources. 🙂

  869. Jenn Dennen
    September 29, 2020

    Yes, please share resources and pics with Superman.😬😎

    • September 29, 2020

      Yay! You found the blog!!! 😂😂😂

  870. Janet Maxim
    September 29, 2020

    You’re right. You can trust God with all that stuff. Jer 17:5 What matters is that “GOD sees” (Gen 16:13) – and hears, and answers, and provides, and leads.

    • September 29, 2020

      Yes! Thank you. You are always such a wonderful encourager and voice of wisdom.

  871. Victoria Dickinson
    September 29, 2020

    I love your heart/s, you continue to inspire. I wanna flyover again… you sweeties❤️

  872. jrrolffs
    September 29, 2020

    This follower still reads blogs (when I get an email reminder) and emails, so keep ’em coming! I’ll miss the surprise blessing of your family’s beautiful faces in my FB feed, but I get and affirm your reasoning! Peace, Julie

    • September 30, 2020

      Thank you so much! I love that encouragement. Bring it on. Ha!

  873. September 29, 2020

    Yes, please on resources! So proud of you for coming to this conclusion and trusting that God doesn’t need YOU to be on social media to accomplish His work with Wide Awake. (When we say it like that, it sounds kind of silly, huh?)

    • September 30, 2020

      Yes! It sounds completely ridiculous. Yikes. I will compile the resources and write about them soon. 🙂

  874. September 29, 2020

    Yes please on the resources! And so happy to get all the latest happenings through the blog!

    • September 30, 2020

      Great! I will compile the resources and write about them soon. 🙂

  875. Melissa
    September 29, 2020

    Kim, I love your heart! I’ll be praying for you through this transition. I’m grateful for your encouragement to continue to seek the Lord in sifting through our perceived “needs” in the area of technology. It feeling like a non-stop thing for us….

    • September 30, 2020

      I get you! This past month of tech “detox” has been so wonderful for us. And I feel like we were already pretty low tech…but the call to quiet down and listen is strong. So, here we go!

  876. Jory
    September 29, 2020

    Love it my friends!! God is so good, I cant wait to see how He provides!

    • September 30, 2020

      Thank you Jory! It should be interesting…hehe 🙂

  877. CindyLou
    October 2, 2020

    Your journey is a constant source of motivation to hear God’s heart and voice for every decision in life. Thank you for teaching me that every ‘yes’ is the best choice to live His fullest life and direct all glory to Him.
    I love you, M💛M

    • October 3, 2020

      Love you! Thank you for always supporting and encouraging ❤️

  878. Jill Donnelly
    October 2, 2020

    Thank you for taking the time to compile this list and may I say that I should not be surprised that you also love henri nouwen. The Road to Daybreak is one of my heart change books.

    • October 3, 2020

      Henri Nouwen was the real deal. So much goodness there.

  879. Mickey S
    October 2, 2020

    Rich post, Kim.
    I feel a similar tension about media.
    It is too fast, too much for us mere mortals.
    Thank you really ever so much for all the references.
    Should keep me outta trouble for a while ( heh heh heh wink wink )
    This is setting the bar pretty high for a first-new-newsletter!
    Now I have a mini mission – how to add all my typical emojis in this forum!?
    * <3 *

    from clear-bright-blue-sky
    in chilly Northern BC Canada.
    Mickey S
    at Studio Terrafemina on FaceBoob.

    • October 3, 2020

      Oh I’m so happy to see you here!!! Yay!!! I know…the lack of emojis in the newsletter felt so lackluster for me. I even considered writing it on the computer and then coming back in with the phone to add emojis. 😂😂😂

  880. Donna Liljenberg
    October 3, 2020

    Welcome home! I’m too old for social media, so email and blogs are where I am! I, too, am proud of you for your careful, well-thought out decision to follow what the Holy Spirit is prompting for you. I know it will mean great blessing for your family and for Wide Awake.
    Love you all,

    • October 3, 2020

      Thank you Donna! I needed to read that message ❤️

  881. Andrea
    October 3, 2020

    I have never been on social media, for a lot of the reasons you mentioned, and have always felt left out when it comes to updates from organizations I love (like yours!). I am thrilled that you will be going back to blog and email updates and look forward to reading about all the amazing things God continues to do through your family and your team. You will not be forgotten!

    • October 4, 2020

      Thank you so much for that wonderful encouragement. I feel nervous about it, but also excited. God will get all the glory in it, that’s for sure.

  882. M💛M
    October 5, 2020

    What is the creepiest thing you have seen in your exploring, Ezra?
    What is your favorite item you have sewn, Addy?
    Who is your favorite teacher and why, Hava?
    What is the best skate park invention you have made,
    Evie, why ya gotta be so 🙂cute?

    • October 6, 2020

      Haha! I will pass these questions along. 😆

  883. Victoria Dickinson
    October 5, 2020

    Beautiful as always, I love your family so much!
    Well done Jed and Kim🥰
    Now when to come back and visit…

    • October 6, 2020

      We’re waiting for you! You are welcome ANY time. 🥰

  884. October 7, 2020

    i feel the tension and know that too much screen is no good. But i also feel the fear to step away which is why i applaud your decision to do so. i wish i could say to my family we need a screen-free day every week or maybe let’s be less ambitious and start with a screen-free day each month? & of course, parenting a teen who has some anxiety adds to the equation. Having said that, thanks for the resources, i will try to be brave and explore the resources and pray that God gives me to courage to make the change i know is needed.

    • October 10, 2020

      I know, it’s such a tricky subject. And I won’t say there is one “right” answer for every family. But, definitely something we need to be praying about and considering. I hear you on the fear part. You are a wonderful mother and I know you love your son so much. You got this! Big hugs and love from Ukraine!

  885. Brian Bentler
    October 9, 2020

    This is soooo beautiful! Each time I read your newsletters and blogs, it brings tears to my eyes! You are doing beautiful work and raising a godly family on mission. I love it! Thanks for being an inspiration!

    Brian Bentler
    Boise, Idaho

    • October 10, 2020

      Thank you so much for those kind words. It had definitely been an adventure so far, but one I am thankful for.

  886. M💛M
    October 14, 2020

    Yes! On a random day off, we used to drive over two hours, each way) with a border crossing that sometimes had an hour wait just for McDonalds! For me it was the fountain Coke. I never regretted the fries either. It was all you described!! Relatively easy to order, tasted familiar, and felt ‘ordinary’ in an other-worldly whirlwind of ‘out of the ordinary’ 😉
    We very rarely eat McD’s in the US, yet when I am visiting you, I always want to go to your McDonalds. For all the same reasons!
    The food at the Georgian restaurant is better by far, but for all the ‘feels’ it’s McDonalds for the WIN!!

    • October 15, 2020

      Oh, nothing can beat Buba. But the nostalgia and comfort of McD’s is a whole other thing.

  887. Uncle Steven
    October 14, 2020

    I only eat at McDonalds when I’m in a different country. So yeah, I get it.

  888. Karen Aquino
    October 14, 2020

    My family and I lived for a summer in Singapore while I worked at the office there about 20 years ago. The food in Singapore is fantastic. Fancy restaurants, hole in the wall eateries, and the famous hawker stands. Every ethnicity of food you could imagine. Every price range you could think of. We loved it. We tried so many things we would otherwise never have eaten. But the day we discovered the American fast food place was definitely a high point. Burger King was the bigger one over there. But once we found that we discovered that there were many others also. Taco Bell, KFC, A&W, Pizza Hut and yes, McDonalds. We didn’t eat at any of those all the time, but every once in a while we indulged in the tastes and smells and atmosphere of home. It helped keep us content while we were there. Oh, and the day I discovered Tillamook cheese at the market there was rejoicing in our family!

    • October 15, 2020

      Oooooh I would die if we had an A&W here! I have a feeling root beer wouldn’t be super popular, but I would be happy!
      We recently found good cheddar and there was great rejoicing here too. It’s not Tillamook, but very similar. It melts right too!!!

    • Britney
      October 21, 2020

      An A&W?? I would be in heaven. 🤣

  889. Rosie Snider
    October 14, 2020

    Kim this post was the best! I would share McDonalds with you EVEN here in the states! We have eaten there in Ukraine, (Kyiv) and many other countries. I love the fact that the food tastes the same in every country. You are right in saying it is like it is a piece of home. Now when we go there we will be thinking and praying for you all! Rosie Snider

  890. October 14, 2020

    Many times on Sunday after church we would drive to Skopia just for a Big Mac. It was a three hour trip.
    We can relate.

    • October 15, 2020

      I remember going there with you!

  891. Ardelis Matthews
    October 14, 2020

    Yes, we do adjust to the world values around us. When in Poland, I saw a McDonalds from my hotel window and told my traveling, Russian companions, that I had to walk there right then!!! So we did. Hmm. I drove past one every day in my US town and only stopped with great-grand kids when I was treating them! He! He! Way to go, Kimber! Ardelis

    • October 15, 2020

      Yes! I would have been right with you on that walk!

  892. Victoria Dickinson
    October 14, 2020

    I love your stories they’re the best, as usual.
    When traveling overseas, I’m embarrassed by Mickey D’s being the cuisine that represents the US. Really?, bogus cheese and Filet-o-fish?
    I remember going to the French Riviera and having to use the restroom and the only one that had one was the McDonald’s (grateful)
    the place was packed! and with all these beautiful French restaurants around… this is where everybody eats? I just wanted to scream “It could be so much better” (they’d probably think I was a lunatic, cause I don’t speak French) totally get the feeling stupid part.
    It must be they are enamored by all things American, just like I am by the culture I’m visiting, The French fries are good, I’ll give you that.
    Love you all, Vicster

    • October 15, 2020

      It is true. It’s a little sad that US cuisine is defined overseas by fast food chains. But, what else is truly “American” food? Maybe BBQ food? I think it’s popular overseas because it’s so different than other places. Kind of iconic maybe?

  893. Ruth
    October 14, 2020

    Totally relate!! I never ate at McDonald’s before I lived abroad, and when I did, it was exactly the way you described—a totally normal place to eat abroad! I do still enjoy it now that I’m back in the US, although I secretly hope I won’t be caught there by anyone I know!

    • October 15, 2020

      I would never McShame you, Ruth. 😘 Why is it so frowned upon in the US? It’s not like Americans have the market on health…😆😆😆

  894. Kimberly Copple
    October 14, 2020

    You are mcfabulous Kim!

    • October 15, 2020

      Haha! Well, thank you very much. 😘

  895. Noelle Myers
    October 14, 2020

    My dad worked at McDonalds for many years when he retired from the Air Force. The owners were kind and supported us through some pretty tough times. So because of that I haven’t ever been “ashamed” to eat at or crave Mcdonalds really. That said, when I was in Ukraine helping a friend on their second adoption trip, I think we ate at McDonalds every other day or so the last week were were there. Like you said, it was a taste of home during a very VERY terrifying and difficult trip. it helped a lot that it was literally a block away from the apartment in Kiev. We were blessed to be able to try some Ukrainian restaurants at the hotels during the early part of the trip (the pizza was a highlight for both of us) But the McDonalds really was a slice of home. I also remember when I went to South Africa for several weeks, when my friends family picked me up at the airport everyone was super excited to go to McDonalds – the menu was similar although I distinctly remember the ketchup on the burgers being tomato sauce and not actually ketchup. I didn’t quite get the excitement then (that was when dad worked there) but now I understand why they were all so excited.

    • October 15, 2020

      Yes! When times are tough it is very comforting. Ultimate comfort food. When I was a kid I wanted my dad to work at a fast food place so bad. 😆 It was my dream.

  896. Karen Elliott
    October 15, 2020

    When i lived in Nexico i could not wait to get home to to fill my mouth with a skinny little burger with that pickle, squirt of ketchup and reconstituted dehydrated onions on the fresh gluebread bun. It was heavenly. Oh my yum!

    • Karen Elliott
      October 15, 2020


    • October 15, 2020

      YES! The onions are the best part, in my humble opinion.

  897. Jon Inman
    October 15, 2020

    A few years ago on our last day in Zytomyr, we were getting a coffee at McDonald’s to sip on while we walked around in the mall. Someone came up behind us and in perfect English said “They’ll let just about anyone in this place “. It was Jed.

    • October 15, 2020

      Hahaha that’s great. 😆

  898. Jennifer E Symens
    October 15, 2020

    Years ago I was traveling through India, and I had been traveling for a couple of months. India was my 3rd country in as many months and I was tired and ill. I was looking for some kind of a comfort and I was so relieved to see a McDonald’s. My driver thought I was absolutely nuts but I had to go in; even though it was a complete madhouse. Fries and a Coke always fix everything right?

    You are right so right! As McCheesy as it sounds, it is a comfort and a reminder of home. Embrace it, love it, savor it. No McEgos or judgement here.

    • October 17, 2020

      Thank you so much! Yes, you understand. So comforting!

  899. October 16, 2020

    It’s like how us Swedes call IKEA “the mothership” and sometimes go there just to feel at home, when living abroad :-).

    • October 17, 2020

      Haha yes!!! Kyiv just got an IKEA this past year. I still need to go…

  900. Andrea Gariepy
    October 16, 2020

    I so enjoyed this post! When I was serving in Krivoy Rog 10 years ago, I found it so amusing how obsessed everyone was with McDonalds – foreigners and Ukrainians alike! You’re totally right, there is definitely no McShame over there! 🙂

    My hands down favorite Ukrainian McDonalds experience was over Christmas time when the organization I was working with did an event called McJoyful and took 5000 orphans to McDonalds over the span of two weeks. It was so much fun! My favorite days were the days we took the intellectually handicapped adults from the local “mental institution” (a horrible name but that’s what they called it and it was an accurate description…). Their joy was uncontainable!

    There used to be videos on YouTube but I can’t find them anymore. I do have some pictures on my blog from that time if your interested:

    • October 17, 2020

      That is quite an undertaking! 5,000 in two weeks! Wow. I bet you were done with McDonalds for awhile after that!

  901. Denise M Woods
    October 19, 2020

    I’ve only traveled one time outside of the US (well, besides Canada); and that was to Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico on a missions trip. I hear you when you say that it felt like “home” seeing the golden arches. It was familiar, you knew what you were getting to eat, etc. I don’t think we ever ate there that trip, but yes, it was reassuring you that it was “familiar.”

    • October 20, 2020

      Yes, a reminder that the familiar still exists somewhere out there. 😊

  902. Britney
    October 21, 2020

    I couldn’t resonate more with a post. 😄 We don’t have McDs here but we have KFC and a Burger King. Both of which we never ate at in the States. I agree that there is so much shift between continents! It is crazy how different even my thought patterns were when I visited the states last year. We’ve now been here for over 2 years and we, also, now see these places as treats instead of where we ran to for cultural familiarity. Thank you for sharing!

    • October 22, 2020

      Happy to know I’m not alone! 😆

  903. October 21, 2020

    i totally understand the need to have some “home” food. For us, it’s not McD’s but it’s that oily plate of fried noodles with all that lard, that roasted pork made from the super fatty 3-layer belly meat etc… When we lived in Singapore, we would try to be healthy, and have the soup instead of the tasty fried stuff but since moving away, every time we go back to Singapore, we stuff our faces happily and our friends join us, using us as the excuse to indulge along with us… lol… Now McD’s itself is a whole other discussion, you are talking about a family who has watched “Supersize Me” and that left an impression so we would eat McD’s only once in a while BUT i would never ever McShame anyone for eating McD’s, so i would happily eat McD’s with you anytime you want to (when we are in the same country), just like my friends in Singapore eat the fatty fried stuff with me when i am in Singapore. 😉

    • October 22, 2020

      Okay, those noodles sound much better than McDonalds!!!

  904. Stephanie Bacica Ybarra
    October 21, 2020

    Just beautiful.

  905. Sarah
    October 21, 2020

    It sounds like a little glimpse of heaven, this Friday night dinner. This IS how it should be. Thank you for sharing! ❤️

    • October 22, 2020

      Yes, it was really wonderful. 🙂

  906. Teresa A Moyer
    October 21, 2020

    What an encouraging success story for Anton!!!!

    • October 22, 2020

      Yes! It was so encouraging.

  907. Melanee
    October 23, 2020

    When I lived in China, I ate McDonald’s at least once a week. It was “home.” I did laugh at myself though when I got a nasty cold while there and the only thing that sounded good to eat was a McDonald’s cheeseburger and fries…At home, NEVER would I want McDonald’s when I was sick. Reality, I just wanted the comforts of home.

  908. Julie R
    October 24, 2020

    Praise the Lord and yay for Anton! I love this story!

  909. Lisa
    October 29, 2020

    Just checking in to let you know that I read your updates and am praying. Your work is so important. I love your boys from afar. One of these days I will tell you about my own adopted boy. 😊💖

    • October 30, 2020

      Thank you so much for writing and letting me know! That means a lot to us. ❤️

  910. Victoria Dickinson
    October 29, 2020

    How far is Teteriv from the homestead? Praying for favor with the staff there and open doors to future interns to love on on the kids there too. Bless you friends.

    • October 30, 2020

      It’s actually closer than Romaniv-maybe like 25 minutes away?
      Thanks for praying Vick ❤️

  911. Linda Caldwell
    November 5, 2020

    Thanks for sharing, that is so awesome ,!!! Will be praying for all of you💕❤️

  912. Timi LaLonde
    November 5, 2020

    So exciting!!! Thank you Jesus! 💛

  913. Kimberly
    November 5, 2020

    Hooray!!! LOVE is on its way!

  914. Teresa
    November 5, 2020

    This is so exciting to see!

    • November 6, 2020

      It is very wonderful. ❤️❤️❤️

  915. November 6, 2020

    So exciting!
    I’m excited for them, and your family, and especially the boys!
    Keep sharing. We’ll keep praying.

  916. Jenn
    November 6, 2020

    Please tell Jed, and anyone else who will listen, Jed was right.🤷🏼‍♀️ The puppy IS Wendell. Love y’all, all y’all, even Wendell.

    • November 6, 2020

      Hahaha 😂 Well, at least Jed has someone in his corner.

  917. Karen Runkle
    November 6, 2020

    I’m so happy for all of you! May God be glorified along each step 🤗
    Wendell looks so sweet!

    • November 6, 2020

      Thank you so much!!! It is a big huge giant blessing.

  918. Susan Rall
    November 6, 2020

    Praise the Lord for this willing couple!

  919. November 6, 2020

    My cousin’s toddler and a friend’s toddler are named Wendell, and of course, there’s Wendell Berry. Your dog is in good company. 🙂

    I spent today helping a friend get her dog documented to move back to America. Dog travel is way more complicated than people travel!

    • Timi LaLonde
      November 6, 2020

      You gotta know I’m a Wendell fan! 💛💛💛

    • November 9, 2020

      It definitely is! Ukrainian laws are a lot more strict than they used to be too. When we brought our other dog here it was easy. There are waaaay more requirements now.

  920. November 6, 2020

    I love Wendell! Well done, even loving the orphan animals – Gotta love Wide Awake!

  921. Teresa
    November 6, 2020

    The orphan puppy to a family who saves orphan boys what a perfect match!

  922. Karen Aquino
    November 7, 2020

    I have a dog that “found” me a few years ago. He is the best. I wasn’t even planning on another dog, but he came along and stole my heart. Can’t imagine my life without him in it now. We needed each other. Glad Wendell found you guys right when you had room for him in your life and your hearts.

    • November 9, 2020

      Yes, I think it was “meant to be”.

  923. Tara Mitchell
    November 8, 2020

    THIS IS AMAZING! Praise God for Max and Morgan. Sasha will be such a lucky boy. My heart leaps to know he will be free soon. I cannot wait to see him thrive in freedom <3 Thank you Max and Morgan!!!

  924. Shelley Waia’u
    November 9, 2020

    Wendell is a great name!

    The name Wendell means Wanderer, Seeker and is of German origin.
    The seeker has been found!!!♥️

    • November 18, 2020

      Awww I love that!!! Yes! I have to tell Jed. 🙂

  925. November 14, 2020

    Hi Kim and Jed! Your new addition looks a little like our dog, who is black lab mixed with Australian shepherd. I’m sorry you weren’t able to get the dog you planned on getting, but I’m thankful your son has a soft spot for homeless animals, and you took one in! I wanted to give a donation to your ministry, Wike Awake Family, but I can’t find a spot on your website to do so. Could you please advise me? Thanks!

    • November 18, 2020

      Hi there Laura!
      I would be so interested to find out what kind of dog Wendell is! I’m guessing a mix between a street dog and a lab. He is a great fit for us. 🙂 Thanks for asking about donations. You can do that here:

  926. Victoria Dickinson
    November 18, 2020

    Hysterical, I.adore.your.writing!
    Your comin to Oregon!!!!!💚💚💚💚💚
    Yeah. We want to have you for dinner, bigger house these day so all come!

  927. Teresa A Moyer
    November 18, 2020

    LOL oh that was great! Love the humor that goes along with the daily stress of the trip. I worked in a group home that had 10 I/DD adults (3 of them in wheelchairs) so I know what it is like to pack up a large group of people to go on a trip somewhere (now we did not fly in a plane) but even a long weekend in a rental house at the beach was a mighty feat to accomplish All of the multiple checking of meds, med sheets, emergency packets for each client, hygiene supplies, enough clothes etc etc. then another check before loading the homes handicapped bus, then another check after it is loaded etc. I know all will go great! also I believe children under 5 are not required to wear a mask? so Evie may be ok and because Boris is disabled they may make an exception for him on medical reasons.. Have fun during your visit back home in the states.

    • November 18, 2020

      We are hoping for allllll the exceptions. I guess we’ll see! Evie has to wear a mask on the Delta flights, unfortunately. Maybe she’ll just fall asleep? We can hope for that…

  928. Iryna
    November 18, 2020

    Good luck! Thinking about your family for safe trip!

  929. L
    November 20, 2020

    Love it! Praying for you all! Hope you have a WONDERFUL trip with as much rest as possible.

  930. Regina Houston
    November 20, 2020

    Praying you will have a safe and enjoyable trip. You never know who God will bring across your path to be of help and encouragement. May God bless you richly for all you have done in His name. God bless you as you spend time with family and friends. Love, Regina Houston

    • November 23, 2020

      Thank you so much, Regina. ❤️

  931. Steph
    November 21, 2020

    I love your thought processes. I think we are the same in many ways! Good luck, fingers crossed. I know being back in the states for a bit will be a nice change for you. Hopefully COVID doesn’t taking the fun out of it.

    • November 23, 2020

      Thank you so much! COVID does change things, but as long as we get to be with family, we’re good. ❤️

  932. Sharon
    November 26, 2020

    This is so beautiful!

  933. Stephanie Bacica Ybarra
    November 26, 2020

    I just love your blog. This entry really made me stop and be thankful for everything in my world. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family.

    • November 27, 2020

      Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you too. 🙂

  934. Suzanne Teague
    November 26, 2020

    This is beautifully written. It reminds me of how I feel when I return from a short trip to Ukraine. It is as I have one foot in Ukraine and one foot in the US. Such a blessing to know and love both worlds.

  935. Cat Morris
    November 26, 2020

    So well written Kim yes, I totally get it and looking back it was around the 7-8 year mark that we also reached that point….loads of love to you all x

    • November 27, 2020

      So happy to hear from you, Cat! ❤️

  936. Jennifer Lunos Dennen
    November 28, 2020

    There is a beautiful Jane’s Addiction song, which intros the LP. It’s all instrumental, save for one word. HOME

  937. Julie R
    December 4, 2020

    This video – especially the part of Ruslan worshipping – is just so beautiful! Praise God that His plans are perfect, even when they’re super hard!

  938. Jennifer Lunos Dennrm
    December 4, 2020

    Yes! I loved this Ruslan post! Please stop wondering why God wanted this for you, even though He knew it would cause you great suffering. This was never about you.This was using one of His strongest, to save His weakest for His glory. You will be rewarded. You will skip the TSA line at the gates of Heaven, fo sho. Personally, I worry I may be asked to sleep overnight, on the floor of the terminal, and then wait in the TSA line. Also, as I read this, it’s the writings of a true mother, coming full circle, or close to, understanding her love of her son. We have children and some are harder than others. Both of my sons are VERY challenging.🤷🏼‍♀️ We just intrinsically know our part as mother doesn’t mean “easy”. It does mean, “until our death.” We thank God he chose us to be momma to these more difficult ones; as anyone else wouldn’t have loved them right😢. What an amazing mother you are! You inspire me.

    • December 7, 2020

      Awww man. You made me cry! Thank you for that beautiful encouragement.

  939. Shelley Waia’u
    December 6, 2020

    Again, thank you for your honesty. I don’t know the whole story regarding Ruslan but I understand a bit about not understanding what the Lord is up to and feeling the owies of what others perceive as failure….and how I feel in a discouraging season. I’ve been reminded time after time, that there is much bigger picture I can’t see.
    When we watch, listen, and participate with you folks, we are all changed and moved to greater things than what the world offers us. Thank you!
    Glad you get to be away a while… you guys are wonderful!
    Aloha friends!
    Good Bless you!

    • December 7, 2020

      Thank you Shelley! 🥰🥰🥰

  940. Cat Morris
    December 6, 2020

    Hi Kim, thank you so much once again for sharing so honestly. I remember how painful that time was for you….but oh my, when I see the video of Ruslan….through you this young man, loved by God, but so broken by the world is finding healing and wholeness once again and I am 100% sure that the difficulties in that time that you went through was part of the deep healing work that had to happen in Ruslan to understand agape love deep in his heart probably for the very first time in his life. HUGE love and respect to you guys and your fabulous team!! Love Cat and Mary and the tribe x

    • December 7, 2020

      You guys were such a great support to me last year. Thank you for that. ❤️

  941. Hannah White
    December 6, 2020

    I really enjoyed reading this.

  942. Teresa A Moyer
    December 7, 2020

    Beautiful watching Ruslan worshiping the Lord….Beautiful!

    • December 7, 2020

      I know, I love that so much!

  943. December 11, 2020

    Ah, it makes me so happy to see the family preservation side of things playing such a prominent role! Love it!

    • December 12, 2020

      Yes! It has always been important to us, but we didn’t think we would have the ability to focus much on it. Instead, it kind of fell in our laps! I’m glad.

  944. Kim Grant
    December 12, 2020

    Now i’M crying! 💚❤️

    • December 12, 2020

      Haha! I KNOW. It’s just so happy!

  945. December 13, 2020

    Are you a missionary? What church do you belong to?

    • December 23, 2020

      Yes! We were originally sent as missionaries from Salem Vineyard in Oregon. Now we belong to a local church in Zhytomyr- ХМЦ

  946. Dorothy M. Hawkins
    December 16, 2020

    I miss and love you all so very much💜💞God is with you all always. May He continue to bless and guide you all and keep you all forever in His live and grace. 💞💜💖

  947. Kimber Klopp
    January 23, 2021

    OH MY!!!
    I’m so sorry you had so much stress in getting those tests done. I’m sure a LOT of prayers were being said.
    God gave you an amazing answer with your two new family additions being able to fly home with you all.

    • January 25, 2021

      Haha! Yes, it was crazy town. But with the best ending!

  948. Denise Woods
    January 23, 2021

    Oh WoW! What an ordeal! So happy for your miracle and going home.

    It was nice to see Jed and Boris in Hermiston, albeit momentarily. Blessings to you and your crew!

  949. Cat Morris
    January 23, 2021

    Love reading this guys, so sorry it was such a faff! Praying for peace in your lovely home in the Ukraine x

    • January 25, 2021

      Thank you dear Cat❤️❤️❤️

  950. Teresa A Moyer
    January 23, 2021

    Wow what a crazy trip to get back home. Glad you made it back home safely and with your new partners for the duplex!

  951. Ann M Wunsch
    January 23, 2021

    Thank you for sharing your story of angst and horror to be followed by God’s intervention. It is hard to live through those- “We may wait, but God is never late” experiences, but it gives me goosebumps to see how HE worked it out! You are rockstars and I am really enjoying following your journey on this posts!

    Ann Wunsch (taught with Michael at CCS and know your dear mom too!)

    • January 25, 2021

      Awww thank you for that! It was such a crazy situation. But, I know covid has caused a lot of those around the world. Ours was mild compared to some! 😆

  952. Kimberly
    January 24, 2021

    So glad to know you’re settled home again and God redeemed your trip in the end… Getting to fly with Max and Morgan was a blessing for your trouble.

    • January 25, 2021

      Yes it was! That made it extra special. 🙂

  953. Karen Runkle
    January 29, 2021

    Love the update! I don’t know how this summer will go but I have a friend who goes to Romania once a year and if we go I want to come visit you all.
    I’m not a fan of Risk… but how about Munchkin??

  954. Shelley Waia’u
    January 30, 2021

    Whew! That was such an awesome miracle to come theough at just the right moment! Love it!!!

  955. January 31, 2021

    That’s a Godwink if there ever was one! 😍😍😍

    • January 31, 2021

      Too bad there was no Kathy Lee sighting involved. 😆

  956. Tara Aricha
    January 31, 2021

    Thank you for sharing an example of prrservance and sharing God’s Blessings during that time.

  957. Karen Runkle
    February 17, 2021

    Praying for all of you, as you go from strength to strength…

  958. Lisa
    February 17, 2021

    One of my fears is for the future of my son who is now 17. We have strong family support so I can only imagine how she has felt. Praying daily. ❤️

    • February 20, 2021

      Yes, it’s something we all worry about, I think. I’m so glad you have the support of your family.

  959. Timi LaLonde
    February 17, 2021

    Praying for this young man and his family…especially his mama. ❤️

  960. Cat Morris
    February 18, 2021

    Wow, what an amazing story, bless you guys and thank you God for Siri x

  961. Jennifer Lunos Dennen
    February 19, 2021

    What about the duplex?

    • February 20, 2021

      We would really like to keep the duplex for boys with no family. Keeping Siri with his mom would be the best for him, definitely, although we did consider it!

  962. Jennifer Lunos Dennen
    February 23, 2021

    Do you think y’all might could teach Anton to sing everything, instead of attempting to speak? Or is the singing more parroted, and less available to spontaneity? Something like,
    🎶Mom, good job! My breakfast is great. Stop asking me questions.Throw the ball. Y’all are annoying me. Can I go for a walk. Where is my favorite truck? I love you momma.🎵🎶
    I’m just spit balling here; throwing around communication ideas. I am no professional speech therapist.

    • February 26, 2021

      I love it! 😆 His singing, like his speaking, is very sporadic. It seems like he can’t produce it on command, or rarely. But, I do think music is key to his learning.

  963. Phyllis Hunsucker
    February 23, 2021

    I am so excited for all of you!

    Dreams are coming true down here, too. The first boy is out of the Kairy institution and into the home! If I post a link to a single Facebook post about it, will you be able to see that?

    • February 26, 2021

      I could read it! That’s exciting news for sure. ❤️

  964. Cindy
    February 23, 2021

    Hallelujah and Amen! God inspired dreams, your Yes!, His provision, Ukrainian hero team, and an amazing amount if hard work has made this a reality. Isn’t God good? 💛

    February 26, 2021

    This makes my heart so happy!

    • March 2, 2021

      Yes!!! It’s such a wonderful time. ❤️

  966. Maxim Janet
    March 3, 2021

    Weeping with you.
    Thank you for loving these men and telling us their stories

    • March 9, 2021

      You are a wonderful encouragement. Thank you for loving them with us!

  967. Rosie Snider
    March 4, 2021

    Kim and Jed, Your words made me cry but they also brought such warmth and love to my heart! I am so sorry for your loss but when I saw the pictures of their smiles I imagined the looks on their faces when they saw the face of Jesus. What a beautiful image that was! You two had a huge part in putting the smiles on both of their faces while they were still here. Thank you! You gave them hope where there was none. Thank you! You have a big job in front of you there in Ukraine but there are many all over the world who are praying for you. Steve and I count it a privilege to be among them. I hope you know that you are not alone in this battle. Steve and Rosie Snider

    • March 9, 2021

      Thank you so much for those encouraging words. Thank you for praying for us!

  968. Cristin Luea
    March 5, 2021

    They were seen, loved and they mattered. May the laugh now with Jesus. Praying for your efforts to get other boys out.

  969. Regina Houston
    March 6, 2021

    Thank you for giving them so much of God’s love. Thanks for sharing the video. It is so precious! May God bless you Jed, Kim, and family and all the workers for pouring your life into these very special people.

    • March 9, 2021

      Thank you so much. We are sad, but also feel relief for them. I loved that video too! I’m so glad we found it.

  970. Steve Bittner
    March 8, 2021

    Love and peace to you and yours…

  971. Vonnie
    March 16, 2021

    Our puppy Toby is my joy bringer these days, in fact he’s on my lap sleeping right now. My little cuddle bug! 😂😂😂

  972. Timi LaLonde
    March 17, 2021

    What a sweet little pup, and I LOVE her name! Great job Sether, in picking it out!

    You guys bring me joy. I really look forward to getting your email updates and I’m so excited for Sasha to be able to join the family. I’m praying for him. I love you all very much.

  973. Andrea Gariepy
    March 18, 2021

    That last picture brought me joy today! 😁

  974. Kimber Klopp
    April 9, 2021

    It is always wonderful to read how things are going on your homestead.
    As your family grows in so many different ways. The Lord had plan and it is unfolding as He wished for your whole family.
    Here we are adjusting to a 2 hour 4 day a week school schedule. Iraklii LOVES school in any form. He is still in the Elementary school because his teacher faught to keep him. He is old enough to move to middle school (we like him where he is). He is also working so hard with his speaking device. On Monday he found the correct sequence to tell his speech teacher he was ready to. “STOP” his time with her. Of course when she double checked with asking him, “Are you finished for today?” He gave her his bright big smile!
    Iraklii is also starting to see all his specialist that cancelled their appointments a year ago. We learned yesterday that yes he is blind but he can see! One eye is nearsighted and the other farsighted (poor guy) but the difference isn’t enough to warrant glasses. Glasses he would not keep on.
    We would LOVE to move to Ukraine but Iraklii’s needs stop us.
    We have decided to add to our family again. Currently working with an agency out of Eugene to adopt through the foster care system again. We both (Duane and I) would love to return to Ukraine for another child in the not so distant future.
    We all pray daily for your family and team. All the boys and men you help with the work you are all doing.

    • April 14, 2021

      What great news about Irakli!! I’m so happy to hear from you. ❤️

  975. Phyllis Hunsucker
    April 9, 2021

    I think my thoughts are awfully close to your thoughts! I had forgotten that your Addy and our Jaan are the same age, same class. He had been saying that he wanted to go to Bible college right here in Kherson, but then he all of a sudden switched to thinking of LCC in Lithuania. He’s signed up for SAT in Mykolaev next month, thinking about getting his first D visa (difficult with countries closed), residency, etc. I also have our oldest two registered with a USA homeschool so that they’ll get diplomas….

    • April 14, 2021

      Oh man, too bad we aren’t neighbors! So much to talk about 🙂

  976. April 16, 2021

    I love the one of Evie covering her mouth with her hands! So cute! And I love all the love in all of this. 🙂

  977. April 17, 2021

    You are doing a great job of responding to each child’s needs/desires/personalities. When people ask what kind of education my 6 kids had I say: if there’s an education approach, we used it! It depended on where we lived, the situation of the family/child/resources, etc. Praying for all to go well in each of their lives!

    • April 19, 2021

      Thank you so much! We are thankful we have the opportunity to make it personal for each kid.

  978. Mary Jill Callery
    June 10, 2021

    Sasha in the last photo, looks so much like Sasha in the first photo!!! Life being restored & peace & joy! You can already see the progress!!! Well done!!! Another beautiful life being rescued!!! ❤️😘

    • July 6, 2021

      Yes, he is so happy and coming alive!

  979. Stephanie Bacica
    June 10, 2021

    Beautiful and inspiring. God bless you all.

  980. Jonna
    June 26, 2021

    I have been in that same situation, but it was a house full of preschoolers and babies. Full grown man diaper blowouts are next level. Hats off to you for staying cool and calm and being able to laugh about it at the end!

  981. Teresa Moyer
    June 27, 2021

    I really enjoyed this one because I have worked in group homes for adults with disabilities for 35+ years. Oh the stories I could tell about when the power would go out. Electric life recliners stuck in the recline position and the man who is 6 ft 2 in has CP needs the bathroom. Took 3staff to get him out of the recliner to his wheelchair. Eclectic hospital beds in the wrong position to change diapers or dress people. Had to do if the hear is up too high LOL or the bed height is at the higest…getting them out to a wheelchair not too bad but needing to get them back into the bed? nope not happening. so your newsletter reminded me of the challenges faced when we care for the disabled who do not understand why things are not happening like usual LOL

  982. Cindy Johnson
    July 6, 2021

    My heart (and my eyes) are flooded as I read this update. I remember the early days when these champion pioneers would gather at your home, in a park, in the city, or anywhere for worship and time together. It is a masterpiece of the hand of God!
    You are a joy to my heart, Mom

  983. Janet Maxim
    July 6, 2021

    Thank you for introducing us to these wonderful people. I’ve been wondering who they are. It’s so awesome that your work has inspired so many to pursue the same good work!!

    • July 15, 2021

      ❤️❤️❤️ I’m so glad you could meet them!

  984. Galen Troyer
    July 6, 2021

    Very interesting, informative and Impressive!

    • July 15, 2021

      Thanks for your love and support. ❤️

  985. Teresa Moyer
    July 7, 2021

    Great to meet the team! You have been so blessed to have so many still with you from the very beginning!

    • July 15, 2021

      I know! We really are. God has done a great thing.

  986. Andrea
    July 9, 2021

    I so enjoyed this post. It’s so amazing to see the team that God has built around you and especially to see how many who started as young volunteers 5-6 years ago have had that seed planted and gone on to get their degrees and become part of your professional team. Truly incredible! (Are you still providing scholarships for these students?)

    God truly is changing a country thanks to your willingness to say yes ❤️

    • July 15, 2021

      Yes! It really is amazing how God set it all up for us. We couldn’t have planned it better if we tried. We provide scholarships as long as they are in school. Two are still studying, but the rest have already finished and are now employees.

  987. Jaime Lowe
    July 24, 2021

    I love your stories and journey Kim!! This is so my life right now too! May the Lord continue to lead, and guide each day. May His face shine before us like never before. May His favor be upon us. In Jesus name, Amen

  988. Denise Woods
    July 24, 2021

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing, and thank you ro Dima for coming alongside you with awesome help for Vlad’s independence!

    Happy 🎂 Birthday, 🥳 Vlad!

  989. Vonnie Bittner
    July 24, 2021

    I’m so proud of you Vlad-man! Kimber, my heart is soaring right now as I think of all the changes, and dreams being fulfilled! God is do good! Love you all! Miss you Vlad!

    • August 4, 2021

      We miss you tooooooooo!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  990. Victoria Dickinson
    July 24, 2021

    This is truly the Kingdom breaking in!
    All the restoration/healing/joy and love of God. Ztown needs this, thank you, Dima for letting this joybringer flourish💙 Way to go Jed for being bold and asking👊
    Happy Birthday, WORKER MAN boatloads of sweet blessing!
    Love, V-

  991. Kimberly Copple
    July 24, 2021

    Beautiful. What a testimony of redemption and Vlads fortitude! We love you!

    • August 4, 2021

      It really is a wonderful testimony. ❤️

  992. Teresa Moyer
    July 25, 2021

    This is so awesome!!!! So happy for Vlad!

  993. Dana L Ewer
    July 25, 2021

    Wow! What a blessing Dima is! Way to go Vlad!

    • August 4, 2021

      Yes, Dima is a great blessing. I would love to hear how your family is doing! Since we’re off social media I’m out of the loop. If you ever feel like emailing me I would love it! 😍

  994. Lisa
    July 25, 2021

    I love this so much! Continually praying for you all.

    • August 4, 2021

      Thank you so much for your prayers. We really do appreciate it and need it. ❤️

  995. Laura Powell
    July 28, 2021

    Happy birthday to Vlad, and I’m praising God with you for the miracle of employment! Thanks for writing!

  996. Shari Forsman
    September 18, 2021

    I have followed you for quite some time now. Your work has been on my prayer list for two years now. I’ll continue praying and most specifically for a new pair of workers. All my love to you!

    • September 22, 2021

      Wow, Shari! I am so thankful to hear that! Thank you so much for praying for all of us for so long. We appreciate that so much. It means a lot. ❤️

  997. Catherine Morris
    September 22, 2021

    What an amazing journey you have all been on and what beautiful men they are. Big love to you from India xoxox

  998. Corrie Kolbe
    October 3, 2021

    Stopped and prayed for you all!

  999. Jaime Lowe
    October 29, 2021

    Thank you Kim for this update. I too struggle with having a healthy balance between social media and my own reality. Having these social media outlets puts our attention on something “temporary.” I agree 100% with your decision and want to continue to be apart of Wide Awake however God provides. Your stories are always so full of the presence of God. Your perseverance in each day is admirable. Thank You Father for choosing Kim and Jed to help these precious souls!! May You Father continue to provide, in Jesus name, Amen.

    • November 5, 2021

      Thank you so much for this wonderful note!! You encouraged me today. ❤️

  1000. Taylor-Tots Mom
    October 29, 2021

    I pulled the plug on FB last December, despite launching a new business that needed advertisement and interaction. (I have stayed in the living room, but that’s it; no FB friends, no political drama, no dopamine hits, nothing.) I thought I had been a good steward of my time on social media, but it took getting off of it to see how disconnected I was with real life around me and how addictive those social media interactions can be.

    Like you, I would see a cute moment, think a profound thought, want to interact over tough questions, and wonder with whom I could share it (and how to say/display it). The way I interacted had been shaped by social media.

    It was a tiny bit lonely at first, but then I turned around and found my family again. My husband, children, students (online academy) were just waiting for me to be there for them, to share those cute moments, profound thoughts, tough questions, real life.

    My “friends” (some real, some situational, some not) are all gone, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I still only have two IRL friends, but they live hours away and we have to use texts and emails and honest-to-goodness letters to communicate. We have to work harder and truly make the effort to communicate.

    My world has shrunk since leaving FB, and it’s a good thing.

    As for you finding a way to interact more with supporters, maybe you could try an alternative social media platform that does not use algorithms and that folks check on when they want to (no dopamine hits)? MeWe does have groups and never sends notifications. You don’t have to have “friends.” But…it is social media (although a much, much less addictive type). Or maybe you could try creating a forum? Or maybe just stick with the blog for another year or so; give yourself time to breathe and set down even more roots in Ukraine.

    Whatever you do, know that we are here praying you on to further love and good deeds in our Lord Jesus. ❤️

    • November 5, 2021

      I love that reply! Thank you for sharing. I also feel like my world has shrunk, in a good way, since leaving social media. I’m not sure we were created to have such huge worlds. I know I don’t thrive that way, at least. Sounds like we are on the same page. 🙂

  1001. November 8, 2021

    I am so blessed by this post!
    I made the same decision early this year.
    It was actually harder than I expected and the truth is, it revealed to me areas of weakness I didn’t fully see in myself before.

    I can relate to wanting peoples admiration and applause and it sickened me to see it too.

    I still find myself every once in a while wanting to “share” something but now when I feel that, rather than just instantly posting something, I can contemplate – why do I w as by yo share this? What is the motivation? What does this reveal about my heart right now? What is a healthier alternative?

    It’s been so freeing!!
    I’m super proud of you and even as you’ve honestly shared your “whys” and insights, I see more of my own. Thank you!!
    Much love!!!
    Robin Sturm.

    • December 9, 2021

      Somehow I missed this! Hi Robin! I’m glad you’ve found it freeing too. Looking into my motivations was ewwwww. Not pretty. Miss you! I got the bearclaw recipe from Carli so I think I’m gonna give them a try!

  1002. Patti Fisher
    December 3, 2021

    Good morning Kimberly (well, it’s morning here in Oregon. Another good source (and free) is the “Oregon Digital Library Consortium”. You down load the “OverDrive” app and use it to store and read (or listen to) your books like you would the Kindle App. All you need is a current library card (from anywhere) and sounds like you have one. Use your current library card to register and start downloading. Some popular books you have to sign up on the waiting list for, but there are thousands of books. They have digital E-books as well as audio books. I love the Audio books for driving.

    Just thought I would pass this along.

    Love reading your reports and hearing about your life. Your family always amazes me. I keep you all in my prayers.

    Patti Fisher

    • December 9, 2021

      We do use that site- but I forgot they have audiobooks! Thank you for that reminder because we were missing an audiobook source!

  1003. Cindy Johnson
    December 3, 2021

    Kim, YOU bring me joy! Not what you do, but the you that is you. Finding joy in the simple things in your present moments is a gift that leads to contentment. You are a treasure to my heart.
    I love you, Cindy

    • December 9, 2021

      Awwww shucks. Love you too!

  1004. Teresa Moyer
    December 3, 2021

    On the eBooks…do you keep the books, or do you return them like a library? And the band you shared reminded me of the B-52’s LOL Fun to hear them. Thanks for sharing both the music and the eBook site.

  1005. Phyllis Hunsucker
    December 4, 2021

    Whoa. Are you and I the same person? Well, on three out of five, at least.

    I have been living on a Ukrainian version of that library site (, not sure if my conscience should be bothering me or not. Honestly, I didn’t want to look into whether the books were pirated or not.

    And teens: ours are 18, 16, 14–so close to yours–and the joy of my life.

    DakhaBrakha: my family has loved them for a while. Will and the girls traveled to a concert a few years ago, but I didn’t go. Then this spring they were here. Will and our friend in a wheelchair ended up with VIP seats right up under the stage. The kids and I were way out in the crowd. Jamala was actually the big name at the concert, but the fan response from my family when DakhaBrakha came out first had everyone around us staring. And I really enjoyed hearing them.

    As to your other two points, I zoomed in on the candle pic and found their site. Already thinking of ordering. But I don’t make bread.

    And snow… I love it! Today it’s falling thick and fast. Not sticking. The roads are absolute mush, but I am getting tons of joy out of sitting in my quiet (wow!!!) house and watching through the windows.

    • December 9, 2021

      Ha! Your comment made me laugh. I guess we do have a lot in common! Hey, if you ever do another Velvet Ashes Group let me know! I think it would be fun to be in a group together. One more thing we can have in common. 😆

  1006. Ardelis Matthews
    December 4, 2021

    Thank you for sharing your joys!!! It was so refreshing to see especially in light of the every day news here! My season in Russia is cherished with fond memories of the friends I made, wonderful experiences and times I spent in an orphanage teaching the kids how to make simple Christmas gifts which gave opportunity to share about Jesus. Have a blessed Christmas. 😊

    • December 9, 2021

      I’m so happy to hear from you! Merry Christmas. ❤️

  1007. Galen Troyer
    December 11, 2021

    Enjoyed the update on the boys!

  1008. Elizabeth Schroder
    December 12, 2021

    So glad to hear how they are all growing and thriving. Thank you for sharing!!! It sure fills my heart. 🤩❤️

    • January 5, 2022

      I’m glad. Yep, they are doing great.

  1009. Rebekah White
    December 20, 2021

    Loved reading this!!

  1010. Nathan Rodecap
    January 16, 2022

    This is great! I’ve just followed the podcast through my favorite app Blessings to your family, team, and boys!

    • January 21, 2022

      Hey hey hey! Hi Nathan! So good to hear from you. Just seeing your name made me smile! I hope you are well. 😊

  1011. Jaime Merkusheva
    January 16, 2022

    I am loving your podcasts Kim. I too share a love like you for those in Ukraine who are fatherless. It is so comforting to me to hear about this experience. I can relate so much. Looking forward to more!!

    • January 21, 2022

      Hi! Thank you so much for writing! It’s so good to look back and remember. ❤️ It’s nice to hear we share the same heart!

  1012. February 16, 2022

    Great update. I see a lot more anxiety in the missionary and expat community than from among my Ukrainian friends. I am interested, if you don’t mind sharing, what your plans are for a possible loss of internet or phone service? That’s been one of my greatest concerns.

    • February 18, 2022

      Yes, I will email you later today. If you don’t hear from me, please shoot me an email and remind me!

  1013. Jennifer Lunos Dennen
    February 16, 2022

    In the US, we are supposed to have a system of “train your neighbor” LOCAL militias, backed by your local sherif. Most people in other states, but not Texas, are not aware of this. I’m well trained, if tyranny were to come to my city. I would help train my neighbors, because we should meet weather disasters, tyranny, or any kind of tragedy as a community. That’s supposed to be the American standard operating procedure, states’ rights, and militia responsibility. Is Ukraine helping each other to defend their homes/Churches/businesses? I am a Texan, and we are the most armed people. So I am not always certain what is normal elsewhere, regarding regular folks and weapons, in that regard. I pray you don’t need to defend yourselves, but I can point to the Korean American, rooftop snipers, in the ’92 LA riots, and tell you their neighborhood militias left their community intact and businesses unharmed. Is that a sufficient defense against Russian troops? Nope. But it might could, as we say in Texas. God bless your beautiful, huge family. May the arch Angels guard you, the Holy Spirit cover you, Christ lead you, God bless you with wisdom, and our Holy Mother comfort you, as only a mother can. I love you truly. Please forgive any typos. My baby basset hound is going insane, and has the zoomies, racing over me, running around bonkers.

  1014. Jennifer Lunos Dennen
    February 16, 2022

    Knockout speech! Fantastic to address those in leadership and industry who have fled! Right on! I loved his speech, because I am a lover of LIBERTY. Please pray for those special needs orphans, with families ready to adopt, but can no longer bring home their children to America, as planned.

    • Kimber
      February 16, 2022

      Jennifer, Adoption from Ukraine by Americans has not stopped. Children will still be coming home. Yes, the US Embassy in Ukraine has closed but adoptions will continue. Families will go on to Poland to the US embassy for their visas like years ago.

    • February 18, 2022

      Yes, thankfully adoptions carry on, but I’m sure the parents who are traveling feel a lot of uncertainty. Adoption is already crazy enough- add a possible invasion and it makes it just a “tiny bit” more stressful! 😩 😉

  1015. Kimber Klopp
    February 16, 2022

    Jed, Kim, family & crew,
    We pray for all of your safety. Since you stated you feel peace I feel God has you in his loving arms and He has guided you all along.
    We love you all and are so thankful for you and what ya’all are doing. Hugs from our family.

    • February 18, 2022

      Thank you Kimber! Give Iraklii a squeeeeeze from us. ❤️

  1016. Laura Powell
    February 19, 2022

    I’d like to send a donation. Can you tell me how to find where to do that on this site? Praying for you all.

  1017. BECKI
    February 21, 2022

    Sending love and prayers your way Kim, Jed and crew. ♡

  1018. February 24, 2022

    Thinking of you all and praying for protection, peace, and abundant provision for your family, ministry, and all of Ukraine. We are committed to praying faithfully!

  1019. Dorothy Hawkins
    February 24, 2022

    I received your last email on Russia’s attack. I tried to send a reply but it failed. So I’m trying here. I will continue to send my love and prayers to you all. I miss and love you all. May God continue to protect you all. I miss and love you all very much.

  1020. Tonja Marie Myers
    February 25, 2022

    I am praying for God to intervene and stop this madness. I am praying for the safety of you and the whole country.

  1021. Stephanie Bacica
    February 25, 2022

    You are all in my prayers from here in California. You have been on my mind. I pray for your safety and for this nonsense to stop. God bless each of you.

  1022. Katrina Davis
    February 26, 2022

    Kim, I had breakfast this morning with Jill DeVries. We talked of you and your amazing family. I shared your blog with her. We are both praying for safety and for your family and your country of Ukraine. We are sad and upset about what is happening. And praising your peace and our God as He supplies your needs.our prayers will continue. Update when you can. Love, Katrina

    • March 15, 2022

      Awww I love Jill! Thank you so much for writing and for remembering us. ❤️❤️❤️

  1023. Minda Anderson
    February 26, 2022

    PRAISE THE LORD!!!! PLEASE let me know how I can help you and your precious family during this radical time. My family of eight in southern Maryland is praying for you!
    Minda M. Anderson

  1024. Nathan Rodecap
    March 2, 2022

    Jed and Kim,

    I’ve been praying earnestly for you, your family, boys, and staff/volunteers. The Holy Spirit brought this verse very clearly to mind and I believe it is for you in this moment: “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
    Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

    May the God of all power, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies be with you. He never slumbers or sleeps, He does not grow weary or become faint. He is the Lord Almighty. His eye is on the sparrow, and He watches over you.

    • March 15, 2022

      Thank you thank you thank you for this wonderful note. ❤️

  1025. Sharon Hultin
    March 15, 2022

    This morning I read psalm 37 and thought of you. Vs28 and 29
    For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake His faithful ones
    Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed and perish
    The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it
    Vs 34
    Hope in the Lord and keep his way
    He will exalt you to inherit the land

    • March 15, 2022

      Thank you for that. Many people have shared Psalm 37 with us, so I’m thinking God wants us to pay special attention there.

  1026. Phyllis Hunsucker
    March 15, 2022

    Yes. I’ve read a stream of refugee books over the past few years. I’ve felt very close to foreigners and immigrants and refugees for years (especially since being deported myself), but now I’m trying to dig deeper into what all this means.

  1027. Karen (Jo) Moseley
    March 15, 2022

    Dearest Kim (ooh, that aged me),

    I have never commented before, but you and your family, your large beautiful Chosen family, are now a part of mine. Actually, I don’t have a family that includes a spouse or children. I.have my precious Mama, who was recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and is in Home Hospice Care. The one person in my life that truly loved me because I was her daughter. I am 64 years old. You, along with pretty much everyone I meet, would not believe this.
    Truly, My God has Blessed me with a Spirit of Youth! 😉

    I have followed your journey from way back in your foster care/adoption days, to your early visits to UK. I have rejoiced as doors opened for you to permanently move your lives to living an EE country. Your obedience in walking through some of the scariest doors that He called you through has been a true witness of what Faith is. There have not been many times that you and Jed have wavered and I have been touched by the two of you have worked together to come to a place of agreement. I so believe that He has poured out so much goodness over Wide Awake International, due to the love that you have poured into caring for the most vulnerable.

    I do realize that I have written a lot today, and I hope that it brings a few moments of distraction from some of the pain that you are experiencing. I am praying for each of you. For a Spirit of Peace and calming effects for your Boys. I know that they are keen on seeing and feeling how and what the “Parents” and Staff are feeling and showing. Those are some big shoes to fill!

    I am specifically praying for you, Kim and Jed. Prayers for all that you need to minister to you children. So many different age’s and different levels and types of personalities. Give your little bug, Evie a hug for me. Her Barbie’s must give her a special place to deal with all of the changes that have occurred.

    I am BELIEVING that your Faith will be blessed and that beautiful things are coming to all that your hearts desire. The earthly Blessings may be different from what you see and want, but they will be good… they will be God.
    Sending much love to you all and continuing to be in prayer for you all.
    God Bless You! Jo

  1028. Sarah Daves
    March 15, 2022

    Thank you for sharing. I can’t imagine being a refugee and having to flee my country. However, I know that God’s hand is upon you all and those you serve. I know His hand is upon Ukraine and all who are caught in the path of war. I know He has and will deliver and provide and that He has already crushed the enemy. (((Hugs))) to you all. Is it okay if we share the video and your blog on Facebook?

  1029. jennifer waters
    March 16, 2022

    Your vlog is having me think deeper about things than I have. Very glad those of you that are in Germany are physically safe. I cannot imagine how difficult and torn it must feel. Keepin you all in my prayers

  1030. Sarah Schmid
    March 18, 2022

    We continue to pray for you, your family, Wide Awake and Ukraine. ❤️ Sending you love, hugs and many prayers.

  1031. Denise
    April 23, 2022

    I love the picture with the moon in it. Yes, it is peaceful! I hope and pray, along with all of you, that this nightmare will soon be over and you can return “home.”

    You have not been forgotten, by friends or God, and you are in our thoughts and prayers. Trusting that the mourning you’re experiencing will soon turn into gladness! (Jer. 31)

  1032. Karen Runkle
    April 23, 2022

    The depth of your hurt and sorrow amongst the joy you are harvesting is almost palpable. I also only read Ukrainian news regarding the war started by Russia so I’m not sure what our news is saying although hard hearts are not producers of grace and merciful help… so I can imagine. Sending love and prayers through Holy Spirit’s beautiful connection.

  1033. Hannah Crook
    April 23, 2022

    Kim, I don’t really have words, just so much prayer coming your way every single day. We haven’t forgotten Ukraine and and so many of us are praying constantly for you, Jed and the kids. ♥️🙏🏻🇺🇦 Your work is not small or insignificant, in fact it is the most important work. Love to all of you.

    Hannah & Eric

  1034. Gladys black
    April 23, 2022

    Kimberly my heart hurts for you and your family. I pray for peace and safety. Wondering what purpose? Destroying people who are innocent and just want to be at peace and home. I pray for Ukrain asking God to stop this cruel evil invasion and the man behind it all. I also pray for him to be delivered from control of satan. Lord give the Johnsons the stamina they all need surround them with love and grace. Stop this evil wickednesss in Jesus name I send hugs and love

  1035. Julie
    April 23, 2022

    My thoughts are prayers are with you and your family and the people of Ukraine.
    Remember that when you feel like you can’t communicate with God that others are standing in the gap on your behalf. It’s ok to feel the way you feel. It’s ok to long to be home and back to “normal”.

    I admire your honesty and your commitment to your family and your mission there.
    God loves you, we love you ❤

  1036. Luanne Beach
    April 23, 2022

    Kim, this came up in my memories on fb today. I hope it gives you some encouragement. Love you.
    I don’t know what valley you’re walking through today, but here’s one thing I do know: even when valleys last a long time, they are still temporary. It’s kind of like our valleys are post-it notes on the refrigerator. They seem permanent. They stick and stay for a long, long time. But, at the very moment when you want to remove that post-it note from the fridge door, it’s off! It seems permanent but in actuality, it’s temporary!

    So, if your valley is hard, ask God to give you grace to see your valleys through the lens of 2 Corinthians 4:17—temporary. Momentary. A blip on the radar. It will help you know that even what is so painful is not permanent in light of eternity.

    “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17).

  1037. JILL
    April 23, 2022

    Karen speaks my heart. Your burden is great and your joy is too. Thank you for still sharing with us so that we may help carry some of that burden. Mark Heard has a song called It will not be this way forever. Maybe it can bring some comfort today.

  1038. Steph
    April 23, 2022

    Sending you all a big hug. Prayers are being said every day for all of you. God bless you today and always.

  1039. M. Schmittou
    April 24, 2022

    I would like to say I’m so sorry, but that doesn’t seem like enough. There aren’t words to describe how I feel right now, and I know your emotions must be much, much bigger because you are living it. I know it doesn’t mean anything or help at all, but I think of you guys often. Ukraine is always in the back of my mind these days, and I have virtually no connection to it other than your family and the boys who have become part of it through love and understanding. There isn’t anything I can say to fix it. All I can do is hope, and send funds wherever I can to help. But throwing money at the problem won’t fix it, I know. I also don’t know what will, though. Know you have solidarity from your readers. We are rooting for you and your country that you love.

    Love from Michigan.

  1040. Laura
    April 24, 2022

    In Acts 27-28 Paul was in a shipwreck and landed in Malta. It wasn’t his destination but it was a comfort to land there and the people of Malta cared for all of them, in their distress. I thought of you today when I heard this.

  1041. Ima Jane Brown
    April 25, 2022

    Oh Kimberly, I wish I had some words of comfort for you but I’m afraid what I say doesn’t hold a candle to what is true and real for you. All I can say is sometimes we don’t know how God works for those in need but I know he is there and he is just a word away for those who ask. I can tell you for sure that you have so many family and friends that are praying for you. It may not feel like it when you are alone with your thoughts but we are there. We all Love you and pray for you all.
    Remember that God is Good.
    Love you Kimberly, Aunt Janie

  1042. June 9, 2022

    Praying for you and thinking about you all as you make these really tough, huge decisions!

  1043. Mariam
    June 9, 2022

    Praying for a clear direction for you both, Kim and Jed .
    Where Gods will leads we can be sure His Grace will follow.
    He will shield you within His Everlasting arms. You’re covered by Grace … we’ll cry out. together.
    Sam and Mariam

  1044. Stephanie Bacica
    June 9, 2022

    I will pray for you that God will help guide you while making the decision. You are so right about “just”. Life is never ever that simple. God please bless each and everyone of you today and always.

  1045. Heather McCormack
    June 9, 2022

    Praying with you as you make that decision. Always remember, “but God”. He has gone before you and will be faithful.

  1046. jennifer waters
    June 9, 2022

    So very difficult with pros and cons both ways. i trust you will make the decision that ends up being the right one for you, and all those you are responsible for.

  1047. Christina
    June 9, 2022

    I feel that way in our old churches too (Sweden), some of them more than a thousand years old. What haven’t they seen, what haven’t they heard? I wish you peace of mind as you make your decision, and God will be with you wherever you go.

  1048. Kathy
    June 9, 2022

    Thank you for sharing your heart Kim. Prayers for clear direction with everything you need provided.

  1049. Shelley Waia’u
    June 9, 2022

    Holy big wow….all I can do is pray as you either move forward miraculously confident & full of revelation or in fearful stumbling leaps of faith.
    I am confident either way, He will be by your side…holy big wow…..

    Ke Aha will pray on!

  1050. Kimber Klopp
    June 9, 2022

    We pray for you and with you on seeking what He would guide you to do.
    We pray for all of Ukraine and the people who love Ukraine. 🇺🇦
    We love your family and team.

  1051. June 10, 2022

    Praying big prayers with you that you will have clarity of vision and purpose. I can’t imagine how difficult these decisions feel. We want you safe, but we also want you to be able to return home. I would never have believed that the rest of the world would continue to stand by for so long and leave Ukraine to stand on her own. While we are still a step removed from the situation, it is the first time that I have personally known people who are being threatened and having their lives turned upside down and it makes me sad and angry that it feels like there is so little we can do to make an impact.

  1052. radams5722
    June 10, 2022

    I cannot fathom the decision you all have to make. And know it can’t be a “just”this or “just” that decision. I can’t imagine weighing a decision that could put you in danger or keep you in a place you know nothing about. It seems like it would also be hard making the decision when you have young men who cannot necessarily share their feelings with you on such a subject. I’m so happy you had a few days away. And I pray that the Lord makes your path so clear that their is no question as to what you all should do. ❤️

  1053. EMS
    June 10, 2022

    I echo the “eyes on Jesus” and “hearts set on Jesus”. As you pray and cry out to God, your kids will see your authentic relationship and this will show them their own way. A momma who follows Jesus in the highs and lows will always make the best choice and God, protector and provider, will take care of everything else. And oh how I pray with you that Jesus will come back and show the world who is actually on the throne!

  1054. Amanda
    June 10, 2022

    I am quite in your life but I do think of you so often. You were a part of my journey and you always will be. I will never forget the ice cream and laughs we shared in Zhytomyr or you visiting us in Kyiv once we had all of our children in tow. I always dreamed of visiting you on your homestead, imagining life there. I’ve honestly wanted to move to Ukraine since the moment we left it, and this war has not changed my heart but it has damaged it. I can’t say JUST do anything to you because you are right, it isn’t that simple, it never can be, and it never will be but I do hope and pray that your tomorrow, next week, and forever is filled with hope, laughter, safety, triumph, and courage. I hope you can move forward and away from fear. I hope that one day I can visit you on your homestead and bask in its fruitfulness and we can roll our eyes at this madness and chaos and just call it a horrid chapter in history. You have a huge heart and so much love. LoveMakesUsStronger.

  1055. Deb Durrant
    June 10, 2022

    Kimberly Psalms 23.
    If you look back, you will see one set of footprints, that is because Jesus has you and your family. In His arms.
    I pray everyday for your family, both here and there, and for Ukraine,
    Debby Durrant

  1056. Denise Woods
    June 10, 2022

    Knowing your heart and all you know and love is in a country being ravaged by war, yet your “homestead” is standing and ready to receive you, I trust you are at PEACE with the decisions you are hearing in your heart, soul and minds. Been praying for the Johnson Family, your adopted and fostered “boys”, and your staff. Whatever the decision, may you feel protected, and loved, and able to move forward. Stagnancy is no fun. It’s kind of what happened during Covid. Trusting the “boys'” needs are all met and they begin to once again FLOURISH.

  1057. June 10, 2022

    I am so sorry. Praying for y’all and Ukraine always.

  1058. June 10, 2022

    Praying for you, your family, and your ministry. It is just heartbreaking to see what is happening in yours and my “heart country.”

  1059. Tara Aricha
    June 10, 2022

    Praying for discernment and Peace. You are such an inspiration . Thanks for sharing . I appreciate your honesty and openness to share your challenges. Praying God’s Blessings.

  1060. teddybeargirl84
    June 10, 2022

    I have felt in my heart that old behaviors that were resurfacing in Bmo was a sign that you all need to go back home to the home stead. Back to a home environment not a communal living style that is too reminiscent of their old institutional lives even if it was safter and more loving. In the USA group homes went from 10 max to 7 max now most homes are 3-5 max as it gives them a more home like feeling rather than a mini-institution. When you shared that Boris had to go back on meds etc. my heart sank as the safe living in the church as a large group I felt was bringing back old memories of too many living in one space. Prayers for this very hard decision. I love your boys and family too.

  1061. Bruce Wilson
    June 10, 2022

    Prayers for much wisdom. As you know the safest place is in his arms. I pray you know that for your tribe.

  1062. June 10, 2022

    My prayer for you all is to hear the Holy Spirit with clarity and that He would give you a peace about your determination. A peace that just does not belong but exists anyway. I am also continuing to pray for God’s mercy and grace over the people of the Ukraine that have been assaulted by the broken evil of our world. May God oppose the proud and power hungry.

  1063. Denise Norby
    June 11, 2022

    Oh I cannot even fathom the decisions you are trying to make. I pray that whatever decision you make, I pray for your and your family’s peace and comfort and courage and strength. Hang in there. Like you, I cannot imagine this happening.

  1064. Ann M Wunsch
    June 12, 2022

    Thank you for not letting us forget what is happening and for so eloquently sharing your heart and soul. We need to keep hearing the cry for all of those who are in refuge not of their choice. Praying in that refuge that the love and protection and wisdom and joy of the Lord will encompass everyone of you around the world!

  1065. June 13, 2022

    I’ve been holding you all close in prayer, hoping the decision would become abundantly clear. I will continue to pray in this way, and once the decision is made, the prayers will follow accordingly. I know this situation is not a surprise to God, nor is your decision. I know He loves your family and your boys and your staff beyond measure. So I will continue to pray for that “abundantly clear” answer.

  1066. Julie R
    June 30, 2022

    🙏🏼 I will be storming the gates of heaven as your family and team travel

    • Mary Jill Callery
      June 30, 2022

      I have been watching daily for this update! I am so glad that the renewed attack on 6/25 has not deterred you! I feel not only peace in your decision but relief!!! Praying for a timely exit, smooth travels and joyful arrival! May God provide all you need for your return! Every blessing & prayers for all!!!

      • August 26, 2022

        Late reply, but thank you!!! Love your message 🙂

    • August 26, 2022

      Thank you for your prayers. Late reply, I know, but we are still thankful!

  1067. Bruce
    June 30, 2022

    We are praying for you !!!!!!

  1068. Jaime Lowe
    June 30, 2022

    I understand.. my boy, who I have been trying to adopt for 6 years is still in Ukraine too. I have offered to come help, but it is difficult to get in. If the Lord opened the door, for me to go, I would.

    Heavenly Father, I pray You will watch over Kim and Jed, and the group, as they transition home. Be their refuge and foundation. Protect each one. Give them strength and courage. May their return be multiplied in providing and helping so many. Lord, You are the Way Maker. I ask You make the perfect way for each one. Thank You Father for their obedience, and the unconditional love they show to so many. In Jesus name, Amen.

  1069. Ann Marie Bicknell
    June 30, 2022

    So thrilled that you’re going back! Will be praying for safety and transition and excited to hear all the continues back in Ukraine!

    • August 26, 2022

      I know I’m late to reply, but thank you for your continued prayer and support!

  1070. Sarah Schmid
    June 30, 2022

    We continue to pray for all of you. May God continue to give you all peace and strength as you continue on the path before you.

    • August 26, 2022

      Thank you so much Sarah! Thank you for continuing to pray. It means a lot to us.

  1071. Dara Buczynsky
    June 30, 2022

    This seems so ‘right’ in the midst of a world gone so wrong. I am praying with you and for you as you go home. I love the thought that ‘Our goal
    In life isn’t just to stay alive’. A good goal 😂 but as Christian’s, not THE goal (easy for me to say sitting safely in my home in America, I know).
    God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you PEACE.

    • August 26, 2022

      I know I’m late, but thank you for that message. It was super encouraging.

  1072. June 30, 2022

    Cheering you on and sending prayers from here in Stayton, Oregon. As a momma, you go where your kids need you – no questions asked. I understand that and support your decision.

    • August 26, 2022

      A little late for the reply, but thank you so much for that wonderful encouragement!

  1073. Robert Johnson
    July 6, 2022

    I have been praying for you and I believe this is the right decision. Life is so much fuller when you walk in His call. We continue to pray proud of you.

    • August 26, 2022

      Thank you for that encouragement! I read it earlier but forgot to reply. We love you.

  1074. Katrina Davis
    August 20, 2022

    Kim and Jeb – My heart hurts to read your entry today. You are such faithful warriors. I will continue to pray daily for your family, your decisions and the future of Ukraine. And specifically decisions on schooling your children. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. You are making a difference in this world. Katrina D.

    • August 26, 2022

      Thank you Katrina! Thank you for continuing to pray and for that wonderful encouragement. We are so thankful.

  1075. S. Waia’u
    August 20, 2022

    Those of us so far away must & will fight to push through our own distractions and ills….push it aside now,
    with the help of God, in order that we can pray for you all and for Ukraine and not forget. I must not forget.
    Praying for that chosen piece of land, your kids, your beautiful boys, your people, your minds under such duress, your village, your beloved animals…
    Thank you Kim for writing and keeping us awake….you shouldn’t have to but you do and it helps us remember and order our cares truthfully.
    Much aloha and prayers from another side of the earth❤️

    • August 26, 2022

      Thank you, dear Shelley! We love you.

  1076. Teresa Moyer
    August 21, 2022

    I will never forget Ukraine and the beautiful work you do there for those boys. The picture you shared of Western Ukraine does look like Oregon. I live in the Willamette valley in Oregon.

    • August 26, 2022

      Thank you for remembering! Oregon is more beautiful, but I think Oregon is the most beautiful place ever so…. haha

  1077. Rose Egan
    August 23, 2022

    When you say “How can this be happening” I think…yes. “How”. You are doing the work of Jesus and He alone can make a way where there seems to be no way. Our hearts and prayers are with you, your family, your boys and all those you extend your lives to protect, educate, love and nurture. May Jesus be so real to you today and May God save Ukraine from this evil. His Will be done, His Kingdom Come in Ukraine and in this entire World. Come Lord Jesus!

    • August 26, 2022

      Yes! Amen to all of that. It’s a crazy time. But, we are not alone. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.

  1078. Cat
    September 17, 2022

    So happy for you, the team and especially the young men at Romaniv. Just sitting with our three little ones and you’ve put into words why sitting here is such a privilege and a gift x praying as always, love Cat

    • September 19, 2022

      Thank you for always praying. We love you!

  1079. Linda Caldwell
    October 4, 2022

    Thanks for the recipes I loved Borscht, I ate it while in Lithauania

    • October 5, 2022

      I wonder how different the borscht is in Lithuania? You’ll have to let me know!

  1080. October 4, 2022

    This is such a neat post. I can’t wait to try some of these. Praying for y’all and Ukraine.

    • October 5, 2022

      Thank you! I hope you do give them a try!

  1081. Tammie J Frye
    October 5, 2022

    Thank you SO much for the recipes!! I can’t wait to try something new with my Ukrainian daughter!!!

    • October 5, 2022

      Ooooh I bet she will be over the moon. Vlad is staying with my parents right now and I know he misses Ukrainian food a lot. It’s so comforting to have a familiar taste. 🙂

      • Jennifer Willis
        October 10, 2022

        They should visit Privyet European Market in Salem to stock up on some goodies!! It’s a sweet little store – and I love going in there to get stuff. (Just stopped the other day for pelmeni)

  1082. Amanda LeMaire
    October 13, 2022

    Thanks for sharing these Kim! I am excited to try.

  1083. Shari L Forsman
    December 9, 2022

    My prayers continue for your land, work, boys and workers involved in your endeavor. God is able and come Lord Jesus!

  1084. December 15, 2022

    This is a great posst thanks

  1085. Annette
    December 17, 2022

    I will continue to pray as God leads me and all of you. You are in his palm and yes we have Hope in him our Rock!

  1086. December 29, 2022

    What an awesome update! Thank you Kim! I love looking into your boys’ eyes. I truly feel like I “know” them and I deeply appreciate your specific prayer requests for the. Peace (from war and deep within) and blessings to you all in the new year!

    • December 30, 2022

      Thank you so much for loving the boys and for praying for them all these years!

  1087. Hultin
    December 29, 2022

    This was a great update! It made me much more knowledgeable of the boys and I like that you give us “ how to pray”. It’s going to be exciting to see how much God grows them!

    • December 30, 2022

      Thank you for praying for our boys!

  1088. Denise Woods
    December 30, 2022

    I’ve LOVED these two updates! Incredible! Way to go, God, the Johnson Family and team! 🙌

  1089. December 30, 2022

    Wow, the word “miracle” keeps popping to mind. Praise our God for healing and restoring, even if it’s not on our preferred timeline!

  1090. Steph
    December 31, 2022

    Amazing to see Gods work through your beautiful family. Praying for you all in Los Angeles California.

    • Katrina
      December 31, 2022

      Thank you Kim and your entire working family for the love and energy you put into the lives of your boys. You are all a blessing and inspiration in this work. Praise God for your steadfastness and joy.

  1091. January 2, 2023

    The change in Vova is apparent in his photos too! Yay God and caring doctor and Kim and team!! Love these updates!

    • March 13, 2023

      Yes, Vova is looking soooooo good!

  1092. February 24, 2023

    Beautiful! Standing with you in prayer and remembering Ukraine always.

  1093. Rachel Hiraldo
    February 24, 2023

    Thanks for sharing Kim. Praying for the ongoing momentum to keep putting one foot in front of the other!!

  1094. March 10, 2023

    Have you contacted any Shriner’s Hospitals in the States about Ruslan’s foot? They did a couple of foot operations on my nephew when he was a child.

    • March 13, 2023

      Hi! Yes, our Vlad has had a couple operations at Shriners and they were wonderful. Unfortunately, they only treat children.

  1095. March 10, 2023

    There’s a patient referral form on a general Shriner’s Hospital website,

    • March 13, 2023

      Hi, thank you! Yes, we know Shriners, but unfortunately, they only treat children.

  1096. Jo
    March 10, 2023

    Many Polish children with clubfoot was successfully operated by dr Christof Radler in Vienna, Austria. You can also try to consult with Paley European Institute in Warsaw, they are making wonders.

    • March 13, 2023

      Thank you so much for these ideas! I hadn’t heard about these places or doctors before. I emailed them over the weekend. Hopefully I’ll hear something back soon!

  1097. Ann M Wunsch
    March 12, 2023

    The Shriner’s hospital popped into my head, but I have no idea if they would have a solution, but I know they do wonderful things for many “kids”.

  1098. Alex
    March 16, 2023

    I wish I could suggest something more helpful, but might it be possible to try getting Ruslan to use crutches? I’m just thinking if he’s able to distribute his weight over the crutches it might help take some of the strain off his back and hips and make it easier for him to get around.

    • March 17, 2023

      Thank you for your caring reply. I don’t think crutches for life would work for him, unfortunately. But we will keep searching for the right solution!

  1099. Julie
    March 17, 2023

    Yay!! What a beautiful story!! Our God is so amazing and creative! I found my half-siblings just 4 years ago, when I was 48, and it’s been such a blessing. I’m so happy for Yarik & Vlada! ❤️

    • April 13, 2023

      Ooooh then you know how wonderful it is! I’m happy for you too!

  1100. March 17, 2023

    OH MY WORD. GOD IS SO GOOD! Sitting here sobbing and rejoicing with you.

    • April 13, 2023

      I KNOW! It’s just really precious and surprising and wonderful.

  1101. Therese
    March 17, 2023

    Absolutely love the way God moves and restores what was lost <3 thanks for sharing!

    • April 13, 2023

      Yes! He loves our boys so much.

  1102. Victoria Dickinson
    March 17, 2023

    Totally the best story!,,,Only God knew that before the papers were burned they had precious information and truth. 💞

    • April 13, 2023

      Yes! God doesn’t miss a detail.

  1103. March 17, 2023

    what a BEAUTIFUL story to start my day!
    what a reminder that God is so big and His plans are so perfectly intertwined and that He is about redemption and love and family and hope and miracles and surprises and NOTHING with our great God is a coincidence!!!

    • April 13, 2023

      Yes! He is doing things behind the scenes and we don’t realize it or remember. It’s just crazy good!

  1104. Janet Johnson
    March 17, 2023

    What an amazing story!! I have tears in my eyes!!! 💕💕💕Thank you for sharing it with us! You oughta have your Board contact someone and make a movie!!!

    • April 13, 2023

      I know!! It’s a story for the big screen 🙂

  1105. Stephanie Bacica
    March 17, 2023

    This is incredibly awesome. Our God is an awesome God for sure. The smile on their faces is a perfect gift. God bless you all.

  1106. March 17, 2023

    I feel like I (or someone bigger) needs to write about this! How awesome!

    • April 13, 2023

      It’s definitely story-worthy. It’s so good!

  1107. Christina
    March 17, 2023

    Such an amazing story! Just wonderful!

  1108. Kathy Ellis
    March 17, 2023

    As the song proclaims, our God is an awesome God. Praise His Holy name.

  1109. Christina Lindseth
    March 17, 2023

    Wow- this made me cry! What a loss for every member of the family when children are split up and institutionalized, but God is the great redeemer!

    • April 13, 2023

      Yes he is! Crazy that he was doing that and we weren’t even aware. It’s so great.

  1110. March 17, 2023

    That’s crazy amazing! So beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I love the work you’re doing.

    • April 13, 2023

      Thank you so much for the encouragement.

  1111. SaraAnn
    March 17, 2023

    Wow. Tears rolling for this sweet reunion. Thanks for taking time to share this beautiful story! God is so good!

    • April 13, 2023

      Yes, He is. He really surprised us this time.

  1112. Dianne
    March 17, 2023

    Oh my gosh, what a fantastic story.

    • April 13, 2023

      I KNOW. It’s just the best!

  1113. Margaret
    March 17, 2023

    Fantastic! What a blessing from God for both of them!

    • April 13, 2023

      It really is. Yarik’s sister really loves him. You can see it.

    March 17, 2023

    So so wonderful. God is Good. Continuing in prayer for all of you, the boys, and all of Ukraine.

    • April 13, 2023

      Thank you so much for remembering us and for praying.

  1115. Angelina
    March 18, 2023

    This is awesome!!!!
    So beautiful!!!!
    You can definitely make a movie out of this story.
    I am crying here reading it!!!! Wow!!!! 🥰😭

    • April 13, 2023

      I know! It’s movie material for sure!

  1116. Diane Dahlin
    March 19, 2023

    Thank you for sharing this heartfelt story. God is always at work and when he shows us it is truly amazing.

    • April 13, 2023

      It’s true. We can forget all he is doing that we don’t see. This was a great reminder.

  1117. Vanessa Katzenberger
    March 19, 2023

    So beautiful and powerful because it’s true! What an amazing gift for Yarik!

  1118. March 20, 2023

    WOW!!!! God’s love!!

    • April 13, 2023

      I know! Sometimes I underestimate God’s love for our boys.

  1119. Luanne K Hamilton
    March 20, 2023

    Have you contacted Joni and Friends? (Joni Earekson Tada). I will also share this post with a friend who is a podiatry nurse in Portland
    Thank you for your amazing ministry,!

  1120. Angelia Nachtwey Squires
    March 20, 2023

    I’ve heard Dr. Dobbs in Palm Springs, is *THE* best of the best with club feet type orthopedic issues (in the U.S. at least). I’m not familiar with what type of ‘pro bono’ work he might be willing to do, but I seem to recall a friend of mine being able to just send him pictures via email or Facebook and he replied remarkably fast with his take on the situation (she had seen a zillion different doctors with her son and all hope was lost until Dr. Dobbs stepped in) – it might be worthwhile to at least try, to know what options he would suggest?

    • April 13, 2023

      Thank you so much for this idea! I’m looking into it today.

  1121. Brigid
    March 20, 2023

    What a beautiful story, thank you for sharing with us! Praying for an end to the war and safety for you all.

    • April 13, 2023

      Thank you so much for your continued prayers. 🙂

  1122. KJ
    March 25, 2023

    It appears that he would most likely need some sort of surgery to release the tendons in his foot and ankle/leg in order to allow the foot to sit in a more natural position. I’m not sure what his bones look like but sometimes they will break and rearrange the bones if they have fused in a poor position or alignment as well. I think he’d need to see a highly qualified ankle and leg orthopedic surgeon; ideally one who’s worked with people with high tone/ cp/ spasticity. Then an AFO or other orthotic would probably be recommend to help maintain the position and assist with walking.

  1123. Luanne K Hamilton
    March 29, 2023

    I’m not sure if this thought reached you, but I’m wondering if Joni and Friends would have ideas for resources. Praying for Ruslan and for you as you seek guidance!

    • April 13, 2023

      That is actually a really great idea. Thank you for that!

  1124. Shari
    March 31, 2023

    This is crazy good. God knew just the right time.

  1125. April 16, 2023


  1126. Emily Biesesemeyer
    April 17, 2023

    Jed and Kimberly, I so love the beautiful smiles on their faces! It is evident of the love and care that GOD has provided through all that you and your team do! I am in tears reading this and seeing the joy on their beautiful faces. Thank you so very much for all that you gave up to be where you are at serving and being obedient to what GOD has put on your hearts to fulfill! You are changing lives!!!

    • May 10, 2023

      Awww it’s so great to hear from you! Thank you for that kind, encouraging note. They are a big gift to us!

  1127. Elizabeth Schroder
    April 21, 2023

    Ahhhhhh!!! I’m so excited and happy for you! I’m sure it will be a challenging adventure, and at the same time what an enormous gift. I hope it will help Ruslan in big ways long term. 💞

  1128. Angelina
    April 21, 2023

    Love this update!!!!
    We are thrilled for Ruslan!!!!!
    God works in amazing ways and we are rejoicing in thank opportunity!!!!’ 🙌

  1129. Shari L Forsman
    April 21, 2023

    I’m so excited for Ruslan and you folks. I live in Oregon so I’ll think of ways I can help besides prayer.

  1130. Denise Woods
    April 21, 2023

    So happy to have made a connection in Romania for you to do advance stuff there. I’m contacting a family member from Santa Cruz and sending your email request to them. 🙂

  1131. Shelley Waia’u
    April 21, 2023

    Praying you the Lord continues to bless you all with provision and favor. I don’t think I know anyone in that area but will pray!!!!

  1132. April 22, 2023

    Yay, this is incredible!

  1133. Janet Maxim
    June 4, 2023

    The progress of each guy in your care is miraculous and so God-awesome to watch. I see how your faith works out in love and such grace…and their growth.

  1134. September 30, 2023

    Kim, this is so exciting! I have loved reading about your homesteading adventures and following along as your family cares for these young men. I feel a sort of special love for Ukraine after living in L’viv for a summer. Can’t wait to hear how you continue to learn and care for the boys from the inside out! Praying for peace in Ukraine and joy in your homestead!

    • Kim
      September 30, 2023

      Thank you, Heather! We love Lviv, by the way. 🙂

    • jennifer waters
      September 30, 2023

      What great news and such a gift for your boys

  1135. October 3, 2023

    Yay for the new website! I like it! 🙂 I’m excited to work through aaaalll the archives, and am glad to learn that I am not the only one who is sometimes “in the mood for a Wide Awake deep dive”, haha.

    • Kim
      October 27, 2023

      Yay! I hope you enjoy it. It’s still a work in progress, so if you run into any issues, let me know!

      • October 27, 2023

        It’s working great! I’m in the early Ukraine days of your blog and loving it. 🙂 So fun to see how it all began!

  1136. Shelley
    December 27, 2023

    So good to hear how things are going! Again, I declare that you haven’t been forgotten in our prayers! We keep our eye on the news always watching to see how things are panning out for the Ukraine. Continued prayers for peace and for a blanket of protection over the homestead and your village. Inspiring to see you all moving forward in faith always knowing that things are stressful and tense in the world around you. So thankful you have a community of support and love around you near and far. We pray every Sunday for you at Ke Aha.
    We, as I probably said before, have taken our own small leap of faith and moved out of a wonderful situation building wise for Ke Aha and are on an adventure. Thankfully, we have been allowed to stay in the little building we’ve been meeting in since November. We thought they wanted us out by January but now they say we can stay longer. We are greatly relieved!
    Kaleo and I are getting older and we’re a bit tired but still up for a challenge!
    Anyway, greetings from Maui and remember that you are important to us and on our radar. Aloha!!❤️👏🏻🕊️

    • Kim
      January 6, 2024

      Hi! Thank you so much for writing. Thank you for remembering us. Miss you all!

  1137. Sandra
    January 3, 2024

    Happy Christmas (i know it’s really belated) and a Blessed 2024. Thank you for the wonderful reminder that God has promised to be with us, no matter what.
    Praying for the Lord to continue to provide for you, your family, the boys, your team and their families. These are such turbulent times. We stand with you in prayer for God’s grace, mercy and love to shine brightly, bringing hope where there is little or none.

    • Kim
      January 6, 2024

      Hi Sandra! Thank you for the note. I got your email too. Our kids are growing up! Crazy times. So happy to hear from you and I look forward to a day when we can see each other again!!

  1138. Diane Cori Glassey
    January 20, 2024

    My heart and prayers are with you as you travel this journey- I love it that you keep your goals before you at every step-
    Everyone is worthy of Dignity, Love, and Hope
    We all need to start every day with that mantra
    Give Ruslan an extra hug for me.
    Love- Diane Cori

    • Kim
      February 23, 2024

      I passed on your hello to Rus!

  1139. Crystal
    January 20, 2024

    Good stuff, Jed. I have struggled with this myself, and I only have one with major special needs to deal with! Thanks for the reminder.

  1140. Rebecca Lafolette
    January 23, 2024

    I love your updates, not only hearing about the day to day, but about continuing to share your vision & how you think through how you’re going to get there. I see how challenging (& overwhelming) your task is & pray for you all regularly.

    • Kim
      February 23, 2024

      Thank you so much Rebecca!

  1141. Rebekah White
    February 1, 2024

    Yes: thank you for this reminder!! It is so important to truly loving our friends with special needs.

  1142. Shelley Waiau
    February 16, 2024

    “I’ve done all this work to get him out of an institution and then I re-institutionalize him with my heart.”

    Oh man, that’s good good wisdom!

    Thank you!!!

  1143. Shelley
    March 2, 2024

    I applaud Ruslan!! I am nervous around horses so Im impressed! Just amazing what can happen when God’s love and human love work patiently together for the benefit of your guys!
    What a gift God provided for you all…a physical therapist Ruslan loves!

    • Kim
      March 15, 2024

      Yes! God provided just the right person when we had little hope of finding anyone! Ruslan has come a long way for sure.

  1144. Crystal
    April 23, 2024

    I’m so jealous! Welcome to the world, Sioux.

    • Kim
      April 30, 2024

      Thanks! Yeah, it’s so fun. I had no idea I was a horse person! Who knew?

  1145. Heather
    May 2, 2024

    Not me over here crying! 😭 What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. The way you honor these young men while also giving a candid picture of the ups and downs of life is really beautiful. I’m so thankful for your work to bring dignity to these boys and men in Ukraine!

  1146. Shelley Waiau
    May 5, 2024

    Loved reading this. Full of hope and such a genuine example of your ministry of compassion and mercy. Will share!

  1147. Linda Caldwell
    June 19, 2024

    Thanks so much it makes my heart feel so good to see what you are accomplishing… God Bless !!


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